Perfection Is Ideal - A Diplomacy AAR - Third Chapter Posted

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The waves rock the sloop slowly as I sit here, writing this. I suppose this will end up my journal; a prize for whoever kills me in this new land, or whoever I decide that I trust enough to give it to. Well, not really a new land I suppose, as it had been here forever... Otherwise, as I sit here, a previous commoner that had made the mistake of loving a noble, I suppose I can thank what advantages I could get from my lover before I came. Most notably, the skills of reading and writing that I have mastered over the last three years, since it looks like I'll have a lot of time for that now.

It appears that land has been sighted, and we'll seen be making a landing. From there, I have only a short ways to go to get to the city of Yalen, a city of which will allow me to begin my look into this world and its people. I know what I want to do, as I have had nothing but time to figure it out. Here, I will become a mercenary. From the talk of the crewmen, this is a place where the finest sharpshooters in the world could be had. The Rhodok lands, I suppose it is known as. I'll see how many I can get to follow me, and lead my small band through Calradia, until I am satisfied.

I come to these lands, not of my own choice, but because I need revenge against the nobles who have wronged me, I have lost the love of my life, and have been forced from my previous home. Truth be told, I suppose I always have been a bit interested in going out to the world, making my own fortune with my own ways. Most people do, I assume. The bell is ringing, I must collect my bread.

Well, this is the introduction to my life, I suppose, for whoever is interested. I doubt I'm going to end up very interesting- perhaps a common brigand? A bandit? Maybe I'll become a protector of the weak, or the oppressor of them. From up high I can stand, for in this land, anyone can become something. I'd say that what I want most... is power.

Power. The word has so much meaning. For me, I'd want power and the ability to return to my home with my head held high, greater than the family that oppressed me, greater than them by far. Able to return to myself the one who loved me, and who made me content with my life. For this, I need power. I may have power in reputation. I may have power in my followers. I may even one day raise an army, and could take all of Calradia under me.

It would all be for naught, however. Nothing I can do can allow me to escape the one thing that all the power in the world cannot defeat. Death. Death will come to me, no matter what happens. I feel the only person that could have ever overcome it is now gone, and possibly dead before the chance to defeat it was given to him. Unjust, but there is nothing that can be done.

A small background is in order, I suppose. I was born and named within a small village owned by a very wealthy and powerful family within our small nation. As a young child, I learned many things about the world at an early age. I've known and still do know hunger. I've survived, and I made both the greatest mistake of my life and simultaneously the best decision of it when I became intimately acquainted with the favored child of this noble family.

We were happy for a time, and still would be. The issue was that it had been found out, and my lover's father used a cross-bow to shoot my own mother in the head. He escaped, and there was no evidence. Nor were any claims from a commoner of the wealthiest man that in fact, owned the village, taken seriously. I would have attempted to kill the man, then, but instead I fled. My own lover was murdered by a group of my friends that I had spent time with. If I could, I would return and kill every single one of them, and do it slowly as to make it hurt. I'd gladly rip out their skulls using merely their fingers, an-

Apologies, journal, and strange reader. I suppose I will greet you formally now, as you are either the one who managed to kill me, someone interested enough in my life to look through my belongings and take this, or someone who I trust infinitely. I suppose we are going to be very familiar with each-other in the coming months, and perhaps even the coming years, as I rise and rise and rise. Or simply fall into a never-ending spiral. We are docking at the small harbor.

From this day forth, I shall be known as Syarul. I will flow like a river through these lands, staining it thick and wet with the blood of those who oppose me, and my own. I shall uphold my own ideals, however they change and how swiftly, and I shall keep in mind every action that I do, and how it relates to the One I Hold Nearest. Bows, Pikes, Blades, Cross-bows, Axes, Lances. None can hold up to the armor in my mind. Leather, Plate, and Mail. None can hold up to my tactics. Read this, and live with me, my life from the point of my beginning in this land that is new to me, until it ends. My motivation is complex, but perfect. I have been wronged in a perfect fashion. I have wronged another in a perfect fashion. I have lost all that is dear to me after spending so long building it up, all but myself and my mind. A perfect storm in my own life. `Amore did always claim that perfection was the ideal, and should always be striven for.

For Ambition.

For Love.

