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Unfortunately, I don't have time to make a detailed post; but since the sale is limited time...

Get Gimbal here for as little as a quarter.

It's awesome, it's totally worth a quarter if you're a cheapskate.

It dawned on me that the game was totally totally awesome when I had so many artillery guns on my sluggish, hardly responsive frigate that firing them all at once spun me out of control and backwards 100+ mph; so I rigged a uterus to fire when I started firing to equalize the effect.

...and I want you guys to buy it because it's multiplayer but the community isn't huge. I'm not sure when the peak but the last hour or so I only saw maybe 6-10 players in total. 4 in a single game (don't let this dissuade you, there are bots and the games aren't like 32 players or anything that big).
Spell-checked my post.

Looks interesting, just bought it, see you in there, prepare for flying cock of doom.
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