[Werewolf: Archives] Werewolf: To Kill a King. VILLAGER VICTORY - page 97

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It had been two years after the war with the kingdom of Serick had come to an end. Their king was a gallant and handsome man, brilliant in the leading of his army against rival kingdoms. Not long after he came to power, a long stretch of land between two mountain passes belonged to him. Safe, secure, and with fertile land, his kingdom was proclaimed to be in a 'golden age'. As a prince, he had a son, who was very popular throughout the land. He represented the kingdom of Serick in all of his occupied lands; and although many people held a grudge against their occupiers, the prince was beloved.

Nonetheless, for reasons unknown, the Demonguard Mercenaries were sent to assassinate the King. Some more willing than others, they had finished the preparation work and set their attack in stages. There was no room for failure, each detail was meticulously laid out. By the end of the attack all mercenaries would be out of the city and into the countryside.

Baron Curingen lead the way in through the barn roof, with Mr. Lastditch on his right and Mr. King on his left. They were all experienced fighters, so making work of the guards was no issue. They had built a make shift ladder and climbed along the wall until they reached the barn, where they tore a hole and leaped in. They were the first of the Demonguard Mercenaries to breach the city.

Instantly, an alarm sounded. The guards ran towards the barn, as if they knew that they were already there. Fifteen of them swarmed the barn, and the Baron and his men were holed up in a corner. They were the first of the Demonguard Mercenaries to be captured.

Meanwhile, Harry Zeus, Reaper and Jimothy Davidson completed their tunnel on the other side of the city. The rest of the Demonguard Mercenaries swarmed in, killing several soldiers. They rushed their way to the main tower where the king was held. They had to make their entrance as fast as possible, before the rest of the guard was alerted. Magorian set the nearby buildings on fire in order to spread chaos among the guard and the city, giving them time that they badly needed. Killing each guard on their way up, the Mercenaries approached the stairs leading to the King's personal chambers. He was expecting them; however, and greeted the Mercenaries with ten royal guards on each side of him. They drew their weapons and prepared to kill the already-exhausted assaulting force.

Behind the King appeared a demon who's armor was encrusted with the symbol of the Fire Lord. The king turned around sharply, hearing the sound, but the Demon Lord was ready for him. He plunged his knife deep into the king's throat as the tower was surrounded by guards.

Before long, all of the Mercenaries were in a dungeon, with nobody knowing who the demon was.

The prince, not yet crowned but now in power, was given the ability to do as he wished with the prisoners. Distraught and emotionally destroyed following the death of his father, he turned over their fate to the sorcerer who inhabited the nearby mountains. An envoy was sent to ask for his assistance, and he begrudgingly obliged. Not long after he appeared at their dungeon, the Demonguard mercenaries began to feel a strange feeling, and before long, they were unconscious. Not long after that, they had woken up in a strange place underground. The area was dark and wet, and yet crystals hung from the ceiling, illuminating their surroundings.

The warlock coughed and explained the situation. In his sick and twisted punishment, he had erased each remorseful mercenary's memories, except for those strictly pertaining to whom they were. He explained that they would go to the Fire Lands, where the strongest of the demon lords reigned, in order to ask for his favor. In return for his preference, he would offer each killed person's soul to the Fire Lord. Each day, they would rest, and during this resting period they would decide upon one person to lynch. He hinted at an alternative should the demons and evil mercenaries all die.

Weary and knowing no other option, the mercenaries nodded and proceeded with the first day of their journey to the Fire Lands.


1. Mr. ok (MrNomNom) - Wizard
2. Daniel (Kobrag) Sir Hitson Winsler - Terrible Crossbowman
3. Suspicious Pilgrim - Priest
4. Reaper (Grimmend) - Royal Spy

Dead People:
21. Mr. Lastditch (Shatari) Fencer
11. Magorian Aximand Psychotic Psychotherapist
12. Von Sexron (Yeomann) Von Quail (QuailLover) Bitter Man
13. Bagriss (Sir Hitson Winsler) Good Man
5. Mr. Killer (Blacktide) Man That Didn't Mean To Do It
10. Sculbi (Scully) Magorian Aximand Succubus
1. William (Nord Champion) Xardob Sad Man
10. Monsieur Lefric Monseque (Kazzan) Lord Brutus Demon Lord
8. Harry Zeus (Haresus) injured Love Demon
2. Dr. Face Melter (Facemelter) Bitter Demon
9. Baron Curingen (Austupaio) Boss
5. Mr. King (MaHuD) Innocent Man
4. Bumblebert Waxenschtoffen (Pillock) AWdeV Pitiful Man
3. Liet ibn al-Barad (Kronic) Xardob Regretful Man
8. Jimothy Davidson (Vieira) Paladin
5. Herbalorian Pinker-Bottom (ColonicAcid) QuailLover Goon
3. Toffey Goon

