[UNAC S1] Livestreams & Recordings

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Il Padrino


We are pleased to announce that UNAC will be highlighted by a Warband NA Streaming.  WarbandNA has transformed into a coalition steamers and commentators to raise the standard for NA Tournament streaming and is aimed to excite enthusiasm and interest in the streams and the community.  We are working in conjunction with tournament administration and team captains to be better prepared and involved in the matches.  Our goal is a 100% improvement from past efforts and hope you enjoy our new product.

The format and changes are as follows:

  • A tournament scheduling highlighting a minimum of 2 matches we aim to stream per week/set.
  • Standardization and improvement in format and professionalism.
  • Increase in images/music/splash screens to improve entertainment and aesthetic appeal.
  • Livelier and more dynamic play-by-play announcing with less theory-crafting.
  • Increased awareness and promotion of upcoming streams.
  • Even coverage of all teams involved in the tournament to highlight everyone's participation.


"Community Choice" = The community will vote on one of the listed matches to decide which is streamed.
"Best Prospect" = Will be a defining match for a team close to qualifying for the finals or placing well in the tournament to be decided at that time.


Week 1

Week 3


Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Week 8:
KoA vs SF

Week 9:
WMT vs DoF
Wappaw vs KM

Week 10:
Primary - Wappaw vs KoA
**Community Choice**
wK vs BKS?
TMW vs GwA?
GCG vs KM?

Week 11:
GwA vs Balion
"Best Possible Prospect"

Week 12:
GK vs SF
wK vs Wappaw

Week 13:
**Community Choice**
Any Match!!​

All finals matches will be fully covered

! That's more like it!

Whoever ends up spearheading this, I already plan on using the footage for talk show content and analysis, but I'd love to get in on the casting side.

One thing I know would make it easier for casting is if matches were scheduled and set in stone more than a day in advance.
My eternal disappointment is that there have never been enough streams and recordings. I sincerely hope that some of our streamers crawl out of the woodwork for this tournament.

Other than notifying streamers about upcoming matches, is there anything that teams can do to support the streamers?

Also, in terms of streamlining communication, it might make sense to identify yourself here if you're going to be streaming, so we know who to include in scheduling PM's. Get enough streamers, and we might even be able to organize a streaming team with head streamers, etc.  Just thinking out loud...
Yea a streaming team would make the most sense. The way it works with most eSports is that casters (which is just a fancy word for commentators) come in pairs. 2 people can play off each other and talk and question and things like that. Usually one of them also controls the streaming camera. Any more than 2 casters often just gets cluttered.

I would say maybe get a dedicated team or two, so that it's consistent. I'm currently looking for a partner who can stream the game well, since mine gets really laggy.
That's the idea boys.

Mad Dawg and others have been working out a system that unifies and organises a concise streaming network for UNAC.  It's in the planning stages, but expect to see:

  • A structured board of streamers and commentators
  • Excessive promotion for upcoming matches (advertise so that everybody knows the event!)
  • Cut out spectators entering the server, forcing them to watch the stream

That last point needs to be decided.  The idea is to create an awesome streaming sort of community, where it will be fun to watch the stream with others, and chat to others about what you're watching.  The idea is to make the stream fun and enjoyable for everybody to watch, to make a good substitute for actually being in the server.

There are still many things to work out.  I believe there's an ongoing conversation between a few prominent streamers.  We'll have them present their conclusions as soon as we get them.  In the meantime, feel free to suggest what you would like to see in terms of streams.
Who are the prominent streamers and how does one get involved in this conversation
As far as I know, Mad Dawg contacted Fehnor, Blak, Cradoc and Eman.  If you have an interest in joining this conversation, and think you could bring something to the table I would suggest contacting Mad Dawg.
Gelden said:
As far as I know, Mad Dawg contacted Fehnor, Blak, Cradoc and Eman.  If you have an interest in joining this conversation, and think you could bring something to the table I would suggest contacting Mad Dawg.

Awesome. I'll probably just stick to watching and talking about stuff for now. But I think it's nice to know whats going on. Of course I'm assuming more info will come out later. Today's pretty slow because of the holidays and all too I'd imagine.

Thanks for the swift responses!
No probs man.  Thought I should let people know what's being worked on and how to get involved.

I'm sure Mad Dawg will make a lovely post here once everything has been finalized.  I've seen tid bits of the convo and it looks really promising.

All thanks should go to Mad Dawg and those involved in making efforts to improve this system.
I just got set up with Warband NA streaming from Fehnor and am planning on streaming UNAC matches. I'm in the process of making a more organized way and higher production quality for streaming the games instead of what normally is done.

I was going to contact you Mr. X to see if you were interested in a co-host position, as you commentated quite well in your Xtras Show. PM me or add me on steam(BoogyLoH) if you're interested.
Just wanted to update that things are progressing well with this project and more info will be hitting the streets soon of the improvements and how we're going to try and publicize UNAC far better than any previous tournaments. 
One thing mad, can you ensure that streams either use Teamspeak, Mumble or at the very least turn the damn vent sounds off? Theres been a few streams where I constantly hear the Vent sound throughout the video, and it drives me bonkers.
Kherven said:
One thing mad, can you ensure that streams either use Teamspeak, Mumble or at the very least turn the damn vent sounds off? Theres been a few streams where I constantly hear the Vent sound throughout the video, and it drives me bonkers.

OP updated. Props to our streamers and Mad Dawg for making this happen. I hope you guys are ready for a thrilling tournament. The best NA battle  tournament should have the best NA streams and commentators. We will have both.

Tonight at 9pm ET we will be streaming DoF vs Rebels. Both teams had added players recently and by all accounts have grown as competitive teams. We might be looking at the best matchup of the first 2 rounds so be sure to tune in. Mad Dawg and I will go live at 8:50-8:55.

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