[Werewolf: Archives] Fallout, the Vault of Wolves, Conclusion

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I'll be honest, I can buy the idea of a special who can do that, but a special who is that inattentive seems pretty out there. You also don't address why you made the claim, and you didn't address why I was attacked in your initial claim. It honestly didn't occur to you until now to explain why your power didn't work as intended?
I thought my power did work. You are alive, and I was thinking that maybe one of the wolves can defeat one of my locks, but only injure you.

Anyway: the reason why I made my initial claim was because, two of the better wolfhunters have been eying me, and have been voting on me. I've seen what happens to other people who are specials who don't roleclaim or roleclaim in-time. People always ask why they didn't roleclaim because that would have saved them from being lynched. Well I'm not going to stand by and let myself be lynched.

I'm sorry about my inattentiveness. I have new meds that are very annoying, and I'm gone most of the day for most days now. That's why I asked for a replacement.
Well, we appear to have three overlapping special claims, not just two. Which makes things bad for Quail. Quail claims to have a role that can function either like a roleblocker or like an herbalist. The problem is we have an herbalist and a roleblocker also claiming, and the night attacks lend more credibility to Shatari's claim. While I don't understand why the wolves would go after him at night (he was not in a great position at the end of the day, and could have been a potential lynch candidate), I don't see any other reason why we would have no casualties and Shatari would be injured. Shatari does appear to be the herbalist, and I don't think we'd have such a redundant role. Further, every time a hole is poked in the claim Quail comes up with a weak idea to fix it.

Vote: Quail

Brutus' obsession with Xardob is just odd. Anything and everything Xardob does makes Brutus uneasy. His claim that someone was scouting him last night is a rather sad attempt at gaining credibility and fishing for specials. I'd be happy to see him go.

That's it for now. I'll make a comprehensive LoS, something with a good deal more detail than this sad post, when the next day starts.
"The Democracy has once again made its glorious decision, Quail, you are to now leave the meeting."

The other Board Member looked towards Quaillover, who wore a dumbstruck look as his retirement dawned on him.

"Can I at least walk out-"  He was then cut off, as he too fell through the trap door beneath his seat.

"No, no you may not"

Quaillover is Retired

Recess is until Sunday, 8:00 P.M.
The Morning began not with the delightful breakfast and polite banter the previous did, but with sullen faces and hushed voices.  Vieira was found murdered this morning, a quick blow to the head, followed by a knife.  They took the opportunity to look over his belongings, and found his room full of wiretaps, tracking devices, and other high-end technology.  You find an ID which reads out the Vieira was the Chief of Research.

You all make it back to the Meeting Hall, where everyone else seems no worse for wear from the experience.  In fact, Shatari seems to be back to full health, and nobody else is seems to be harmed last night.

"What occurred to Mr. Vieira is very unfortunate, but we must now proceed in his memory.  As such, we shall now have the first Election regarding Board Activity 30A-5783-573, the interaction with external organizations....
Processing votes....
Results loading...
Brotherhood: 77.77777777%
Enclave: 22.222222222%

Consensus has yet to be met, the session shall commence as regularly scheduled.

Majority Vote Required: 5

Vieira has been Killed

Shatari is no longer Injured

Deadline is Friday, again.
Based on the percentages, we have two wolves left. If the events of yesterday weren't clear enough, I think we can take this as confirmation that at least either Quail or Frisian are wolves.

On the other hand, we have our first death, took the wolves long enough. Chief of Research, in this circumstance, I can only relate to a seer. Anyone want to take a guess on Vieira's results based on his posts?

Also, we have to consider the possibility that Vader may be a wolf based on his block on the first day.
Xardob said:
Anyone want to take a guess on Vieira's results based on his posts?
There was a hint that he considered you wolfy, and he was willing to vote for you, Vader, or Quail at the end. I'm not convinced that is concrete though.

Xardob said:
Also, we have to consider the possibility that Vader may be a wolf based on his block on the first day.
Possibly. There was only one attack last night, and Vader hasn't logged on in a week. I think I'd rather vote him out than you right now, but the week is young.
Actually, I should say "One obvious attack", since it's possible that the attackers have to work together for a 100% kill chance. It's also still possible that we have a vigi who decided not to use their attack on the first and third nights.
FrisianDude said:
Xardob said:
If the events of yesterday weren't clear enough, I think we can take this as confirmation that at least either Quail or Frisian are wolves.

how do you reckon?
because math.

2 * 100 / 9 = 22.22222222222222

So 2 baddies in the game right now. It is very likely that the game wouldn't have had only 2 baddies but more like 3 at the least. So one of you was probably a villain.
No, I get that there has to be a number of villains, clearly, but I'm unsure why that means why either Quail or I is one.
Because Quail certainly wasn't one?

Or are you trying to tell me that in a game with 12 players there are only 2 villains? (which would be 16.67 percent)
I didn't mean either of those things, but there are still 11 players.  Which means that if there are three wolves, it doesn't necessarily follow that one of those wolves is either Quail or I.
And that is where you are (purposely) wrong.
There is only 9 players remaining. You two are locked out. You cant vote, nor are counted towards the good/baddie ratio.
MaHuD is correct.

Shatari said:
@Grim: If we reach a successful lynch, do we get to know the percentage in favor of joining the Brotherhood or Enclave?
Grimmend said:
I'll do that once every three days...otherwise it sort of defeats the purpose of not telling you if I give percentages.

"Oh! Enclave vote went down this turn! XXX must be a wolf."

The percentage Grimmend has given us is for the remaining players able to vote, not the players still alive. That tells us that it is likely that a wolf has been voted out, and since you and Quail are the only two people voted out one of the two of you is a wolf.

My money is on Quail.
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