For Revenge.
Reserved For Information -- Intentional Double Post

Well, hello everyone. You may find the introduction to my AAR above. I appreciate any and all comments, and will appreciate any and all comments throughout the entire story- Whether this is constructive criticism, or you just popping in to say it's a load of crap that deserves to be loved with fire, I'll be fine with it, and will flourish as a result.

I wanted something simple for my first AAR, so I went with the Diplomacy mod which I feel goes very good with how Warband could be. I wish the mod were in the vanilla, to be honest.

Anyway, I have a lot of directions I could go with this one. I plan to write it out so that it is a large amount of entries in journals, not always with a date. A good example of the style I'd like to emulate (And I would recommend the AAR) is "A Curse Upon This Land", which is an AAR for Solid and Shade, by Kasimir (,248087.0.html). On that note, I wholeheartedly recommend reading that AAR yourself if you're interested. Kasimir is a very good writer.

Otherwise, I suppose I'll begin writing the first chapter when I have time. Hope anyone/everyone liked the intro. Enjoy yourselves.

Edit: Ended up not using the Freelancer mod, until I get more practiced with it. For now, two chapters are posted, and the third should be ready today or tomorrow.
Well, this is a very promising start. I'll be following this story  :smile:

As a recommendation, in case you haven't started the actual game yet or haven't gotten very far,  is to use Freelancer 1.5. It's a simple mod that includes Diplomacy, as well as some other features such as the ability to join a Lord's army and the option of letting the battle continue even after your character has been knocked out.  :smile:
Well, I've already played a good bit of this, and have a good idea of the direction I want to take it. Did download Freelancer, and will be playing it from now on (And likely will end up doing an AAR on it), but until I get comfortable with it, I'd rather use Diplomacy. Thank you for the suggestion, though.

I'll have it be noted that the named characters in here are usually not companions, but rather simply characters that I have decided to give a name, and may give some depth.

I've spent the night in Yalen. Bought a good bit of bread, more than enough for me to travel to the surrounding villages when I so desire. Strange, though, as I'm not sure what I want to do yet. I took a walk around the town and am a bit worried about my notable lack of a horse, as well as the lack of funds to buy one. In my old town, a horse was more than common enough- In fact, among the peasantry most boys would be given a horse from their father when they reached the age of fifteen years.

Well, I'm upstairs in the tavern. With me, I have about two hundred denars of pure silver. The important thing for me to note down, while I can still think about it and before I spend my second night here in Yalen is that I have accepted a contract. That language... Accepting a contract. More accurate is that I'll be going to attack some bandits that have occupied a village, quite soon. Not sure how many, or how skilled they'll be. My main idea is that I'll get some young men from the surroundings villages and spend a few days training them on how to shoot the cheapest crossbows I can find.

The look on that man's face... What he had gone through. It's hard, even if I feel I've been through so much more.


On another note, I've gotten a small map of the surrounding land. Small, and not very detailed, but hopefully accurate. It's pinned right here, below. On the note of maps, I suppose I'll end up hiring a map-maker myself if I ever do get to be renowned among the lands enough.


With that taken care of, I suppose I'll be going to sleep, as my candle grows more dim. I'll keep on writing, to keep up practice. A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I-J-K-L-M-N-O-P-Q-R-S-T-U-V-W-X-Y-Z. Need to keep my practice up. Now that I consider it, it looks like I've done more than a bit of practice already, writing these small entries. The sun dips beneath the horizon. Amore`, you are my love, and I love you. Good night.


I've managed to find a decent two lads around town who already know their way with a crossbow. Upon hearing that I'll go to be liberating the village, they offered to join me for a very low price. One is named Prave, after the Swadian town of Praven, and the other is named Klaun. The important part is that they'll, as people who have served in the army, will be able to get me some half-decent crossbows and armor at a more than decent price for my troops. Furthermore, they have experience about the lands around us, and may keep the locals from burning me for reading and writing.

Apparently, this place is similar to my home in some ways. Reading and writing is reserved for the wealthy, and viewed upon distrustfully by the poor. I myself was bothered by it when...I ended up learning to do it.