Rules, adapted from Quailover who adapted them from Xardob who borrowed them from Adaham, who borrowed them Ejnomad, here:

General Gameplay and Etiquette:

    You may not quote private Moderator-supplied information (either real or fabricated) of any kind.  You may only specifically repeat verbatim the name of your role (found in You are X) and that is it. You may paraphrase your role details, but you may not use any particular words that are used in the role PM.
    There is no editing or removing of your posts. Please use the preview feature before you post.
    There is to be NO personal communication outside of the forum postings.
    If you have a role with a Night action your choices are due to me by the posted deadline.  If I do not receive your choice via PM by the posted deadline you will forfeit your actions.
    As a general rule you should aim for one post every 24 hours, minimum, to keep the game moving.


The formula for day length will be one plus the number of players divided by two, rounded up. For example, Day 1 starts with 12 days for day length.

Voting, Deadlines, and Player Death:

    A simple majority of all living members must agree on one person for a Lynch to occur (simple majority = ½ # of living players +1, rounded down).
    Votes should be bolded or they may not be counted (e.g. Vote:  Player).
    Vote revocations should be bolded or they may not be counted (e.g. Unvote: Player or Unvote).  For my sake, please Unvote first before voting. It makes it easier.
    You may Vote:  No Lynch - a simple majority of these vote types are required to send the game to Night phase without a Lynch.
    Votes/Unvotes that are bolded correctly and are unambiguous (with respect to player nicknames/abbreviations) will count.
    If no one has reached a majority of votes at deadline, a No Lynch will occur.
    Once you have reached a simple majority no further unvoting will change someone’s fate.
    Once a player is lynched the game enters twilight until I post a death scene; the lynched player may not post during twilight but all other living players may continue to post.
    Once you are killed (either via lynch or night kill) you may no longer post except for a brief “Bah!”-type post.

Special Rules:

  Please PM all issues to me immediately. I do make mistakes. If you have any questions, PM me also.
  There are three confirmed factions - the innocents, demons, and evil mercenaries. The demons and evil mercenaries work together. There may be other factions that are hidden.
  The villagers win when there are no villains left.
  The villains win when their group is equal to or outnumbers the rest of the village.
  You may receive an injury. Two injuries equals a death; injuries heal after two nights.
  Actions are done simultaneously.

Your first post should include a vote.

Eternal screw up count: 1.
Votecount History:

09/04/12: The Tale Begins
09/05/12: Haresus Falls
09/08/12: Vote Count
09/12/12: Vote Count 2
09/14/12: The Sorcerer's Disappearance
09/15/12: Vote Count 3
09/16/12: Sir Hitson Winsler's Lynch
09/19/12: Night 1
09/24/12: Magorian the Fool, and a Bipolar Sorcerer
09/29/12: Vote Count 4
09/30/12: Vote Count 5
10/01/12: Shatari's Lynching
10/06/12: Night 2
10/15/12: Vote Count 6
10/15/12: Magorian's Lynching
10/20/12: Night 3
10/28/12: Vote Count 7
10/29/12: Lord Brutus's Lynching
11/04/12: Night 4
11/11/12: Austupaio's Lynching
11/15/12: Night 5
11/20/12: The Demon Prince
11/20/12: AWdeV's Lynch
11/23/12: Night 6
Post away. I have two items to send out, but beyond that, we're golden.

Remember to make first post with a vote.

edit: If I messed up (PLEASE tell me I didn't...) or you have questions, please PM me. It is my first game to host.
Magorian sets buildings on fire.
Demon was wearing armor with Fire Lord symbol.

Therefore, Magorian is a demon. Another case solved by Mr. ok

vote: mag
Well, that turn of events was pretty regretful, man. :sad:

It's just a shot in the dark, but I think Mag may well be a Wolf - Ignoring Gamblers fallacy, he's sure to be a wolf by now, playing the odds. Vote: Magorian

Oh, Nom's logic is good too. Case closed.
Vote: Mr. ok and Mr. Lastditch

They did it! It's obvious, isn't it? Just look at them, they're guilty as hell! Don't you see the horns growing out of their foreheads? Don't you see their spiked tails lashing devilishly about behind them, ready to strike? Don't you READ the evil in their eyes as they fix their fanatic gaze upon you?! DON'T YOU SEE THE GUILT WRITTEN IN THEIR FACES?!
Vote: Bagriss

Completely random, since we're all going to change our votes anyways. On a side note, should we use the character name or the poster's name when we vote?
Vote : BlackTide

Although I must say, lynching someone on the first page would have been a feat. Can't be sure if it just turned out that way or if someone really was trying to get a train rolling against Magorian.
Well hello there. Already a little train got started on Magorian last page. Interesting.

vote: Scully

No innocent would be named in Dolan language. It just reeks of evil!
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