4º Regimiento de Artillería de La Coruña [WIP]

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Master Knight

4º Regimiento de Artillería de La Coruña


The 22nd of July the Spanish artillery was reorganized into four artillery regiment. The third batallion of the Royal Regiment (the only artillery regiment existing since 1710) was converted in the 4th Regiment of the Royal Foot Artillery Corp and was detached to La Coruña.

In 1804 the regiment participated in  the defence of El Ferrol, in 1805 fought in Trafalgar and in  1806 the regiment moved to Denmark with La Romana Division.

During the Independence War (Peninsular War) its activity was continuous, but their highlights moments were in 1808 at the battle of Medina Rioseco, in 1809 at the attack to Santiago de Compostela, the siege of Lugo , the battle of Talavera and Ocaña. In 1810 they were in the defence of Badajoz and Astorga. Also in the following year (1811) they were at the defence of Olivenza and participated in the battle of La Albuera.

In 1812 the regiment took part of the siege and the conquest of Badajoz, and the defence of Ciudad Rodrigo, where they helped the British. They continued fighting around Northern-Spain in the following years.

Also where part of the regiment earned a high of reputation was in the battle of Medina del Rioseco 14th of July 1808. When the battle was lost and the Spanish Army retreating they hold their positions covering the retreat. Was here where they received some appreciation words from the French General Thiers "The artillery was the best thing that the Spanish Army had", and also from Marechal Soult  " We often see the [Spanish] gunners stabbed or nailed in their canons by the enemies bayonets between the chaotic retreat"


About us

The 4th Artillery Regiment is a Spanish speaking regiment who likes to simulate the tactics and the conduct of a Napoleonic soldier We are a serious, mature and disciplinated group of players, most of them veterans of the old Mount & Musket mod.

Our regiment was formed in 2011, since then we have been practising to become an elite artillery unit and we still doing so. All our officers have been promoted by their skills, no one is a "protected".

It's obligatory to follow the rules and obey your superiors, we don't like trolls 

- Recruits:

  - Voluntario - Volunteer - Vol - 4Art_Voluntario
  - Cadete - Cadet - Cdt - 4Art_Cadete

- Regular:

  - Guardia - Guard - Grd - 4Art_Guardia
  - Artillero - Artilleryman - Art - 4Art_Artillero

- NCO:

  -  Cabo - Corporal - Cbo - 4Art_Cabo
  -  Sargento - Sergeant - Sgt - 4Art_Sargento
  -  Sargento mayor - Sergeant Major - SgtM - 4Art_SgtMayor

- Officers:

  - Alférez - 2nd Lieutenant - Alf - Art_Alferez
  - Teniente - Lieutenant - Tnt - 4Art_Teniente
  - Capitán - Captain - Cpt - 4Art_Capitan


We trains Friday from  16:30 Gtm+1 to 18:00 Gtm+1
                                      (15:30 Gtm - 17:00 Gtm)


General Staff
General: General Swordsman
Seniors and Juniors officers
Oficial del Regimiento: Capitán Swordsman
Oficial de la Bateria: Teniente Michel
Suboficial de la Bateria: Sargento Rusillo
Artillery Crew
Artillero: Artillero Denkar
Artillero: Artillero Ruiz
Artillero: Artillero Escolar
Artillero: Artillero Daemian
Artillero: Artillero Bailen
Artillero: Artillero Kaleck
Artillery Guards
Guardia: Guardia Eustakius
Guardia: *Vacante
Sappers and Musicians
Zapador: *Vacante
Tambor: *Vacante
Resevista: Guardia Delineante
Reservista: Guardia Rambo


We also are recruiting people who are 14 (or older :razz:) and who can speak a good Spanish.

Our Website

Contact Us

4 Reg De La Coruña Contacts (Steam Group) -> http://steamcommunity.com/groups/4Regimiento_Artilleria

Steam Users Name Contact ->

4 Art Cpt Swordsman: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198024095072/
4 Art Tnt Michel: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198007316647

Nombre de Usuario de Steam:
Nombre de personaje dentro del juego:
Experiencia en el Warband (mods, otros regimientos, etc.):
Sección a la que quieres unirte (artilleros o guardias):

/User steam name:
/Ingame name:
/Experience with other mods:
/Do you want join as Guard or gunner?:
We had our first training on Friday with  this mod  and it was awesome! we enjoyed training with the new guns, we have to practice a lot, with Howitzers, but we dominated the new canons  :cool:.

Thanks guys for attend, and welcome all the new members (I will update the roster later).
Good luck from the 13. Infanterie Brigade!
But please, dont answer that much to be on top of the list.
Last time that I post was a week ago, we have new people and I'm not spamming for be at the top. So why I can't  update this thread if I need to do it?
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