Diplomacy 3.3.2+: Allow fief trading & other improvements (updated 2011-06-15)

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OUTDATED: This does not work with M&B:WB 1.143.  You should instead use Diplomacy 4.0, which includes all of the changes from this.

  • Major update, 2011-06-06, last bugfixes released 2011-06-15
    Contains fixes for various bugs from the previous "Diplomacy plus fiefs etc." release. (The vassal titles bug. The ladies speaking as lords bug. The terrain advantage/loot/renown bug. Various string problems. Thanks to Caba`drin and others. The INFAMOUS Diplomacy battle continuation bug is finally fixed, also thanks to Caba`drin.)

    I made some modifications to Diplomacy 3.3.2 to implement some features from the suggestions thread.  The primary one was adding support for trading fiefs with other lords of the same faction.

    I realized that if I waited until I was done tinkering, I'd never release my changes, and since it was my intention from the start to do so (for people to use themselves, or for Wahti to take if he wants -- I'd be totally pleased if he took any of this) I'm uploading what I have.

    The major features are somewhat tested.  From what I understand about save compatibility, it should be compatible with Native.  It *probably* can be copied over vanilla Diplomacy and used with the same savegames; I performed most of my testing that way, but there could be subtle problems.

    Download (source and .txt files), last update 2011-06-15
    M&B Repository Download - Diplomacy_332_modified_2011_06_15.7z

    Download merged with PBOD 0.88, last update 2011-06-15
    M&B Repository Download - Diplomacy_332_modified_2011_06_15_+PBOD_088.7z

    Source code notes
    My additions are started with #diplomacy start+ and end with #diplomacy end+.  When I was editing an existing Diplomacy script, I usually used #nested diplomacy start+ for some reason that probably made sense at the time but now seems stupid to me.

    Major features
    • Lords in halls are sorted by the time you last spoke to them, so you can speak to every lord in your feast by repeatedly leaving and entering the hall.
    • Enabled exchanging fiefs with other lords of the same faction (altered 2011-03-27).
    • Allowed male PCs to marry female lords (such as promoted companions in Native).
    • You can try to convince a lord to support another candidate (not just yourself) to receive a fief or to become marshall (released 2011-04-03).
    • It is now possible to marry pretenders and become the co-ruler of a kingdom (added 2011-06-06).
    • Female players have the option to play with or without sexist game elements (added 2011-06-06).
    • Optionally allow lords to eventually return from exile, either pardoned by an NPC king or seeking a pardon from the player.  This option is ON by default, and can be changed in the Camp menu (experimental 2011-04-03; full 2011-06-06).

