I'm New Here in the Forum,but I'm Old There in the Napoleonic Wars!

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:grin:I'm so glad to be here!Okay,now let me show you what my life in the Napoleonic Wars is :smile:I'm glad that you can read it all ,because I'm a noob here in the forum :grin:
    I'm a Chinese,and I've been playing in the Napoleonic Wars for over 6 months.I first joined a Regiment which is called 6thBrg(A Scotish Reg).There's a story about my joining the regiment,one afternoon in China,when I was playing in a Deathmatch server where there were few players but too many bots,then I helped the only other player to fight with the bots.But there were too many bots,nearly 100 :shock:and we two fought them hardly.There was a time his gun was out of bullet,then I gave all my bullets to him.Finally,his gun was out of bullet again,then he said"Remember me as a hero",then he jumped from the flying boat I was rowing to the ground to end his life :sad:We played together for a long time,and he invite me to the TeamSpeak server to have a talk,by the way,he's a German boy who is 14 years old,younger than me for 5 years.Then he told his Major to invite me to join their Reg, at that time I got to know how cool in the Napoleonic Wars my life would be,that's the first regiment I've been in,and the forever I remember :grin:
    But at last,I quit for the Time Zone problem.It's a hard problem to find a good time to play together in a Trainning or in a Line-Battle.So I felt so sorry that I can't play with comrade-in-arms often.
    After a time,there's a revolution taken place in 6thBrg,and there a new Regiment found by the major,which is called 53rd Royal Guards(A British Regiment),that's the next regiment I've been in........For the same problem,I quit at last,but I played not bad with thew ping which is near 300 :razz:
  The last regiment I've been in is 57e,which is found in Australia ,and I played in for a time,then I wrote down this words,thank you for your reading:grin:
Maybe I'm the first native Chinese to come here.As I see,the Napoleonic Wars is really Great!I'm not lying,so I must find the source of it,yes here I found it!I'm so happy :grin:
Stoncius said:
you belong in the chinese forum
Not really, these forums are not restricted to countries. If someone can understand what is being said, and reply to it there is no problem whatsoever.
It would be different if a person would only be able to speak a non english language, then that person can go to the language specific boards/forums.
You sound like a pro in Napoleonic wars, I'm jealous of your skills,
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