Rigale FAQ

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Q: The game won't find my tools. I DO have plenty of them in my inventory.
A: Place some tools in the upper left slot of your inventory.

Q: I am having some problems with my ammunitions, they become "invalid_objects", multiply, change categories....
A: You are supposed to equip only one quiver of ammunitions, whatever they are. If you equip more than one, you will eventually get weird results, that are potentially game breaking. IF you DO have invalid objects this way, please remove them byt throwing them away.

Q: I would like to gather ressources for crafting, is there a way to improve this ?
A: There are permanent gathering spots in the world, you have to discover them. Then, you can randomly find some gathering spots. If you switch to "exploration" mode in the camp menu, it will greatly increase your chance to find some spots, as long as the area you are in isn't too well known (meaning you still have things to discover...) If you perfectly (or very well) know an area, try to move elsewhere to improve your chances of finding some gathering spots.
For shaman, Spirits can also show you where natural ressources are...
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