Improve your bloody grammar!

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FrisianDude said:
Teofish said:
I can agree with the essence behind your sentiment. But mother of Odin did you word it like a douche.
the dude who uses 'mother of Odin' as a phrase is not the dude who gets to call other people douches for how they say things. :razz:
How is trying to spice up my posts with unorthodox phrasings douchey?
Jesus jumping Christ, you people can't start a single thread without one guy, about three posts in, defecating diagonally across the entire thing and four dudes lining up to tell him he should've laid his poo the other way or that his turd is 17% off-color and suggesting a new fiber-tastic diet for him. ****.
Seff said:
Jesus jumping Christ, you people can't start a single thread without one guy, about three posts in, defecating diagonally across the entire thing and four dudes lining up to tell him he should've laid his poo the other way or that his turd is 17% off-color and suggesting a new fiber-tastic diet for him. ****.
Austupaio said:
Also, I don't agree with your use of the ellipses here.

Yes! . . . . . . . . . . Well. . . . you can't.

"Yes!" ... "Well, you can't."

Perhaps that would be an improvement. :razz:

Proper use the ellipses . . . always three dots with exactly one space between each dot and the letters. No other proper way to use ellipses exists in the Queen's English.

Docm30 said:
I said that because he specifically stated it's not important to learn to write properly and that his English is good enough. It's not.

I understand English is a difficult language to learn, and I don't criticise people for not yet having fluency. It was his stating that his English isn't a problem that bothered me.

Maybe before jumping down my throat, you should actually try to consider why I said what I said. That shouldn't be difficult; the context was clear.

Excellent use of the semi-colon! Well done old chap!

Teofish said:
I can agree with the essence behind your sentiment. But mother of Odin did you word it like a douche.

The second sentence is technically okay, but use of the infinitive form of do is a bit problematic. A somewhat less 'odd' construction would be:

"But mother of Odin, {note comma} you came off like a douche."

Bluehawk said:
Poor English is better than bad English, I always says.

Aye! And there is only one thing better than long legs wrapped around you . . . short legs trying!

Amontadillo said:
Watching thread.

I am watching this thread.

Alternatively: I will watch this thread. I intend to watch this thread. Watching this thread will be fun. Watching this thread is something I intend to do. I will be watching this thread., etc.
Anthropoid said:
Aye! And there is only one thing better than long legs wrapped around you . . . short legs trying!

Or as a pulp fiction private detective might have said - "She had the kind of legs I like, feet on the bottom and ***** on the top."
The twist ran with highblinders and I'd be damned if she wasn't hinky as hell, but this old Seamus falls dizzy faster than a roundheels in the ring. "Easy with the gams, toots, I got a bum pump, and I ain't talkin' 'bout an enema." One look from those old chimney sweepers and I damn near fogged right in my diapers. She had the bulge alright. No two ways around it.
I just want to know why "I'll see you tonight" actually means "I'll see you this evening".
Apparently tonight is never night.

And why no word for the time between morning and noon? It's all morning until noon/midday.
If 6.00 a.m. is morning, then it's morning for 6 hours.
Adorno said:
I just want to know why "I'll see you tonight" actually means "I'll see you this evening".
Apparently tonight is never night.

And why no word for the time between morning and noon? It's all morning until noon/midday.
If 6.00 a.m. is morning, then it's morning for 6 hours.

There's a bit of colloquial overlap when it comes to evening and night. Evening is generally used when talking a few hours after sunset, whereas night is when it's completely dark.
My grammar is gooder.
I know it's getting old, but it's the first time I see a thread of this sort.

Also, I've got a question: is it "Ukraine" or "the Ukraine"? As far as I remember, the second variant is plausible, but most people around here seem to ommit the "the".
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