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First episode below. Mods will be listed soon. Thanks to all who voted for the faction.

Some of it may seem rushed, i just hate the first mission, and I'm trying to rush through it to get onto the good stuff.


AAR: Mikkael Chapter 1
Mikkael stepped off the boat in Praven, fresh with excitement, yet also fear. He had sailed hundreds of miles, only to escape the death and destruction of his home. His father was a soldier in the king’s garrison, and he had changed from a young age to be a craftsman, not wanting to live the bloody life of his father. He also trained as a smith, and had managed to take some tools from the ruins of his farmhouse. 
He wandered, almost in a stupor, looking at the huge buildings, the kind that he had only of dreamed of in the small farming village that he grew up in. He walked into the first inn he saw, rented a room, and fell asleep instantly on the rotten mattress. The next morning, he set out to explore the new world he had arrived in. However, he saw a flash of metal in a dark alley. He drew his sword out, just as a dirty old man with a mace walked out screaming and ranting. “THOU SHALL NOT PASS” The old man yelled, swinging his mace wildly. Mikkael couldn’t block the old man’s first swing, and it hit his shoulder with a sickening thud. He stood back up, and stabbed his sword into the old man’s face. The old man crumpled over, dead. A man ran up to him. “Are you alright?” he asked. Mikkael grasped his shoulder and fell on the ground.


The next thing he saw was the ceiling of a house. Groaning, he felt his shoulder. It felt better, but it was still painful to move his arm. “Where am I” he said aloud. “You’re in a safe place friend.” The man who rescued him replied. “That old man was terrorizing everyone. You’ve done us a great service. However, seeing as you’re a fighting man, I have some work that might interest you.”


                          Mikkael, interested, asked what kind of work the man meant. “Well, my brother was captured by some bandits, and I need help recovering him. I’ll pay you to rescue him. What do you say?” Mikkael, who was eager to help, and get money, answered yes. “You’re not going anywhere, in the state you’re in, especially alone” The man said. “You’ll need some help. Go to the villages near here and get some men to help. There are always young guys like you looking for something more interested than farming.” 

Mikkael left Praven, and went to the surrounding villages. He could only find a few men in the nearby villages, and on the way to Gisim, a village to the north, he was attacked by a band of 60 bandits.


                                      Seeing no alternative, Mikkael had to attack. The grimy men threw rocks, one of which hit Mikkael in the head. He fell off his horse, and all he saw before losing consciousness was the precious tools he had brought being stolen away. He was dragged along for many days, before finally escaping. He travelled back, intent on fulfilling his promise. He found 10 men in the nearby villages.  They travelled back to the tavern, where the man was eager to greet him. “Well done” he said. “Now here’s what you need to do. Go and find some men that have been loitering around town. You NEED to find out where they’re holding my brother.”
Mikkael left the town once more, and found the men. He killed 3 and knocked out the ringleader. “Where are you holding your prisoners?” The ringleader cowered in fear. “Alright, he is in a cave near Asgad. I promise I’ll never do anything illegal again.” He said, whimpering on the ground. Mikkael left, leaving him behind. He travelled to the cave, and killed all the bandits, and rescued the man’s brother. He returned to Praven, and soon the man paid him 200 coins. “I have another task for you. Some bandits are wandering around the town, causing trouble for everyone. We’re going to go out and take them out. You want to come?” “Sure” Mikkael said, somewhat unenergetically. He headed out, and took out the rather obvious bandits. The man paid him his gold, and Mikkael left. He headed over to the guild master, looking for any jobs, but the only thing that was available was herding some cows. He departed, angry again, until he stumbled upon a battle between a lord and the same battle of bandits. He charged in, much to the confusion of the lord and his men. All, his men, save for two, Robert and Sammel, were killed. The lord, Count Regas, pointed out his men’s bravery. “You fought well, as did your men. I have some spare armor I might be able to give them.” He handed Mikkael some armor and weapons, and he handed them out to Robert and Sammel. Mikkael looked out over the landscape, and planned his next move.
dragonchris said:
go with swadia since as we all know they are the most active

Due to this ^ I have decided to go Swadian. Expect first chapter to be out sometime this week.

Just a FYI: It will be written in a third person narrative, A la Game of thrones
Mikael eh? Isn't that the name of that annoying bard in Whiterun in Skyrim? Man I hate that guy. Good AAr btw
Cleomenes said:
Mikael eh? Isn't that the name of that annoying bard in Whiterun in Skyrim? Man I hate that guy. Good AAr btw

Yeah, Just remembered that. It's also the name my random name generator for my phone came up with. I also killed him with a great axe, btw.

Screenshots for first Chapter are now out!
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