    Diplomacy features altered
    • New Mercantilism policy slider (added 2011-06-06)
    • Fixed mistake in Diplomacy truce cost calculations (there was a sign error that was making the computer almost always agree to truces when it shouldn't).  Made enemy kingdoms slightly less easy to take advantage of.
    • When the AI is the one asking for peace, and the player imposes terms, make the AI more intelligent regarding whether or not it agrees to them.  (Before, there was a random chance that the AI would agree to any demand no matter how large, so you could repeatedly make absurd demands until they accepted.)  (added 2011-06-06)
    • For paying to escape in sieges, increased the cost to be similar to ransom (since the player is effectively ransoming himself).  Removed the bonus reputation this gives with the enemy.  Also, before castles conquered this way didn't get initial garrisons; changed the code to give them some.
    • Various minor improvements to Chancellor's lord descriptions.  Made the Chancellor's descriptions use the correct pronouns for the lord's gender.  Altered love interest display script to stop printing things like "knight_lady_1_1", but it still sometimes gives garbage.  Suppressed information about rivalries with characters who are in exile or retirement, and added descriptions for marriage.
    • Unlike most lords, Custodian lords (i.e. merchants and similarly-minded companions like Marnid and Artimenner) like a kingdom culture that is biased towards Plutocracy rather than Aristocracy.  Benefactor lords (i.e. benevolent companions such as Bunduk and Jeremus) prefer freedom to serfdom (added 2011-03-27)
    • Lords remember the things the player said to recruit him (e.g. "I will uphold your rights as a noble").  If the player doesn't follow through, the lord might be disgruntled depending on whether he liked the idea in the first place (added 2011-06-06)
    • When the player recruits a lord with various promises (e.g. "I will uphold your rights as a noble"), if he rules in a way that violates those promises the lord will be disgruntled (added 2011-06-06)
    • The "Quality" setting is now reflected slightly in troop composition.  Before, the benefit of more Quality was taken into account in AutoCalc battles but not in the actual troops, while the benefits of Quantity were applied in ways that always mattered. (added 2011-06-06)
    • AutoLoot no longer uses a "pool" troop.  The requirements have changed from "Inventory Management 3+ and a Chamberlain" to at least one of the following: the player has Inventory Management 2+, the party has Looting 2+, or a companion has Inventory Management 3+  (added 2011-06-06).
    • Added a version of rubik's AutoSell, modified so that it sells from the player's inventory.  The way it works is described in the in-game "Game Concepts" help documents: it doesn't sell anything the player has equipped or in the first three slots of his inventory, and uses certain rules to avoid selling your alternate gear. (added 2011-06-06)
    • For bribing another country to declare war, made some changes.  Instead of the cost being a flat 5000 denars, the cost varies based on a variety of factors.  Also limited the cases where a kingdom will agree to declare war while receiving nothing in return; in general it doesn't make sense for them to do that.  (added 2011-06-06)
    • Rebalanced relation gain from looting castles and sharing it with your vassals to be closer to the 1000 denars per +1 relation standard.  On the plus side,
    • Changes to dividing spoils with your followers: the efficiency of the relation gain will not exceed 1 per 1000 denars, to maintain parity with Native means of gaining relation.  (As an example, if a vassal's share of the loot is 1700 denars, he will have a 30% chance of +1 relation and a 70% chance of +2 relation.)  The lords will now have the gold added to their wealth.  Companions who object to raiding villages will react unfavorably if you loot a town, but do not object to raiding fortresses. (added 2011-06-06)

    Lady features
    • Ladies now can be asked about their relatives if you are on speaking terms with them, and will give similar information to that available from the chancellor, plus location (for lords) or recent rumors (for unmarried ladies).
    • Ladies now charge less for improving relations with their relatives.  Distant relatives receive less of a discount than close relatives.
    • Ladies can be asked about ongoing feasts.
    • Players can continue to dedicate tournaments to other ladies after marriage, although it may annoy their wife.
    • Players may continue to dedicate tournaments to their wife after marriage (added 2011-06-06)

    Companion features
    • Players can now assign the skill points of former companions who became lords (including pretenders).
    • Bunduk's title is "Tribune", since he insists on that in his acceptance dialogue (altered 2011-06-06: now it isn't just Bunduk, it's any Benevolent or Custodian lord whose native faction is fac_kingdom_5)
    • Niz'ar is not considered a commoner for the purpose of fife promotion, as that contradicts his backstory.  (Regardless of the veracity of his origin, other characters with hard-to-verify claims of being distant nobility are treated seriously.)
    • Changed the way that companions wander to alter a restriction that doesn't always make sense, although it isn't particularly noticable (added 2011-06-06)
    • If you send a Companion to spread support for you as king, and later govern in a way that contradicts what you told them to gain their support, they will become disgruntled.  On the other hand, if you rule in the way you promised them, they will be additionally satisifed. (added 2011-06-06)
    • Made some changes so promoted companions can court each other, and their romantic preferences will take into account their likes/dislikes (added 2011-06-06)
    • When a companion is on the verge of leaving your party, the player has the option of sweetening his attempt to persuade them to stay by offering them a bonus.
    • When trying to convince companions not to leave your party, the "persuasion attempt" may use Leadership instead of Persuasion.  That's the way it should have worked in the first place, as Leadership is the skill the player uses to maintain party morale and keep non-named NPCs from deserting (added 2011-06-06).

