7y Leib-Gvardii Preobrazhensky [Recruiting NA]

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7-й Лейбъ-Гвардіи Преображенскій Полкъ
7y Leib-Gvardii Preobrazhensky Polk

The 7y Leib is a Russian foot-guard regiment for Mount and Blade: Warband: Napoleonic Wars based in the United States and Canada. We primarily fight with line infantry tactics and our members have extensive knowledge and experience in a variety of maneuvers that can be quickly executed under enemy fire. MM veterans will benefit from our dependable schedule and dedicated leaders, while new players will also be given an environment of friendliness and encouragement in which to master the game, including structured training on formation marching, marksmanship and melee fighting with bayonet. 7y also maintains detachments for skirmishers, cavalry, and artillery, for the times when we are permitted to deploy them in a line-battle. These individuals, while being specialists, are still trained extensively as line-infantry and play primarily in that role.

The historical Preobrazhenskiy Regiment was raised by Tsar Peter I in 1691 from servants and personal friends, and barracked them in the Moscow neighbourhood of Preobrazhenskoe where he and his mother lived. As the Tsar matured, so did the regiment and the various war-games it conducted. This regiment, alongside its sister-regiment Semenovskiy, formed the nucleus of the new westernized army Peter was creating (and displaced the hereditary Streltsy forces in the process). In 1700, before the battle of Narva against Sweden, he officially ordained both regiments to be "Leib-Gvardii," from the German for "body" and the Italian for "guard," thus marking their exception from the rank-and-file. In peace they protected the Romanov family and their property, while in war they could be deployed as a shock-troop to bolster the regiments of the line in times of dire need. They were the premier regiment of the guard, and therefore the premier regiment of the entire army, and the Emperors held the title of Colonel-in-Chief of the regiment at all times, though they were always commanded in battle by someone else. They were also a political weapon within the court: whomever had the support of the Preobrazhenskiy and Semenovskiy regiments could take the Imperial throne. Serving through the entire 18th and 19th centuries, the Preobrazhensky would last be deployed in the First World War before disbanding in 1917 with the abdication of Nicholas II and the dissolution of the empire.

The Napoleonic Era saw the Leib-Gvardii Preobrazhenskiy fighting in the Finnish campaign (1788-89), at Austerlitz (1805), Guttland-Deppen (1807), Friedland (1807), Borodino (1812), Lützen (1813), Bautzen (1813), Kulm (1813) (where they earned the ribbon of St. George for their banners), Leipzig (1813), and Paris (1814).


Russian guardsmen advance at Borodino

Only active members are listed in the main roster.



Mayr Zorkoth
Kap Chester
Kap Beretta
SKap Bluehawk
Poru Wablestomp2
SPoru Monty
SPoru Nightman



PFeld Colonys
PFeld TheNinjaera
PPra ShogunPredator
Muo Samuright
Muo Ardjet
Muo Stvo131
Muo Rubytap
Muo Death
Muo Vlad



Grd Bomby
Grd Mailman 
Grd Waturmellin
Grd Ghost
Grd Stevd
Grd Toast
Grd Thomsenthedane
Grd Niophoris
Grd Flamewall881
Rds Evan
Rds Mcfarlane50
Rds Ghosty
Rdm Totalwar101   
Rdm Vexton
Rdm SouljaSteele 
Rdm Nicola
Rdm Elemix
Rkt Mark
Rkt Cman300
Rkt Phantom
Rkt Caern
Rkt DoctorPainkiller
Rkt Marcus
Rkt Zamanoy
Rkt Boberty



PFeld Colonys22
PPra Miller
PPra ShogunPredator
Muo Death
Rdm Diablo
Rdm Carl Sanders
Rdm Justin



SKap Bluehawk
Muo Vlad
Muo Ezio
Grd Waturmellin
Rdm Elemix
Rdm Gorgutz
Rdm Leonidas



Kap Beretta
PFeld Zoidstiz
PPra TheNinjaera
Muo Samuright
Grd Rubytap
Grd Thomsenthedan
Rds Mailman
Rds Evan
Rds Flamewall881
Rds Ghosty
Rdm Vexton



Fleytist (Fifer) -
Barabanshchik (Drummer) - Rds Death
Znamenosets (Colour-Bearer) -

Last updated November 23rd, 2012


The 7y Leib uses a rank system based largely on the ranks of the Russian Guard infantry in the period of 1800-1826. They are explained below in order from most junior to most senior.

