3rd Foot Artillery Regimient “Sevilla” (Spanish Foot Artillery)

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Foot Artillery (Artilleria a Pie)
The foot gunners and their officers marched on foot.
The gunner was armed with musket, bayonet and a short infantry saber.

The foot gunners marched on foot and their officers were suppose to march with them. Only those of officers who were 50-years old and more were entitled to horses. However, according to several French sources (for example Tousard) and regulations there is a provision for mounting foot artillerymen on gun team horses as early as 1809. The foot gunner was armed with musket of dragoon model, bayonet, and a short infantry saber.

There were 8 (administrative) regiments of foot artillery of 22 (tactical) companies each.
The companies were scattered among various armies. For example in 1812 the 3rd Foot Artillery Regiment had 8-9 companies in Spain, 2-3 in Netherlands and the rest in France, Germany and Russia.


The artillery, as a military weapon
Making history should place ourselves in the ninth century AD that is when the Chinese invented black powder. They are Arabs and the Greeks who introduced it in Europe during the thirteenth century, although as firearms use is delayed until the fourteenth century, attributed to a German monk, Berthold Schwarz was honored to be the first to launch a projectile using gunpowder. Other studies indicate that the Arabs had already been carried out in the Iberian Peninsula. Indicate that the powder has a ratio of 75% potassium nitrate, 10% sulfur and 15% carbon in their composition.

The history of artillery was divided into three periods. Three of them related to materials manufacturing and fourth in the ordinances or regulations to achieve the best results tactical or logistical.

The first time is called wrought iron, and runs from the first shots in the fourteenth century to the early sixteenth century. They were constructed of wrought iron pieces, composed of muzzle and assembly. The most characteristic are the bombards or cabbage, the small cannon and mortar for firing curve, also called mason or blunderbuss. Clarify that both the 1st and the 2nd time, the pieces were muzzle-loading, ie being loaded or rode through the muzzle.

In the second period is called the molten metal. This technical advance enabled the manufacture of parts in a single part, so you are avoiding leakage of gases between the server and the tomba, and the risks of breaking the bond between them to overdo the explosive charges. Pieces were safe and allowed a higher frequency of shots. The features include culverin parts and the barrel, improving the existing mortar. It also advances in the installation of stumps as to alter the angle of inclination without raising or lowering the entire assembly. Behold the sixteenth and seventeenth century.

In the so-called third period, known as ordinances, not advanced significantly in terms of materials and techniques used to manufacture the parts and materials, but in terms of logistics and artillery tactical weapon for maximum performance in their use. He continued to use bronze and iron. Spanned the eighteenth and first half of the century.

The last, the fourth time, is considered accurate. It begins in the second half of the nineteenth century until the first third of the twentieth century, and artillery is called Steel. It estrían souls or inner tubes, breech appears, ie, the pieces are assembled or loaded from the rear, closest to the gunners and furthest from the muzzle. Furthermore, it requires the use of steel in building materials, which makes these more resistant. Scratches or striated soul - or bore-piece forces the projectile to adopt a rotational movement about its longitudinal axis, so that stabilizes its flight, obtaining more accurate shooting. It is available in the siege artillery a considerable increase in the size and scope, so pass the concept of offensive defense.

Later technological innovations appear as self-propelled guns, artillery, antiaircraft guns tracked, mechanized and armored units, artillery guided projectiles, the introduction of optical sighting systems, improved ballistics, and a host of advances that make it more sophisticated, more dangerous and destructive, so it appears inevitable that some scholars consider a fifth stage that we will call for regulation, because you try and try - because we are still immersed in it, to curb the destructive power of new high nuclear, atomic and the like. Advanced countries understand that they have to put limits on research and development of weapons, and not just one aspect of economic cut, but the high destructive power that has been reached.

Your participation in the decisive Battle of Bailen
The French artillery, spoiled by Napoleon himself, who came from such a weapon, Bailen was less than the Spanish artillery. That was barely 800 meters in front of the Spanish who came to 1,000 meters. At first the Spanish pieces, better located on the ground, following the direction of the flashes of the French manage to destroy a large number of them, leaving the infantry brigade Chabert unsupported in their advance on the Spanish lines. This is the moment when General Reding, the big winner of Bailen, commanded a cavalry charge with the Farnese Regiment, the Regiment Bourbon and Sherry garrochistas against French brigade.

About seven o'clock on the morning after several skirmishes, French troops crown the Spanish lines. That's when the brave Spanish gunners melee against the fearsome Cuirassiers, using brooms and attackers against experienced riders. Several authors note that that feat occurred in the Andalusian countryside is idealized on canvas in the same Artillery Academy of Segovia.

After several hours of fierce battle under the scorching July sun of Bailen, Dupont found to have practically lost their artillery and heavy cavalry, so he begins to seriously consider the surrender would take place later.

In coming issues we will be dissecting the details of the artillery gun, one of the most technical of any army that has sidonza more decisive in the various clashes between contending

Lieutenant 3rd foot Artillery Regiment "Sevilla" in Bailen

The tag of Regiment is:

- Recruits:
  • Voluntario - Volunteer - Vol
  • Cadete - Cadet - Cdt
- Soldier:
  • Sirviente - Servant - Svt
  • Artillero - Gunner - Art
  • Guardia - Guard - Gua
- NCO:
  • Cabo - Corporal - Cbo
  • Sargento - Sergeant - Sgt
  • Sargento mayor - Sergeant Major - SgtM
- Officers:
  • Alférez - 2nd Lieutenant - Alf
  • Teniente - Lieutenant - Tnt
  • Capitán - Captain - Cpt
- Special:
  • Porta Estandarte - Banner Carrier - Pst
  • Flautista - Fluetist - Flt
  • Tamborilero - Drummer - Tmr
  • Aguadora - Water Carrier - Agu

Who are we?
We are a Spanish regiment, we accept any person who talks spanish fluently. Our only rules are, being 18+, and treat people with respect.
We usually fight along with the spanish 8th Infantry Regiment "Ausona", and with the spanish Light Lancers Regiment "Castilla".

Contact Us
3rd Foot Artillery Regimient “Sevilla”
Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/3Art

Captain Sergius
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