    Other kingdom management features
    • In a rebellion, added the option to defer the assignment of newly-captured fiefs.
    • Added Cabra'din's code that allows players to set a custom title for their kingdom's lords and ladies.  (Bunduk remains a Tribune, however.)
    • When assigning fiefs through your minister, the number of fiefs already owned by each lord is displayed next to his name (added 2011-03-27), and also the lord's relation with the player (added 2011-04-03)
    • Added a new display option for the Known Lords by Relation report.  It only shows lords who belong to the player's faction, and also lists how many fiefs they each have (added 2011-04-03)
    • When giving a suggestion to a lord, some options previously only available to marshalls are now also available to kings.  The previous state of affairs did not make sense (added 2011-04-03)
    • Lords being exiled or pardoned, marriages, and fiefs being awarded are important political events.  Because of this, they should be mentioned in the game log (added 2011-04-03)
    • When meeting an enemy king in the field, if the player is ruler of a kingdom he can negotiate a peace with terms, like he can when asking for peace through his minister.(added 2011-06-06)
    • From the Floris mod compilation, added the ability to rebel against your liege without waiting for a pretext such as a denied fief.  Altered this from the Floris version: honor loss and/or relation loss with the king's supporters may apply based on a variety of factors (added 2011-06-06).
    • Increase the player may now give troops to more lords than before.  (In Native, only your vassals would accept troops from you.)  Now, you can give troops to your spouse and certain close allies.  When you are faction marshall, as commander of the kingdom's armies you may also give troops to other lords.  To balance this, the number of troops a lord will accept from you is no longer unlimited: on Hard he will only take more soldiers if he has less than 150% his maximum party size; on Medium he can have up to  200%; and on Easy he can have up to 400% (added 2011-06-06).
    • The player may give troops to garrisons owned by certain lords, depending on the player's status and his relationship with them (in Native, you can only give troops to unassigned fiefs and fiefs owned by your spouse) (added 2011-06-06)
    • If you dismiss an employee (chamberlain, constable, chancellor), in addition to rehiring them through your spouse you may also try to contact them through the tavern travellers (added 2011-06-06)
    • Imported Floris dialog options letting you rebel directly from your liege by leaving his kingdom and refusing to hand over your fiefs.  Relation and/or honor loss may occur, according to rules similar for rebelling with a spouse. (added 2011-06-06)

    Diplomacy features altered: affiliate to a family (added 2011-04-03, see disscussion thread)
    • The same way lords of a faction always know where their allies are, a player who affiliates to a family gains this ability regarding his house.  This information is visible under the Reports menu.
    • The extra relationship penalty when an affiliated lord is defeated or imprisoned does not apply when the player is currently wounded or captured.
    • Affiliated lords are more willing to receive tactical suggestions from the player, and the full range of suggestions are open even when the player is not marshall.
    • Affiliated lords are more willing to engage in intrigue with the player.  This reflects the idea of the House as a political alliance.
    • When affiliated lords are defeated or imprisoned, you are informed of the name of the place they are being held since you are expected to rescue them (added 2011-06-06)
    • Implementing the oft-requested feature for affiliated lords to notify you of their plans (added 2011-06-06)
    • Affiliated lords have an increased willingness to fight alongside the player even if they personally dislike him (added 2011-06-06)
    • Affiliated lords act more like a political alliance: when deciding who to support to receive a fief, they all consider each other "close allies" for the purposes of the standard decision checklist. (added 2011-06-06)
    • Affiliated lords will accept troops from the player, as mentioned in the "kingdom management" section (added 2011-06-06)
    • Minor dialog change to make it less confusing when someone who likes the player refuses affiliation  (added 2011-06-06)
    • For sending an emissary to persuade a target, changed the "talk like a fool" error message to give more of an indication of how much the messenger failed by.  Also adjusted the base failure chance so a companion with Persuasion 5 will have a 50% chance of failing outright instead of a 65% chance (added 2011-06-06).

