EU_Nexus Roleplay Unban Request

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In-Game Name:  MasterSmith_Altheos
Involved Admin: Scorpia (Ban), Ocelot (Spoke with)

I spoke with Ocelot earlier regarding this scenario, and he reccomended that I bring it to the forums.

I was present on the EU server earlier this morning and was minding my own buissness in the Ranger Outpost crafting armor and weapons, since I am new to the Master Smith role. I was just starting to get the hang of it when I decided to switch up what I was making, but was unsure what I needed. In the process of Shift+Tab to enter my Steam Overlay, to see the open browser holding my recipes, I crashed.

I've been having some Visual C++ errors, that are crashing me to desktop from time to time, usual when using the overlay for music or what not. I am unsure as to why the motive for me being banned was, but Ocelot revealed to me that it was for a supposed combat log. I would like to say this now, that I am a serious roleplayer and a dedicated member to the Nexus community. Although I may get mad, like everyone else, from time to time-- there would be no need to combat log considering my extensive bank amount.

Not to mention, I was not being robbed or even spoken to by anyone for a good period of time prior to my crash.

I would like to appeal this as soon as possible, to get back in on the action!

Thank you for your time,

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