Imperium Romanum (Roman Empire EU Clan)

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What past mount and blade experience have you had?: 1325+ hours on Warband, for 2 years I have been running 126th Regiment of Foot on Napoleonic Wars, on Mount and Gladius back in 2012 I commanded the VI Legion of the I Cohort, we also did some things on Rome at War. I was Baron, commander of the infantry and multiple times elected Marshal of the House of Vendetta back when Nexus started on PW, when they broke up I commanded the original House Stark on Nexus and thus caused the conflict between the North (now renamed to House Stark) and the Lannisters. I then moved to Avalon PW where, until Avalon died, I led House Longsword. I was in many regiments on NW before the 126th such as the 88th, 33rd and 57th (and more). I recently started playing Roma Oritur and hope to join the Roman Empire to enhance my skills with a gladius, expand the empire and enjoy myself. May I note, I understand the politics behind the Persistent mods having been in high positions in some of the most influential clans and I also know how to fight. Just to sweeten the application :wink:.
What is your current in game name?: Marcellus_Cladius_Skippius
What latin name will you use?: Marcellus
Have you got TS3?: Yes
Steam name?: [126th] Skipper
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