2.55 moddb?

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You don't need to subscribe in order to download mods from Nexus.  The difference between a free account and a premium one is fairly minimal in speed.  Monnikje was the only one who had editing rights on the moddb site which is why it wasn't uploaded there.
File size is only about 1 GB too. Even if you're only downloading at 500 KB/sec it only takes less than an hour to download it. Go watch TV or grab a snack or something. It'll be done when you get back.

And if you're not downloading at at least 500 KB/sec, you might not be getting the most out of your connection somehow. I got a cheap 5mbps connection and I easily go at 525 KB/sec, which is my maximum speed, from Nexus on a free account. The only times I don't get that much is during western hemisphere peak hours, where it can drop down a bit. I have a lot of friends there who get way more than that with their faster connections on a free account too.

If you have a really slow connection just leave it downloading overnight or something.
Hanakoganei said:
File size is only about 1 GB too. Even if you're only downloading at 500 KB/sec it only takes less than an hour to download it. Go watch TV or grab a snack or something. It'll be done when you get back.

And if you're not downloading at at least 500 KB/sec, you might not be getting the most out of your connection somehow. I got a cheap 5mbps connection and I easily go at 525 KB/sec, which is my maximum speed, from Nexus on a free account. The only times I don't get that much is during western hemisphere peak hours, where it can drop down a bit. I have a lot of friends there who get way more than that with their faster connections on a free account too.

If you have a really slow connection just leave it downloading overnight or something.

Uhm.. I download mod db at 10 mbs and free nexus around 126...

Not the 500+ your speaking off
I also have a 120/8 mbit line
Try downloading when not on "peak hours". Too many people downloading mods during them western hemisphere peak hours. I live in Asia. I download when most of the west is asleep.

Nexus is upgrading to cloud drives soon. Should solve that problem eventually.
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