#GENERAL INFO#, Old Mod Thread

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Orbusprime said:
I hope the fighting system in your mod will be kinda vikingr-alike. Since Vikingr is the only mod where you can feel the weight of armor and weapons, where you can't jump and attack, where you can't do unrealistic and stupid things.
Please, check out the Vikingr fighting system and think twice if you don't want to have same in your mod.
Native fighting system ruined many great mods: CRPG, PW... Don't let it happen to Battle of Europe.
And don't, DON'T use ugly black armor OSP and Native stuff.
Good luck!
Uhm, and yes: the end of XV century would be much more easier to make and interesting to play, since guns and melee weapons were equally used back then. ~1480-1510.

Well, as you can see in my opening post, we are going to make the most realistic and historically accurate mod you've ever seen :razz:
Many of us developers including me do medieval/renaissance reenactment, so we actually know how it feels to fight and move with several weapons and armors,
cause we own them ...and I myself even build stuff like bows, arrows, quivers, clothing and other stuff.

We only use realistic weights, speeds, prices, damage values and missile velocities for our item balance.
As you may know, we are using facy calculations to get the physicaly correct damage values for example.
Our missile speeds for any kind of ranged weapons are token from academic sources and proven tests which can be found on reenactment forums.

Beside damage and speeds, even the air friction is physically calculated in this mod.
What a surprice, that the native values are well-matched to our calculated ones.

However... this is how I calculate them.
# Friction: k= 0.5*(cW/m)*p*A
# cW= drag coefficient | m= mass | p= air density | A= frontal area
# p(temp=20°C)= 1.204 kg/m³
# arrow cW= 1.84
# bullet cW= 0.45
# arrow m= 0.070 kg
# bullet m= 0.041 kg
# arrow A= 0.000126769 m² | diameter= 0.50 inch/1.270 cm
# bullet A= 0.000285023 m² | diameter= 0.75 inch/1.905 cm
air_friction_arrow = 0.002 #Native= 0.002
air_friction_bullet = 0.002 #Native= 0.002

Just to make this clear, We are NOT going to port the native's;
...Go-kart horses, endless spaming(well we have stamina), ultra fast weapons, missile spaming, jump attack madness and hyperactice athlete-tincans...
over to this mod !

Thank God! Jump attacks should be completely removed.
It looks like BoE will be the best mod of the year. Or the best mod ever.
And what about changing the year 1521 to something a bit earlier?
_Sebastian_ said:
jump attack madness and hyperactice athlete-tincans...
over to this mod !


Would you be so kind as to clarify this a bit?

Will you remove jump attacks completely or reduce the jump height and the damage they do?
Will stamina be used up by running and not just fighting?
Will horses also have stamina?
How fast will stamina recover? Or...will it? :shock:
Also, if there was any man that deserves do be hired as a companion or mercenary in a tavern of this time period it is this man:


though, I don't know how one would make a texture for his prosthetic arm :smile:
Orbusprime said:
And what about changing the year 1521 to something a bit earlier?
1521 is the most interresting year in the early 16th century, due the amount of wars and countries which were involved in wars.
Just a quick overview
1366-1526 Ottoman–Hungarian Wars
# Hungary
# Ottoman Empire

1493-1523 War of Anglian Succession
# Union of Kalmar, France
# Holy Roman Empire

1511-1550 Moroccan Wars
# Wattasid Dynasty
# Saadi Dynasty

1512-1522 Fourth Muscovite–Lithuanian War
# Grand Duchy of Moscow, Orders State
# Union of Milnik, Ottoman Empire(Crimean Tatars)

1514-1523 Anglo-Scottish Wars
# Kingdom of England
# Kingdom of Scotland

December, 1519 - April 5, 1521 Polish–Teutonic War
# Union of Milnik
# Orders State

June 30, 1521 - 14 January, 1526 Italian War
# Spain, Holy Roman Empire, Kingdom of England, Papal States
# France, Republic of Venice

January, 1521 - September 1, 1524 Swedish War of Liberation
# Sweden
# Kalmar Union

April 16, 1520 – February 3, 1522 Revolt of the Comuneros
# Spain(Castile)
# Holy Roman Epmire

Marius_Marich said:
Will you remove jump attacks completely or reduce the jump height and the damage they do?
Will stamina be used up by running and not just fighting?
Will horses also have stamina?
How fast will stamina recover? Or...will it? :shock:
1. Jump attacks are still possible, but hard to do... you have to release the attack before you prepare to jump,
so when you are in mid-air you wont be able to do any attack.

2. You will loose stamina by any movement, but the amount of the stamina loss depends on the movement itself (e.g. sprinting consumes way more stamina than running) .

3. Horses also have stamina, yes.

4. Stamina recovers if you walk or stand still, but walking wont recover the stamina as quick as standing.

The higher the equipment weight the higher the stamina loss.
If the stamina goes down to zero, then you will loose 50 points on all weapon proficiencies and you wont be able to run or sprint,
until the stamina reaches a specific level again.
Hello again. I have a question. I'm sorry if i missed it, but search gave me no results.
So, how exactly attackers will enter the besieged castle? Will it already have some pre-made holes from the begining (like in native), or players will have to MAKE these holes with artillery (it will be extremely awesome)?

    deployable shields
    pike braceing
    walking mode
    drowning under water
    advanded AI tactics like long range vollyfire and walking mode etc
    fire will damage agents
    destructible buildings
    traveling with boats and ships
    shot distance reports
Would it be possible to add a mode to the pike, where pressing "x" levels it but it does damage for anyone who comes into contact with the tip, so you could have moving spear walls? It would be awesome.  :mrgreen:
Pike bracing works great! So does stamina, blood loss and horse charge. The mod really brings you to the 16th century warfare with arquebusiers, plated knights, walls of pikes, cannons and the glorious sound effects! The weapons feel great and the calculation system work really well for them.

I can`t wait when you add the armours of the period to all the units and some new animations for sprinting, walking ect. hopefully?

P.S. I can`t seem to connect to the database when I try to play as my character could you help?

Edit- I still haven`t figured out what the blue bar is though. And will the new patch affect the mod?
MightyGreek said:
Do you think we could do some testing the next weekend sebastian??
Our testing event is ever friday at 8.00pm CET.

mcwiggum said:
Would it be possible to add a mode to the pike, where pressing "x" levels it but it does damage for anyone who comes into contact with the tip, so you could have moving spear walls? It would be awesome.  :mrgreen:
Of course, but it would be quite resource-intensive when it comes to huge battle sizes.
However it's a nice suggestion and it goes to our "nice to have" list, so it may will be implemented in the future.  :cool:
We will see...

ART0PR said:
I can`t wait when you add the armours of the period to all the units and some new animations for sprinting, walking ect. hopefully?
When we finaly get an animator, then you can expect more animation of course.

ART0PR said:
P.S. I can`t seem to connect to the database when I try to play as my character could you help?
We are working on that issue, so please be patient.

ART0PR said:
Edit- I still haven`t figured out what the blue bar is though. And will the new patch affect the mod?
It's the breath-bar.
It shows you how long you can stay under water, before you actually start to drown and lose health.
The breath-time also depends on the amount of your stamina.
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