    Support for kingdom ladies and commoners as lords
    This section is not adding new features, but making the features the game already has work properly with ennobled commoners and kingdom ladies who have obtained fiefs.  (The latter cannot happen in Native or Diplomacy 3.3.2, but some modified games allow it.)
    • In npc_decision_checklist_marry_female_pc, added behavior for non-noble personality types.
    • In get_relevant_comment_for_log_entry, altered moralistic ladies to use the lines for upstanding lords and altered ambitious ladies to use lines for cunning lords (added 2011-04-03)
    • In the "willingness to intrigue" check in dialog state lord_recruit_1_relation, added support for certain lady personalities (in terms of how willing they are, and what lines they speak).  Instead of using the defaults, moralistic ladies use the settings for upstanding lords, and ambitious ladies use the settings for cunning lords (added 2011-04-03)
    • For fief selection, benefactors, moralists, romantics, and conventional maidens use the same thought processes as upstanding and good-natured lords (added 2011-04-03)
    • Commoners who are opposed to attacking innocents or raiding merged caravans will no longer do such things when they become lords (added 2011-06-06)
    • Continued adding support for commoner and lady personality types and companion morality types to places where personality is taken into account; mentioning each individual place this happens is impractical (added 2011-06-06)
    • In a great many places where the game assumes gender, check gender and use the correct words/pronouns (added 2011-06-06)

    Other marriage-related changes
    • The way your wife/husband addresses you will change based on their relation with you.  (This may seem like a silly feature, but someone mentioned that they wanted it on the forums, and it seemed harmless.) (added 2011-03-27)
    • Some Martial and Upstanding lords will potentially marry female characters, in contrast to Native where all they all automatically refuse (added 2011-06-06)
    • NPC-to-NPC Marriages can occur in a greater range of venues (added 2011-06-06)
    • Tweaked the way the minister/"father of the bride" troops for the wedding cutscene are determined, so there is less of a chance of using the default stand-ins. (added 2011-06-06)

    Other features/changes
    • Travelers in taverns can now be asked about book merchants and ransom brokers (as in rubik's Custom Commander), but only gives locations of brokers/merchants that the player has encountered before (bug-fixed 2011-04-03)
    • Copied rubik's code from Custom Commander that lets you view (but not alter) the equipment of ordinary troops in your party.
    • Added Arch3r's terrain advantage code as an option that can be toggled in the Camp menu (defaults to "on").  This mostly affects AutoCalc battles, but also will have a slight effect on the AI when it is enabled (if it's enabled, the AI lords will also use it in certain circumstances to estimate which of two groups is stronger) (added 2011-03-27; made substantial changes 2011-06-06 to make this work as intended)
    • Added support to script_troop_get_family_relation_to_troop for non-coded family relations of certain faction leaders and pretenders.  (The Vaegir claimant is the king's cousin; the Khergit claimant is the king's brother.)  Mods that do not use standard faction leaders/pretenders should remove this (added 2011-04-03).  Expanded further to allow more types of relations, such as grandparents and half-siblings (added 2011-06-06).
    • When trying to convince a lord to support a candidate for an honor, the lord will not refuse because "I would not wish to strain my relationship with {s4}" if {s4} actually supports your choice! (added 2011-06-06)
    • If you are in a life-and-death struggle in a tavern and are a lord of the realm, you aren't going to be prevented from using ranged weapons by a tavern keeper shouting "No shooting!" (added 2011-06-06)
    • In a wide variety places, when commoners or the player's subordinates address him as "sir/madam", replace this if appropriate with "my lord/my lady" or "your highness."  Different people won't always use the same titles: peasants tend to be obsequious (like calling every random man "sir"), and your own followers and people in your kingdom will certainly acknowledge your rank, but especially if you are not a member of an established kingdom subjects of other kingdoms may be less quick to pay lip service to your alleged station. (added 2011-06-06)
    • The way that NPC lords choose which fief to use as their "home" is now less arbitrary.  Instead of picking the one with the lowest ID #, pick in order of preferences: towns before castles; their ancestral fief before other fiefs; and fiefs in their homeland before foreign fiefs (added 2011-06-06).
    • When you kidnap a lady, you suffer relation loss with her guardian and potentially other family members (added 2011-06-06)
    • When you refuse to ransom someone, you likewise suffer relation loss with their allies (added 2011-06-06)
    • Removed upper level limits from quests, to increase the variety later in the game.  Decreased the rewards when the player is over the normal level limit.  (added 2011-06-06)
    • Partially re-enabled various quests that are normally disabled when the player joins or rules a kingdom, to increase variety later in the game.  Your vassals and most of your fellow lords won't ask you to go fetch a bottle of milk from the market, but lords who are especially close with the player will still ask certain things, as will lords who consider themselves the player's superior. (added 2011-06-06)
    • In a few places, NPCs will substitute culturally appropriate terms for certain words.  Many times there is no difference, but it allows easy customization for other settings (added 2011-06-06).
    • Like in rubik's Custom Commander, you can sell your prisoners all at once to a ransom broker.  Also, they tell you the price they'll give when they ask if you're sure (added 2011-06-06).
    • When determining the strength of a faction to evaluate whether to attack it, NPC kingdoms take alliances into account (added 2011-06-06)