Rkt - Rekrut - this is assigned to all new members for a minimum of one week, after which they will be tested to see if they have learned the maneuvers expected of them.
Rdm - Ryadovoy Mladshego Oklada - this is the lowest enlisted rank, and historically the lowest pay-grade. All recruits graduate to Rdm upon passing their test.
Rds - Ryadovoy Starshego Oklada - a ranker of a more senior grade. A mark of seniority and competence, akin to private first class.
Grd - Gvardeyets - a most senior enlisted rank invented by the 7y to add more layer of gradation for the privates before they take on the responsibility and authority of an NCO.

Muo - Mladshiy Unter-Ofitser - the lowest non-commissioned officer rank, comparable to a corporal.
PPra - Podpraporshchik - literally translating to sub-ensign, its place in the hierarchy is counter-intuitive by UK/US standards.
PFeld - Podfeldfebel - historically, this rank was Portupey-Praporshchik, but for clarity and brevity, we have invented the rank of sub-sergeant to fill this role, preceding the regular Feldfebel.
Feld - Feldfebel - sergeant, plain and simple, an experienced and trusted leader of men.
Pra - Praporshchik - ensign or sergeant major, bridging the gap between the enlisted men and the commissioned officers.

SPoru - Podporuchik - the first commissioned officer rank, comparable to second lieutenant. For clarity in our abbreviations, "Pod-" has been replaced by "Sub-", creating "SPoru."
Poru - Poruchik - a full lieutenant.
SKap - Shtabs-Kapitan - a staff-captain, a rank designed for an adjutant position.
Kap - Kapitan - captain, typically the leader of a company.
Mayr - Mayor - major. This is a position as much as it is a rank, as far as the 7y is concerned. Zorkoth, as our leader, is the major.

For a look at the historical rankings on which these are based, have a read HERE or HERE.


The 7y has a steady and dependable schedule, which all members should memorize.

Monday - Bootcamp and Rdm Testing - 8 PM EST
Tuesday - Event - 8 PM EST
Wednesday - Training - 8 PM EST
Friday - Linebattle - 9 PM EST


If you're interesting in joining the 7y Leib, post a comment in this thread or PM me directly with the following information, and we'll reply as soon as possible.
In-Game Name:
Steam Name (required):
Do you have a mic:
Do you have Teamspeak 3 (required):
Will you be active (must be able to attend one training and Linebattle a week):
What Timezone are you in:
What is your age:
Experience in Napoleonic Wars (Regiments):
Do you solemnly pledge to uphold the obligations you will have when you enter this regiment:

Website: http://7y.enjin.com
Teamspeak: nec.bluefang.net:9999
Ingame Server: 7y_Leib_Official
Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/7y_Leib_Polk

Graphical Text by [93rd] Alpha
In-Game Name:Creaturedog
Steam Name (required):Emperor Lord
Do you have a mic:Nope :sad:
Do you have Teamspeak 3 (required):Yes :grin:
Will you be active (must be able to attend one training and Linebattle a week):Yes of course
What Country are you from:USA
What is your age:17
Experience in the mod (Regiments):77y,33rd,22nd,8th,88th,1st KGL,and 4th Art
Do you solemnly pledge to uphold the obligations you will have when you enter this regiment:Yes              READ!!!!!!!!!!  I AM looking for cav thats all i want :grin:
Emperor Lord, you've already spoken to several individuals on Teamspeak and that's been settled...

Gabth93, we primarily use dragoons for the time being and have used dragoons in line-battles, but since the Russian heavy cavalry are the cavalry of the Guard, we are interested in experimenting with them more.
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