Looks like we've come upon the village, after going through two and getting all the lad who were willing to come with us. So willing, young, and hopeful. I feel guilty, knowing that there is a good chance every single one of them will be dead by the end of the moon, whether from the bandits or other troubles we may face. It may be soft-hearted and foolish, but I hope that every single one of my men make it out of their alive.

Otherwise, we strike at dawn, which should be in about an hour. I had all of the men raised before dawn, including myself, so that we'll be prepared. From south, we will strike. Swiftly, and mercilessly.


In battle, I moved forward and put my arrow through two of their skulls before being attacked from all sides. I managed to take out four more men before falling. Apparently, the idiotic farmers have managed to keep my slightly better troops back, and managed to fall before the bandits. Regrettably? I was taken out in the battle, and in my very first engagement with my new troops fell to the enemy. The shame I felt, despite their slightly admiring glances at my ferocity in battle, is still strong.


Regardless, by the end of the battle, two of my boys fell to their deaths. Klaun took an arrow to the throat, and one of the newer tribesman whose names I've managed to forget, as I sit here writing this in the town's small..inn? Tavern? Bar? I'm not certain, but it smells terrible and is miniature.


Well, all other things put aside, the day was successful. The populace apparently likes me a bit more, and there is the chance that someone who is higher may hear about this and come to me for an issue. I'll be keeping together a small mercenary company, and take contracts based on how they come. This is how I think I'll go with things.

Damnit. I feel as if one of my ribs are broken, though Prave, who has the most medical experience among us, assures me otherwise. My head took a knocking and my body feels a bit weird.

A secret I'll share with no one was the exhilaration I felt when killing the men who I have killed. All but one who were killed were by my hand and every foe I took out I made certain was dead. I don't like killing, but it is relatively minor. I feel that I can handle it, and not be fueled by blood-lust, but only my life's ambitions.

One thought that I think of is that I may one day be expected to take a wife. I never will, this I swear. I won't allow myself to betray the first and only one to have truly loved me, and who I have truly loved in turn. As I fight, I fight for them, the one whose name I shall not name until my dying day, where my last scream, my last yelp and utter painful death, will allow all to know who I have loved. At least, this is how I wish I could die. More likely, I'll be taken out from a lucky bolt or arrow to the head.

Not a pretty thought. Anyway, with that kept in mind, I'll be retiring now. The villagers offered me and my men accommodation. I shall sleep lightly, and with my bow and sword by my side. The widows of the men who have died as a result of my 'help', whether for better or for worse, and their children, may seek to take me out themselves.

Good night, my love. I love you, so greatly, as you are aware.


So, that concludes this chapter. What are your thoughts, if I may so ask? More screenshots? *Better* timed screenshots?  :neutral:

Otherwise, I'll be preparing the next chapter. Thank you, readers.
i think there are enougth screens but that is up to you, just put the ones that makes you feel comfortable with your tale more or less. Just not treat carelessy the history itself because you let too much attencion to the screens.

Maybe I should use more screens in my own AAR (I didn´t use any) XD
Good start  :smile:. I like that you decided to skip the Merchant of... quest. It gives the story a different start compared to most other AARs.

Regarding screenshots, it looks OK so far. As Sven said (if I understood correctly), too many screenshots can draw attention away from the story. In my own AAR I only use them to give the readers a visual break from the wall of text I usually produce and rely on the words themselves to help describe what is happening. But it's up to you to choose what you think works best for the type of story you are writing  :smile:.

Oh, and one more thing. How on Earth did you manage to hit anything with a missile?  :razz: I've started several games with an archer-type character and I never could hit anything but my own troops  :lol:
Nice start, I quite like what I see over here. The title made me snicker, but on a second thought, it makes sense. By the way, I'd suggest you invest heavily in Training and, as you probably decided to, Tactics. Guess it'd fit the character. Also, perhaps when you will really get started, perhaps stick with Rhodoks, then revolt? Rhodoks fit the anti-noble sentiment the most, I think.
Replies To Lovely Readers:
Seven of Spades said:
i think there are enougth screens but that is up to you, just put the ones that makes you feel comfortable with your tale more or less. Just not treat carelessy the history itself because you let too much attencion to the screens.

