Increased attributes by healed serious wounds

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Hi. I don't know if this had already been posted in this forum, but I have encountered an amazing easter egg in Brytenwalda which
I really hope it's not a bug. When recovering from serious wounds, like head injury , the intelligence drops -3 or -2, I don't remember. Other attributes also drop by -1. When fully healed (30 days or so), I have +1 of intelligence. This also happened when I suffered from a serious strength damage. If the wound is for example: -1 AG; -1 CHAR;-3 STR, the most damaged attribute is increased by one when fully healed. It appears to be only  serious injuries related: the one regarding serious strenght damage (I think "broken arm" is the name) and the one regarding intelligence damage (head injury) are the only serious injuries that appears to be in the game with that much stat damage.
I really enjoy recovering from my serious injuries and being a little bit stronger. And when having 10 of medical skills, serious injuries are rare, if not vanished which is good. Minor wounds do not increase any stat, but if the player lets acumulate them, the stat loss could be fatal. In my opinion this +1 bonus adds a new and rewarding layer to this magnificent game.

My question : is this a secret feature or am I happy for nothing?

Excuse me for my english. :oops:

Random event good health? interesting.I don't know that one.But it's cool and suspicious that after every single serious wound I got +1 of that specific most damaged attribute. Only for de most damaged attribute of the worst kind of wounds: healed broken leg -> +1AGI; healed broken arm-> +1 STR ; healed head injury->+1 INT; for CHARISMA I don't remember if there is one. It is not a thing of my savegame. I tried several fresh starts, and several installations and I still happily ever after.

Is there anyone that is in the same situation? :razz: am I crazy? :grin:
Finally. I found it in the code of the module source searching like a crazy man, and what I found is that I am right, indeed..

Here you can see how it is that wounds work.
the display message after the "@" talks about a "broken arm" which causes-3 of strength while in fact there is only a drop of 2 .

And then, when the player heals, there is a +3 of strength. 3-2= +1 of total strength.


Also, this situation is repeated by another injury, the "broken leg" injury. as you can see below in those previous images; resulting in an extra point of agility.

And with another injury , the broken rib, strength increases by 2 while decreasing by 1 . Another win win +1 STR

Only works for those two attributes, the most important and more "in danger of being dropped by permanent injuries" attributes in the game.

And with that, we can raise strength and agility over a loooooooooooong time and get them both over 64 points in an estimated time of 1600 days of healing each, only if we don't catch another injury meanwhile or we raise the player medical skills, resulting in less injuries or none at all. :idea:

Now, what do you think about that?

Here you can download the "module system". Open it with notepad++ /python 2.7
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