M&B WB:..."Capture The Flag Innovation Tourney" [CIT]...^^

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...E' appena stato annunciato sul Forum internazionale un nuovo Torneo per Warband in modalita' Capture The Flag, chiamato appunto "Capture The Flag Innovation Tourney" [CIT]...
...Il tornao avra' inizio l' 11/02/2012 e sara' possibile iscriversi da oggi 14/01/2012 al 04/02/2012...

...qui di seguito un breve accenno alle Regole (in inglese):...


- Each team will be lead by a team captain. Forms for registration will be in the second post.
- Each team will consist of 9-10 people.
- The tournament is designed for a 6v6. Teams are allowed to fight 5v5, but no lower.
- In order to add a member to your team, a PM must be sent to me. That player is eligible to play as soon as you send the PM. They do not have to be added to the roster before they are played.
- A team may be kicked out at any time. Although this is a commitment as a team resigning messes up the scoreboards, they are allowed to do so.

- Each phase or 'round'(per tournament terms) of the tournament will begin a week after the one before it.
- Each team is obligated to fight the team it is supposed to within two weeks. It is rare that an extension will be allowed past this,
- Scheduling will be performed by individual teams; you may choose to do this in any way. Save logs of scheduling conversations for review in case a problem arises.
- If one team is proving uncooperative, then an auto-loss will occur. If this continues to be a problem, they will be removed from the tournament.
- Screenshots should be taken as soon as one team reaches 4 wins. See rules on matches.
- Teams should play on a server that is best for both of them. In case of an EU team vs. NA team match, it will always be played on an East Coast server unless one is not available.

  Server settings
- 1500 gold.
- Fastest Speed. If both teams wish to fight on Medium, then they are allowed to. However, default is Fastest.
- Automatic horse killing off and other obvious rules. Akin to battle settings.
- 100% round and bonus gold.
- Friendly fire friend, 100%, friendly fire self, 0%, minimum armor not enforced. ranged enabled and capture the flag game type.
- 30 minute time limit.
- Forest Hideout, Random Plains/Steppes Large not allowed. Khergits also not allowed.
  Match Rules
- Top seed determines map, bottom seed determines their faction and spawn, top seed then picks their faction.
- One map will be played with two 'rounds', for lack of a better term. First team to capture 4 flags, with a map time limit of 30 minutes, wins the first 'round'. In case of running out of time, team with the most flags wins that round. If it is a draw upon running out of time, then both teams keep on fighting until one team conquers one flag above the other. Then spawn and faction will be switched and the second 'round' will commence, with the same rules as before. Team that wins both rounds wins the match.
- In case one team wins the first round and the second team wins the other, then a third round will commence with original spawn and factions. First to 4, or team with highest amount of flags when time runs out, wins.
    Example: Team 1 on first round: 4-2, Team 2 on second round: 4-3. They both play a third round, and whoever wins this third round wins the match.
- The switching of faction and spawn is to make up for possible map and flag spawn imbalances.
- Ghosting is illegal. In case a team is suspected of ghosting, a neutral third party will be sent to their VoIP for their next two matches.
- Trolling beyond the usual is not allowed, and non-joking insults and harassments are illegal as well.
- Class Restrictions:
Two Cavalry Maximum
Three Archers Maximum
Unlimited Infantry

Example of a Match:
Team 1, top seed: Ruins.
Team 2, bottom seed: Bottom Spawn, Nords.
Team 3, top seed: Rhodoks.
Say team 1 runs out of time leading 3-2. Team 1 wins the first round. The clock is reset back to 30 minutes, faction and spawn are switched, and they play again. Team 2 wins 4-1. They switch back to original spawn and faction, and reset timer. Team that wins the third round wins the match.

- Matches should be reported via thread or PM as soon as the match is finished.
- Screenshots are advisable in case of a dispute.

N.B.:...qui trovate il tread originale sull'evento:...

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