Maybe I should use more screens in my own AAR (I didn´t use any) XD

I'll keep that in mind. Looking over it, I feel that I did do enough screens. I'll just need to work on the timing. A few small things that happened would've been interesting to take pictures of, and I feel could've helped the story. Otherwise, thank you.

cezar_dan said:
Good start  :smile:. I like that you decided to skip the Merchant of... quest. It gives the story a different start compared to most other AARs.

Regarding screenshots, it looks OK so far. As Sven said (if I understood correctly), too many screenshots can draw attention away from the story. In my own AAR I only use them to give the readers a visual break from the wall of text I usually produce and rely on the words themselves to help describe what is happening. But it's up to you to choose what you think works best for the type of story you are writing  :smile:.

Oh, and one more thing. How on Earth did you manage to hit anything with a missile?  :razz: I've started several games with an archer-type character and I never could hit anything but my own troops  :lol:

Thank you. I appreciate the thoughts. On another note, how on earth could I fail to hit anything? The men are large and annoying. Granted, pressing shift is pretty much a constant for me, and I don't use first person view mode. Hmm.

scrdest said:
Nice start, I quite like what I see over here. The title made me snicker, but on a second thought, it makes sense. By the way, I'd suggest you invest heavily in Training and, as you probably decided to, Tactics. Guess it'd fit the character. Also, perhaps when you will really get started, perhaps stick with Rhodoks, then revolt? Rhodoks fit the anti-noble sentiment the most, I think.

I do intend to invest heavily in training and tactics, and slightly less so (I want to be competent) in archery and weapon-master. Otherwise, it's an interesting thought to stick with the Rhodoks and then revolt..Another interesting thought would be to support a claimant, because the current Rhodoks fail to support the lower classes enough, and then from there revolt from it when I feel I could control the land better. Perhaps..Well, still open to any and all suggestions, and more than a little interested to see what ideas there are.
Now, shall we begin?


Now that boy is a fine one. A few hours ago I was awoken by a boy, who can't be older than seventeen years, who had been knocking on my door. When I answered it, he entered without my permission and proceeded to demand why I, a man from a distant land, would come here and stir up trouble. Apparently, his father and brother were both killed in the fighting with the bandits, and he blamed me for their deaths. We had a long conversation, in which he threw a knife at me. Vicious boy, but from his skill, ferocity, and apparently wonderful aim, as he managed to cut my helmet and knock it off without touching a hair upon my head, I ended up offering him a job with me. He was initially reluctant, but I could tell he wanted to come and look out at the world. Damned young one cost me a hefty amount of denar, too, as I gave his mother one hundred denar to survive off of.

Putting more thought into it, I realize that it was likely foolish to do such a thing. There is a chance the other women, or possibly even men, may look upon her poorly and give her less possibilities in the village should it come out that she had gotten a bit of support from me. No matter. The lad's name is Aeoli, and I have set him directly under Prave for training with a crossbow. Hopefully, he'll turn out as good a shooter as me at some point, and probably a bit better. More of a bow person, myself.


On that note, we managed to get four more youths of various ages, and one older man into the company, from this one village. Apparently, the villagers are thankful and so more than a bit more willing to come and join our mercenary group. We're not much, so we can take in untrained people.

Anyway, we'll be loading up for now and heading out in a few minutes. The villagers offered me a bit more, but I look upon their poverty and almost weep, and so cannot do a thing but refuse it. Our group of ten? Twelve? Somewhere around there, will be heading back to Yalen to see what other jobs we can dredge up.


I spent a bit of time in the arena. Damn near got myself beat to death in there. The people aren't trained very well, but you don't need a ton of training to hit someone with a stick. Helps, though. A lot of the time, I ended up getting taken before I take another out, or close to it. The bruises still hurt, though I didn't let it show in front of the men, who also participated. Looks like Aeoli has got a pretty good hand of a sword and bow. Prave did masterfully, managing to take out twelve men before being beaten himself. Still can't believe that I got taken out so much. I'm going to need a lot of practice.


On another note, I'll be heading to Jelkala soon. Not a ton of work around here, and it looks like I may do fairly well if I manage to find some there. I originally wasn't planning to help the nobles, taking my past experience into account with them, but some talk says that they are the best place to find random jobs above simple murdering of looters and bandits. Sounds like one of the men are getting into a fight downstairs with a drunk. Or maybe he is the drunk. I suppose I'll go fix that up.