    Diplomacy bugs fixed
    • Added Caba`drin's fix for the infamous battle continuation bug, that prevents you from retreating if someone is standing near your body (added 2011-06-06)
    • Found and fixed the part of Diplomacy that (I think) was causing the fake war declarations.
    • Disabled "send your spouse to buy bread" in some circumstances that could result in them existing in duplicate parties  A fuller solution is planned but not yet ready (added 2011-03-27)
    • Fixed bug when the player moves her/his household and is married to an NPC lord, that would cause the spouse to exist in two places and possibly cause the AI to behave weirdly (added 2011-03-27)
    • Fixed a random number bug in the "send your companion to recruit a lord" calculation that caused rejection far more often than intended (added 2011-03-27)
    • Fixed dialogue reference from "companion_truce_pay" to "dplmc_companion_truce_pay", which could make the game uncontinuable in a certain situation (added 2011-03-27)
    • Lords now receive gold player gives them for surrendering during a siege, paying for truce, and bribing to go to war (added 2011-04-03).
    • Disbanding patrols should now work properly, thanks to Caba`drin (added 2011-06-06)

    Native bugs fixed
    • Fixed bug where daughters were assigned to their own "mother" slots.  This happens at the start of the game, but troop_get_family_relation_to_troop has been modified to work correctly on saved games with this bug.
    • Lords receive gold player gives them for tax collection quest, debt payments, bribery in "convince lords to make peace" quests, ransoms, and pardons (added 2011-04-03).
    • Fixed a longstanding bug that prevents players from receiving Right to Rule when they marry (added 2011-04-03)
    • Fixed the glitch with fief quarrel dialogs that was causing lords to say things like "It is well known that King Harlaus received the fief of Peasant Woman, which I believe should have gone to me." (added 2011-04-03)
    • Fixed a bug in fief assigning dialogs, that prevented the game from properly displaying which lords have been promised fiefs.  The code was there, but was checking the wrong troop (added 2011-04-03)
  • There appeared to be something wrong with the calculation of how much gold is gained when a village is looted, in the part that took into account the prosperity of the village (added 2011-06-06)
  • Fixed bug that caused rulers and claimants to start courting ladies and caused some people to court "trp_knight_1_1_wife" (added 2011-06-06).
  • When the player is the ruler of a kingdom and pledges loyalty to another liege, make the player's vassals switch faction too (added 2011-06-06).
  • Fixed bug preventing NPC from eloping with each other (added 2011-06-06).
  • Fixed faction relation bug, where when you leave a faction you keep the relation bonuses with the allies of your ex-faction, even though you lose the penalties with their enemies (added 2011-06-06).
  • Fixed a marriage bug where the groom didn't get relation bonuses with the family of the bride (added 2011-06-06).
  • When lords pay ransoms, they lose the money.  When a dependent is ransomed her relative pays (added 2011-06-06).

