Any who THINKS They are getting a corrupted download, read this.

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Please Note that this is out of my own personal experience!

Some people may think they have gotten a corrupted download, because when they start up the game on the loading screen it says something along the lines of, "Cannont run Fullinvasion2/Resources/can be multiple things"
So some people just call it a day at that, or people like me research into a little bit and find that it might be a corrupted download. After much trial and error I found out it was NOT A corrupted download!

What it actually is, it's really what you used to extract it with, for example, Winrar, 7-zip, etc. For some reason they don't extract a few of the .brf files in the resources folder, so what worked for me is to try a different extractor. So say if your using winzip, try 7-zip vice versa.

I hope this helps! I don't know how many people experience this problem but if there is any people that do that looks it this I hope it helps!
(pretty sure this in the right place to post this right?)
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