We're in Jelkala, and night covers the town like a blanket. As my men went though with me, there was a group of three ruffians with the courage to attack us. I, deciding that it would be some nice exercise, shot all three of them dead. One of them through the head, and the other two through the arms and torso.

Arrows are beautiful in flight.

Otherwise, while I doubt that has enriched the opinion of the town guard for me, I do believe that it likely wouldn't hurt for getting a job around here. I caught the guild-master as he was preparing to leave his post for the day, and managed to talk him into giving me some paid work. Some mountain bandits that I'll be hunting down in the morning. Seems to be a pretty large, and pretty dangerous group, so I'll need to be careful with them. Noting and re-reading what I've written, I realize I haven't yet elaborated on the bar-fight.

Well, it was another drunk that had been insulting Prave. Prave is a very opinionated man, and a fight was about to begin. I decided to intercede and show a bit of talent, so I walked up and ordered Prave to the side. This belligerent drunk took a swipe at me with a sword twice the quality of mine, and I managed to catch it upon my blade, twist his out of his grasp, and slice him thought the stomach in a single lucky move. Not quite sure how I managed it, even now, but it looked good and raised the men's spirits a bit.

I took the man's purse and blade as recompense for wasting my time. I don't know a lot about the workmanship around here, but Aeoli impressed me by claiming it was a Nordic Sword, which is of apparently fine make. I could tell it was good, and it'll be my personal weapon for now on.

I'll read my book, "Essays on Logic", that I brought along. My love always was a great reader of books, and this one was a recent, almost sarcastic gift. Before I came to Calradia, however...

My love, you are mine and for that, I love you. Have a delightful night.


Our little company has left Jelkala and moved around the country-side. There were a few looters that thought they could take us out, and some mountain bandits that actually left a bit of a challenge upon my lips, but we managed to beat all of them with minimal losses. A few men. We were reduced to only eight of us, with four of them being crossbowman, in our last engagement.


Prave is the only veteran crossbowman we have. He likely could have the skill of a sharpshooter, but that considered rank and quality of work is reserved to be only allowed to be controlled by the most renowned of mercenaries or a lord of the land. Aeoli was exceptionally gifted, and he as well as two other lads from the same village have been becoming close friends, all of them being good enough where I would consider them trained. Their equipment isn't as fine, but I admit I gave Aeoli what looked to be the best crossbow of that make.

I really shouldn't get attached to the boy. So what if his name is similar to another's? He is unimportant, and I am simply his employer. Otherwise, it we managed to get three more men in the last village, which I didn't mention. That's eleven troops total, including me. Another thing that I neglected to mention is that we now have one priso-

Prave has just informed me that the bandits have been sighted.


There numbers are about twice ours, but we didn't get an exact amount. They appear quite a bit better trained than the ones that we have fought thus far. I'm also warned there are horsemen in their ranks.

This may be a battle I'll end up regretting, but we march on, to engage upon the enemy. Now, I must be left to my planning. I will write again, so there is little point in me telling you that I love my love, as I will do that tonight, even if I am on the brink of death.


I'm back in Jelkala, and I think I'll spend the next few nights here after that battle. Other than me, we are now down to four men left alive. I and, amazingly, Aeoli, were the only ones still standing at the end of the battle, and he managed to collapse quickly. Every single one of my men, cut down or wounded terribly, except for me and Aeoli, and he couldn't stand up for another minute after I slew the last one. I'm certain I would be dead now, if I hadn't managed to take out that one last man on their side, before he cut me. Multiple ribs are broken, but I appear to have only gotten a lot of bleeding damage done.


My entire body weeps from this pain.

After the battle, I managed to find Prave, who was one of the few to live. After a lot of effort, we managed to get up and get together what we could. There were five horses in the enemy's herd that was still left alive, and each of us got on one. During the battle, I actually used and got two horses killed. Aeoli, Prave, Me, and two other crossbowman were able to get to Praven. There is nothing we can do for the corpses ourselves, but I hired six men to go out there and do what they could.

It would appear that the traditional funeral of the Rhodoks is to create a pyre, where one will be burned. When you are defeated in battle, you are burned with your allies and enemies both, so that you become one and the same. It has more deep religious meaning, but I don't fancy myself taking to any of the religions of Calradia.

