Mount and Blade: The miniature Skirmish Gane

  • Thread starter The11yearoldgeneral
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Has anyone ever though of a miniatures game under the mount and blades license? It's a pretty cool idea. Being able to command units in the world of Calradia. You would probably want to expand the troop trees( only six units in kergit army wouldn't be all that too exciting) bit this is a very early idea. Please post ideas below.
Peace!!! :grin:
The11yearoldgeneral said:
does anybody have ideas for minis.Maybe sites or custom conversions!!??

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It would probably be best if you came up with a fleshed out and viable idea for a game instead of endlessly speculating, before posting again. When you have a viable idea, please feel free to create a new thread explaining the rules of the game and a general overview in the Fun Stuff forum, as the Website and Community forum is not for playing games.

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