NW Completed Royal Scots Friday LineBattle

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Main Information

What time does it start?

Sign up time: 13:45 EST / 18:45 GMT / 19:45 CET ​
Event time 14:00 EST / 19:00 GMT / 20:00 CET​
Unit's and sizes
Line Infantry 5min/25max​
Skirmishers (light infantry included) 5min/16max​
Cavalry 6min/16max​
Artillery 4min/10max (including 1 sapper / guards: 2min/6max) ​


No team killing allowed.​
Respect for all regiments and officers as well as event organisers in group chat.​
No spamming in group chat.​
Encouragement for Team Chat used for possible teamwork.​
Do not rambo, if your line dies then join another line.​
If your line consist of 3 people, join another line.​
No extending round by running away from the battle.​
No loose formation unless playing skirmisher​
Respect admins​

How to sign up

To sign up, please post the form below in this thread.​
Regiment name:​
Unit class:​
Number of people:​

Once posted, at the signup time mentioned above go into our teamspeak server(information will be posted below)​
Once in there go into the "Friday Linebattle sign-up". You only need one administrator.​
If you have any questions then feel free to contact me in the teamspeak (under the name Towel) or add any of the admins mentioned below on steam​

Teamspeak info


Towel / steamname: tangji
Joethepro36 / steamname: joethepro36
Spudgun / lolograms
Or search "Royal Scots" and our admins should show up.

We hope to see you soon.​
Bump, got 5 regiments saying that they will join. Not bad for being organised within a day, looks like we'll get some use out of our server too!
Thanks for the invite, will let you know by Thursday whether we can come (may bring 5-7)
Hello everyone :smile:

Name : 1ps_KW
Class : Lancer/ Cuirassier
            One Cannon
Number : 15-20

Joe, thank you so much for invite us.
We are proud to be once again with you to meet and play this event.


|42Cdo|Maj.GhostRider |V| / 1ps_KW_Cpl_GhostRider
Towel's event since he set it up, not that it matters much anyway. We help admin it and generally run things but since Towel did the bulk of the work it's his.

There are French on your TS?
Depends on the day really. We get a lot of nationalities online, mostly European of all different types and Americans. If you speak only fluent French we may not understand you but you're welcome all the same. :wink:

Anyway let's look forward to the first linebattle next Friday, should be a good one.
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