My love, I promised to tell you that I love you, and so I do. As I write these words, I feel no pain, for my thoughts are too filled with thoughts of you. Let us rest.


The men returned, and I spoke to the guild-master, who gave me my payment. The men have taken to doing small jobs around town, and we'll stay here for about a week before taking off again.

I suppose some explanation is in order, dear killer of mine or trusted friend. I made a promise a few years ago to tell my love that I love them every single night for the rest of my existence, so long as I remain capable of doing so. I will keep this promise, for promises are important to me.

The day has been long, and I go to rest again. I love you, love of mine. May you forever be in my heart, and like our engraving, my mind.


The day was uneventful. No outside jobs, again, yet.

I love you, great love of mine, and we...


And we finish this chapter, chapter two. Looks fairly good, in my opinion. I'll be working on the third chapter whenever I have time. Thanks, everyone, for reading and giving your opinions. I appreciate it and will consider it for the future.

Enjoy yourselves.
Very nice, though you made a small mistake, saying that the you left Praven when in fact you were refering to Jelkala. Otherwise it was a very good update :smile:. I especially loved the beginning with Aeoli. Your character is definitely no hypocrite. He understands the the need for revenge and he accepts that in others, even when it may cost him his own life.

On another note, as a psychologist-in-training I can't help but worry for Syarul's mental state. He's definitely still in mourning after several painful personal losses, but if he stays like that for too long I fear he'll lose it completely sooner or later.

I do hit stuff from time to time, but my aim in the game is as poor as my aim in real life. If you ask me to toss you something there's a 50:50 chance of you needing to do some fancy acrobatics in order to catch it :razz:.

Regarding screenshots, are you by chance using the in-game ctrl+insert method?
Ah. Thank you for finding and correcting my mistake. Otherwise, it would make sense for him to lose it completely if he doesn't quite stabilize. I feel that the character was slightly more stable upon reaching land than he is now, and...

Hmm. I look upon the characters are different people than myself, despite my being Syarul. Perhaps a more questionable mental state.

On a lighter note, I do happen to use the ctrl+insert method. It is by far the easiest for me.

Thank you for the support. Will continue working on the next one.
I feel much better now, though my left arm is still slightly sore. I write this because I have decided that the common jobs around the town aren't going to help me much right now. More interestingly is the nobles that I so dearly hate, and the rumors that have come around town.

Just a few hours ago, when I was having a strange conversation within the tavern that roamed the topics of birds, murder, and the pleasantries of the hair, I learned a few things about the kingdom of the Rhodoks, ranging from the benign to the bizarre.

Apparently, the Rhodoks once broke off from Swadia, and their entire military is geared towards defeating cavalry. I still haven't fought a large cavalry force, but that is a good thing to know about. Grunwalder was a rather masterful general, and the place where he died now has a castle of the same name that is well known to be a death-trap. The man I was speaking to, whose name I do not recall, actually had a picture showing the castle. As I gazed upon it, I thought and thought, but I still cannot think of an efficient way to take the castle should it be sufficiently defended.

Never have participated in a siege anyway, so I suppose I wouldn't know a ton about it. Well, the drawing so interested me that I somehow ended up buying it off of him for two hundred Denars. Weird, having money, and being capable of using it. I'll speak with Prave in a bit and see his opinion about the castle.

Otherwise, after hearing a lot about how the Rhodok was meant to be a republic, and elective, as well as a few rumors that the last election was desecrated, I asked around about the nobles around here. Their titles are counts, as I already knew but am glad to have confirmed, and apparently there are rumors that the one who presides over Ibdeles castle, Count Tribidan, is very good to his people. I scoff at the idea, but have determined that I will find out for myself.

Thus, we will be departing for Ibdeles castle in only an hours time. I have sold a few horses, and prepared two sets of decent armor, weapons, and two extra horses for use by Aeoli and Prave, until I find a suitable replacement. The addition of horses to our retinue is beautiful, and I expect it will take me a long way.


From there, I will speak to the Count and see for myself if he is a fine nobleman, or if he is a hypocritical thug like the ones of my homeland. I suppose I can see, if all goes well, if I'll be capable of getting a job for myself and my men.

The advantages of being in the service to nobility...The money, the higher prestige....

