Looking for a scrim right now? Post here!

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This is a pretty simple idea. I don't know if/why nobody did it before but now I'm doing it and I'm really important so you should all listen.

OK, so you can just post here if you want a scrim right now. This is not if you want to plan something in the future. It's for teams that are ready and looking for an opponent right away. You should also have a server arranged that you can use before you post.

Here is a template:

Team Name:
Server Location:
Team Size:
Contact Details:

You can add more stuff. You don't need to use that template.

Only posts from teams looking for scrims immediately are allowed. Responses, comments etc. should all be handled via the contact details provided or PMs.

If you mess up and break the above rule, you get a little slap on the wrist.
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