Any way to start with no troops?

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Just heard about this mod and downloaded it so I don't have that much information. Is there any way to start with only yourself and gradually build up your troops or are the additional troops there for a reason(like the mod is hard,etc.)?
The current release version was built primarily to test kingdom level game play, so you start 'better off' than most games to enable you to more quickly get to your own kingdom.

The mod does have some fast difficulty scaling as well, eventually very large bands of bandits will be roaming, etc.
LibSpit said:
The current release version was built primarily to test kingdom level game play, so you start 'better off' than most games to enable you to more quickly get to your own kingdom.

The mod does have some fast difficulty scaling as well, eventually very large bands of bandits will be roaming, etc.

So it is meant for me to start trying to forge my kingdom and at the same time, ward of huge hordes of bandits? Could I still choose to be a mercenary or a merchant before I want to make my own kingdom?
yeah you can still do those things, you can also make a lot of money in tourneys. It is basically just set up to make it easier to go straight for your own kingdom without having to be a vassal or whatever first.
robbyg said:
Why dont you just drop the soldiers from your party?

Just click on them and "disband" iirc :wink:

I should be slapping myself in the face for not thinking about that! Cheers mate!

I really want to start from the bottom though and I feel the pressure of bringing around a lot of troops since I have to pay them so I can't really relax and take my time.
robbyg said:
Yeah man I getcha. You could even ditch your equipment if you wanted to

Not sure if It was even a good idea though. Did that since I feel I could just run through the deserters but when I ditched my equips and men, I got killed by deserters that go around with groups of 22 men. Felt like I am shooting my own leg with what I did.
Yeah, I know what you're saying there....choose one of the starting backgrounds that have a horse, and the deserters/looters/bandits aren't nearly as big a problem even with little or no gear.

No horse, no gear though...ouch with even 1/4 as many attackers.
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