Trivial changes
2011-06-06: There are now too many places where spelling or English usage has been improved that it makes sense to summarize them individually.

Optional Economic Changes
(This can be changed between OFF, LOW, MEDIUM, and HIGH/EXPERIMENTAL through the camp menu, and defaults to LOW.)
  • (LOW) When trade occurs between towns, the benefits are split between the buyer and the seller, instead of just the buyer.  (The rationale for this is that in Native, there is no incentive to export goods.)
  • (LOW) Merchant caravans take into account distance when deciding the most profitable trade route, as well as any mercantilistic policies imposed.
  • (LOW) Reduce price convergence caused by NPC travelling merchants (from 30% in Native to a random percentage with an average of 15%).
  • (LOW) Increase food prices in towns under siege.
  • (LOW) When the player surrenders, depending on who accepted his surrender and other factors, they may not loot his personal equipment.  (This is to deal with the problem that when permanent stat loss is not possible, there is no way reason to ever surrender, since you lose the same soldiers and items either way and if you fight at least you can reduce your opponent's army.)
  • (LOW) The available gold at merchants changes with town prosperity.
  • (LOW) You receive slightly better prices selling items to the correct merchants.
  • (LOW) The rate of food stock replenishment for a castle depends on the prosperity of its village, and is stopped while the village is raided.
  • (MEDIUM) When promoting a companion to a lord, modify their starting gold (which is supposed to represent their accumulated share of the loot) by their Trade and Looting skills.
  • (MEDIUM) When calculating player enterprise profit (both for real and estimated) don't just use the price of the raw materials, but also whether they are actually available.  If there is no locally-available supply, the good will have to be imported, and the effective price depends on the prices of the town's trading partners and the frequency of caravan traffic with them.
  • (MEDIUM) Food consumption at both castles and towns increases with garrison size.  The average starting garrison size is the baseline.  Troops beyond that eat more, although the change is less important in percentage terms for towns.  Food consumption at towns increases with prosperity.
  • (MEDIUM) If a faction is run by the player (and so no one receives the weekly bonus gold that the faction leader would normally receive), and the player is married to a lord, the player's spouse receives half of the "king bonus."
  • (MEDIUM) Like NPC lords, the player loses gold when his fiefs are raided.  (Only gold in your treasury managed by your chamberlain can be lost this way: the gold you carry with you is exempt.)
  • (MEDIUM) When the player party is defeated, take into account the Looting score of the victor when calculating the gold lost by the player.
  • (MEDIUM) If an NPC-owned castle or garrison has more troops than a certain minimum and it lacks the wealth to pay wages, it can suffer attrition.
  • (HIGH) When a lord loses gold due to a village being raided, the loss is first subtracted from uncollected taxes at the village before being applied to his personal wealth.
  • (HIGH) As kingdoms are eliminated, the "king/marshall bonus" for all the remaining kingdoms increases, so the total amount of gold given out remains constant.
  • (HIGH) If a lord has an excess of gold, he might distribute some of the extra to any of his fortresses that have low wealth (and don't have oversized garrisons).
  • (HIGH) When prisoners are "sold" from NPC-owned towns and castles, a small amount is added to the fief's wealth (unless it has an oversized garrison).
  • (HIGH) Mercenary party sizes increase with the player's level, the same way that lord party sizes increase, to make them stay relevant as the game progresses.
  • (HIGH) The higher the player's honor, the greater the honor loss from misdeeds.

