Native Event Multi Clan Sign Ups- Saturday: Hosted by wenfire

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The Legendary Battle's
Hosted by Wenfire

Hello everyone!

Its Lord_Milkman_of_Wenfire here to tell any clan that Wenfire will be hosting event's every Saturday at 7 PM Est (In America) and welcomes any clan to come. I dont know if any EU clans will come due to the time that is there.

Server's, Time's, Clan's that Wenfire wants to come!

The time will be at 7 PM Est Standard Time in America.

The server that it will be hosted on will be US_WF_DM.
The other possibilaty for the server will be on US_Wenfire.

Wenfire would be honored to have any clan come, but would be completely honored to have GK, SJC, TMW, wK, and Wappaw to come. If they do decide to come, it will once again be a great honor.


We would like to use the rules something a little like UNAC rules.

1. The server will not have Khergits as one of the factions for this event.

2. Infantry, Archers, and 1 Cav clan are allowed.

3. No cheating, glitching, or excessive language in chat. (Please keep that inside your Teamspeak)

4. There will be best 2/3 for 2 maps.

5. Your clan must have at least 4 active members that can stay the whole event, if not, your clan must leave or we will kick you from the server.

6. Continuos cheating or disruptive actions in many events will resault in a PERMANENT ban from the event.

How to sign up your clan

Clan name=

Amount of members participating=

Preffered Faction=


Leaders Steam Name=

Thanks and have a great Week!

PoN would like to be apart of this. but yet again as i Posted on your Siege event page you might want to set two factions for each week. and also not hold this event the same day as your siege event might want to hold this one like on a weekday or something.
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