But the disadvantages, as I may end up sickened at myself.

I suppose I'll just have to go and find out. We depart now.


I'm not certain what to think of Count Tribidan. Regardless, as I arrived I was uncertain how I would do and how I would react to being in the presence of nobility. The guards at the gate seemed fairly disciplined, and I wondered at whether that meant he was gentle, and so they loved him and would defend him with their life, or harsh, and so they defended him for fear of their lives. Regardless, I was relayed through the initial castle fairly quickly, and relayed into the great hall, allowed to keep possession of only my knife while speaking to the Count.

I am, however, more used to speaking to the nobility than a normal person. Before my lover's family learned of our relationship, and the murder occurred, I visited regularly and was seen fairly positively by the group. I learned how to behave in the presence of people who consider themselves higher than you.

Count Tribidan was very friendly. I relayed that I had heard that he was of just disposition, and he seemed rather happy at the news. I took advantage of the moment to request a job so that I may make some denar, and he was more than happy to oblige.


He was dreadfully cheerful throughout. I question whether or not he was cheerful when arranging a man to be murdered, but I honestly cannot say for certain.

Our horses were cared for, and we are being allowed to remain in the castle for the night to both rest and to learn a bit. I spoke to one of the sergeants, who gave me a few pointers about warfare.

While I still am thinking about this, I managed to get a map of Jelkala and the surrounding men off of one of the guards. We will travel from Ibdeles castle to Fedner.


It seems as if the main use of mercenaries and groups of warriors is not for minor skirmishes with bandits, or with other mercenaries, but in war. I'm not certain how I feel about this, or how I feel I'll manage myself if I do in fact, join into these constant wars.

Otherwise, the night air is cold, and this candle, while finer than others, will not last too much longer. Tomorrow, I march as an executioner, to kill a man for his misdeeds.

I wonder if, some day, someone will pay someone to march to me, and kill me for my misdeeds.

A trembling thought. I love you, have a delightful afterlife, my dear.


Count Tribidan was only seeking to have me killed. As I approached the village, we were ambushed by the bandits that had taken up residence there. Only through the help of more than a few farmers were we able to escape. Apparently, the farmers were also using us to manage to get away. Thirty farmers and my five men all together, and we then proceeded to assault the village to drive out the bandits.

We waited until the blanket of night fell and proceeded forward, the farmers an unorganized mass that refused to create a line or otherwise obey orders.


In the ensuing battle, Prave was killed. Aeoli was badly injured, and I have only one man other than the two of those remaining. My entire company, which was, admittedly, miniature in size, was reduced to only three men.


We drove off the bandits, however. I let the village keep its valuables, for what do I need? None of it. In lieu of that, I took advantage of the timing and managed to hire six of the tribesmen to join my group, bringing the total to nine. This still doesn't make me happy, but I deal with it nonetheless.

The elder was less than useless in looking for the man whom I will slay, and I could only glare at him. I came here and liberated their village, and Prave died as well, and yet he and the others are still hiding the man. None of the villagers were very helpful, and when at last I found a man who met his description, he yet claimed to be otherwise.

I warned him to admit his guilt and he may live, but he did not listen.


I proceeded to simply ride my horse a short ways away, turn, and shoot him through the head with a single arrow. He fell to the ground, dead, and I am unhappy with myself now for not having cared in the slightest that I had killed him before he even drew his blade.

That is beside the point. We will be at Ibdeles Castle soon for my payment, and if Count Tribidan cannot give a valid explanation for having sent me to a village that was infested with bandits, and not having warned me of that, then...

I am concealing my blade as I enter the hall.

Great love of mine, look upon me. I am an executioner, a mercenary, a savior, a leader, and a warrior. After only around two weeks of this land, I have done more than what is expected in years in our mostly stable homeland. Strange, putting it that way. Regardless, I love you, and good night. Tomorrow, we shall learn about what happened, you and I.


Looks like Syarul is being a bit hasty there, Eh? Otherwise, having put a point into tactics, I put a meagre explanation. Cute, but I won't be doing it often. So, what do you people think? Strange coincidence, and Syarul, as someone who was wronged by the nobility before, is extremely paranoid about it.

I find it funny. Anyway, enjoy yourselves.
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