Optional AI Changes (2011-06-06)
(This can be changed between OFF, LOW, MEDIUM, and HIGH/EXPERIMENTAL through the camp menu, and defaults to LOW.)

  • (LOW) When a lord is looking for a new faction to join, he is more likely to rejoin his original faction unless that is the faction he is leaving.
  • (LOW) When the AI picks a fief to defend from attacks, give greater priority to defending fiefs with lords than fiefs without lords.
  • (LOW) Increased the range of circumstances in which the AI will surrender to a massively superior sieging force.  Factors include among other things the personality of the leader of the defenders, how much the kingdom values the fortress, and the campaign AI difficulty setting.
  • (MEDIUM) Tweak the relationship loss calculation with other lords when one lord is granted a fief, to make it slightly less unreasonable (e.g. when returning a recaptured fief to its original owner).
  • (MEDIUM) For kings and certain other personalities, when supporting lords to receive villages, changed the minimum relation a fiefless lord has to have before they will support him.  (In Native, they wouldn't support a lord with relation below 0, but through dialogs kings would offer villages to players with relations as low as -5.)  Fixing this removes an inconsistency, and decreases the perpetually-fiefless-lord issue.
  • (MEDIUM) For martially-minded lords, when choosing who to support to receive a fief, they will support the conquerer more often.
  • (MEDIUM) Kings use an alternate algorithm for deciding which lord would be best suited for a fief.  They are more likely to award a reconquered fief to the lord who held it last; they are more likely to grant fiefs to lords that are somewhat-closeby; they take into consideration ancestral claims; and they are less likely to award every single fief to themselves because they can't think of any other candidates.  (Other aesthetic factors also apply.)
  • (LOW/MEDIUM) If a lord can't think of anyone to support for a fief, use the alternate algorithm to pick someone.  On LOW this just applies to kings; on MEDIUM this also applies to other lords.
  • (HIGH) When a lord or the player is courting a lady, the standard for the renown bonus is adjusted based on the renown of her daddy/guardian.
  • (LOW/MEDIUM/HIGH) Tweak the way that potential targets for attack are evaluated, to make retaking recently-lost fiefs more attractive.  The magnitude of the change varies based on how high the AI Changes setting is.

This space reserved for something cool.

Uh... I also intend to merge my changes with Pre-battle Orders and Deployment for my personal use, so after I do I'll probably upload that as well.


2011-04-03 update notes:

I am still not done adding everything I want to, but this seemed a good time to make another release, since there are a number of bug fixes included.  Here is a summary of what is included:

Try to convince lords to support a candidate for an honor
In the default game (Native), you can ask a lord whom they support for an honor (such as who should receive a newly-conquered fief).  Your options then are limited to asking them to support you instead, or telling them you agree with their choice.  If you become the king of your own faction, you won't even be able to do that much anymore: you can only ask lords their opinions.

Multiple people have mentioned a desire to be able to pick a candidate of your own, and try to convince lords to support him.  This update adds this ability, whether or not you are a king.

The logic for whether or not your persuasion attempt succeeds is (in nearly all respects) identical to the logic used in Native when you ask "Can I convince you to support me instead?"  You will not have much luck trying to sell an under-qualified candidate, or trying to convince someone to support someone he's indifferent to instead of one of his close friends.  Success requires you to keep in mind the relationships between lords.

