Information for map makers (Updated for v0.17 - February 2nd)

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As you may have noticed, there are currently only a few maps in this mod. I can't make maps, but if you're reading this then maybe you can. Here are some things you'll need to know before making a map for The Wild Wind.

--Basic Things You Need to Know--

You can place entry points labeled anything greater than or equal to 1.

However, because the map screen must be set up manually for every scene and requires the source code, new maps must be sent to me so I can make them work properly. Without doing so, the map screen that comes up when spawning will display incorrectly.

Trees are spawned randomly around scene props called "spawn_marker_tree".

You can adjust how many trees are spawned by scaling the spawn_marker_tree prop. The smaller it is, the less trees will spawn, and vice versa.

Rocks, unlike trees, are placed manually in the scene. The destructible rocks are located between rock_destructible_ore_1 and rock_destructible_carbon_3.

There are 5 different rock types, and 3 variations of each prop. Cobblestone, Limestone, and Marble are generally used for constructing buildings. Ore and Carbon are generally used for crafting items.

Like trees, animals are spawned by placing spawn marker scene props. The animal spawn markers are spawn_marker_deer, spawn_marker_goat, and spawn_marker_fish. They function mostly the same as tree spawn markers.

I think that's everything. Be sure to let me know if I forgot something.
Just completely redid the first post to account for the large amount of changes that the mod went through from when I first wrote that post to the release of v0.17.
Firstly, just want to say congrat for this very nice Mod. I have a server for a french community and each player want to try this Mod. then I putted on and try 2 maps called "Fight on ice" and "Castle 4". The first one is quite "little" so we tried the second one. But we didn't find any "carbon" rock. is that a bug or do we have to look for harder ?
Truguet said:
Firstly, just want to say congrat for this very nice Mod. I have a server for a french community and each player want to try this Mod. then I putted on and try 2 maps called "Fight on ice" and "Castle 4". The first one is quite "little" so we tried the second one. But we didn't find any "carbon" rock. is that a bug or do we have to look for harder ?

Pnly Wild West and Wild West 2 maps work for this mod.
Well if you need mapmakers, make some maps that work, then you'll actually get some attention, and then maybe some players!
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