Servers and rules

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Currently official "The Deluge" servers are:

1_Deluge_Tawerna - all game types (50-100 slots)
1_Deluge_INV_Tawerna - Invasion only (usually 30-40 slots)
1_Deluge_Daedalus - available from time to time - my own dev server (around 30 slots)
Deluge_EU_Battle - Battle only (250 slots)
Deluge_EU_Invasion - Invasion only (250 slots)
Deluge_EU_Siege - Siege only (250 slots)
Big thanks to Glenn and Micheal Sawyer - - for hosting all Deluge_EU 250 slot servers
Big thanks to Trazer of Tercio Viejo de Nápoles clan for hosting those servers

Current status (game type, map and number of players) of those and other The Deluge servers can be viewed on our website: @

What's the difference between official servers and unofficial ones?
1. Always the most up-to-date version - including not only released patches, but also small bug fixes, which are uploaded only on our servers by The Deluge devs
2. Full support from our side - you can report people breaking rules, glitchers, cheaters and the one who insult other - we will deal with them
3. We have large number of admins who will make sure that everything is alright on the server.

List of server administrators on Deluge_Tawerna Servers:
- B@rtu$
- Daedalus
- Dąbrowski
- Dimitri
- EMOsek
- Hofiko
- Oktawian
- Sir Luca

List of server administrators on Deluge_EU 250 slot servers:
- Backslash
- B@rtu$
- Borderlander_Wolfstar
- Daedalus
- Dąbrowski
- Dimitri
- Diplexheated
- EMOsek
- Glenn
- Gokiller
- Hirst
- Hofiko
- Lekaas
- Michael Sawyer
- Oktawian
- Sir Luca
- Trotsky

Server rules:
...during translation process.
Don't forget to post the North American server,


250 slot
Active Admins
Mix of Battle and Invasion
Hosted in Chicago, Illinois
Starting Gold is 1,800 for battle
10,000 for Invasion

Currently We are the only North American server
We also have 2 North American clans who use our server and teamspeak they are

23rdBRK (23rd Black Powder Knights)
Faction- Sweden
Members- 5

Akinci Raiders
Faction: Cossack
Members- 12

Our Teamspeak info is:

So come join and play, admins listen and help all players!!!!!
I would like you to perhaps consider the possibility of turning polls off for map change and factions. There's pretty much a poll following another poll right now and runs against the server rule of Poll Spamming. It's impossible to really play any map for a good length of time due to incessent switching.
Eiríkr Rauði said:
I would like you to perhaps consider the possibility of turning polls off for map change and factions. There's pretty much a poll following another poll right now and runs against the server rule of Poll Spamming. It's impossible to really play any map for a good length of time due to incessent switching.

You can never stop the voice of the people  :razz: :razz:
No I see what you mean and I agree, but I have a hard time seeing
polls being turned off. Though it would fix a crap load of problems  :smile:
Shadian said:
Don't forget to post the North American server,


Did this server crash a few minutes ago? I was about to connect but I had to restart, I come back and it's not there. :S
Deluge_EU servers have become our official ones. Thanks a lot to Glenn and Micheal Sawyer at for hosting those servers and letting us use them.

You can report here any server rule's abuse on both Tawerna servers and Deluge_EU servers.
Lord Duck said:
I can't see this servers in the server list is that just me or do i have to do something?

when i had this problem i was either not using the WSE to load the mod or i had the folder named to the wrong version in my modules folder
Lord Duck said:
I can't see this servers in the server list is that just me or do i have to do something?

Yeah go on to the Deluge module folder, and go into the WSE sub folder and launch it using the loader, and it will work.
Master of the field occurs automatically in battle mode when both teams have failed to make a kill within x amount of seconds. It cannot be controlled via server options or admin panel.
Eiríkr Rauði said:
Polls have to be turned off. Still experiencing the same ol' poll spam for everything, all the time.

When I enter the server, I usually turn all map, factions and weather polls off. However, polls are pretty useful when no admin is online, as some maps are bugged/barely playable to little number of players.

I also raised the poll accept threshold to 60%.

nilloc93 said:
oh stfu, polls are fine, if they are accepted it means that most of the people on the server want to do something different

False. Majority of players changes it's minds every 20 seconds, and even after accepted poll, they often make another in 1st round of next map, which is also accepted.... And so on, so on...

Conclusion: Polls should be curbed, but not turned off.
Cheers to Hofiko for directing me here

around 4:00pm GMT on the 1_Deluge_Tawerna, Player CZP_Pulkownik_Ezio was the last alive. He asked for a duel, player Greifenhez decided not to let him (as is his right), killed Ezio. Ezio then submitted a ban poll for "cheating" which was accepted. This sort of behaviour is very sad in my opinion, trying to remove someone from a server just because they don't like the way you play.
link to screen of chat logs, sadly it doesn't show the poll but I presume it can be looked up on the admin logs:
Really I have just been banned off deluge_EU battle server for no reason!
I would like to know why I have been banned for no reason!
Whoever is in charge of the server you seriously need to sort out your power trolling admin's!
100% out of order completely disgraceful to the admin's of this server!
If he is complaining for a poll ban as for an admin failure, I will lol so much.  :lol:

EDIT DOWN: Woah! I.. Can... *Internal Server Error*  :shock:
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