Implemented some suggestions from the "Affiliate to a Family" thread
A fuller discussion of these changes and the reasoning behind them can be found in Aeon's Affiliate to a family thread.
  • Just like lords of a faction always know where their allies are, when the player Affiliates to a house he gains the same ability.  This may represent them telling him of their plans in advance, or access to a wide network of messengers, or something else -- however it is that the lords know is how the player knows.  This information is visible under the Reports menu.
  • Normally, whenever an Affiliated lord is defeated or imprisoned, the player suffers a relationship penalty for not coming to his aid.  This update changes the penalty to only apply when the player is not wounded or a prisoner himself: there is no penalty for fighting alongside your ally and losing (although there are other game mechanics by which you still suffer a loss of relation if he holds you responsible for the defeat), and no penalty for being locked in a dungeon on the other side of the kingdom when the battle happened.
  • Affiliated lords are more willing to heed the player when he makes tactical suggestions to them.  The player also has an expanded range of suggestions he can make to an Affiliated lord even when he is not the Marshal.  This reflects the increased level of mutual support in martial matters that Affiliation represents.
  • Affiliated lords are more willing to engage in intrigue with the player.  This reflects the idea of the House as a political alliance.

Kingdom management / political display changes:
  • Added a new display option for the Known Lords by Relation report.  It only shows lords who belong to the player's faction, and also lists how many fiefs they each have.  (This is mostly for quickly glancing down a list and seeing who you might want to give a fief to; this is a temporary measure, since various forum posters had requested a report like that.)
  • Lords being exiled or pardoned, marriages, and fiefs being awarded are important political events.  Because of this, they should be mentioned in the game log.
  • When assigning fiefs, in addition to the number of fiefs already owned by each lord, the list also displays each lord's relation with the player.
  • When giving a suggestion to a lord, some options previously only available to marshalls are now also available to kings (the previous state of affairs did not make sense).

Expanded support for companion/lady personalities
Some of these changes are only relevant for characters with lady personalities who become lords.  In Native this never happens, but I intend to add such options in the future, and these changes will support anyone else who also wants to do so.
  • Fixed more strings with incorrect or inconsistent pronouns (these can be noticed in Native with female faction leaders and female companions made into lords).  I still have not fixed all of them, though.
  • In script_lord_comment_to_s43, added support for kingdom lady personalities.  Ambitious ladies use the comments for cunning lords, and other ladies use the comments for good-natured lords (the same as non-noble companions do by default).  Without the change, the result would have been a bad string.  Also added a check so that sadistic companions like Klethi don't use comments drawn from the "goodnatured" lord defaults, based on the presence of the "humanitarian" morality type with a negative value (so this should also work for other mods that add or change companions).
  • In get_relevant_comment_for_log_entry, altered moralistic ladies to use the lines for upstanding lords and altered ambitious ladies to use lines for cunning lords.  (Also began but did not complete an alteration to complaints about giving fiefs to commoners.  The comments as written don't make sense in some situations; the changes already in begin to address this but do not solve it yet.)
  • In the "willingness to intrigue" check in dialog state lord_recruit_1_relation, added support for certain lady personalities (in terms of how willing they are, and what lines they speak).  Instead of using the defaults, moralistic ladies use the settings for upstanding lords, and ambitious ladies use the settings for cunning lords.
  • Assigned behavior to some companion and lady personalities for fief selection.  Benefactors, moralists, romantics, and conventional maidens use the same thought processes as upstanding and good-natured lords.

Lords now actually get the gold you pay them
Many times when gold is paid to a lord or kingdom, the game subtracts it from the player but doesn't add it to the lord.  This leads to absurdity like: when the player helps a lord collect his taxes, the lord actually gets poorer.  This also throws off the idea of bribery, which Diplomacy has expanded, since the AI never gets the money it thinks the action was worth.

This does not include gifts (even in the case where you are giving gold coins to a lady to buy them).  I assume those are luxury goods that are primarily pleasurable or ostentatious, and in any case they are gifts rather than payments.  The times the lord does get the gold you give him are:

  • Paying a lord in a siege to let you escape.
  • Paying a kingdom to start a war against a third party (the gold is to defray the costs of the war; the king takes the lion's share, and divides the rest among his subjects)
  • Paying a kingdom in exchange for a truce (the king takes the lion's share, and divides the rest among his subjects)
  • Paying
  • Paying owed money to a lord (this has a number of possible causes, mostly relating to failed quests)
  • Collecting taxes for a lord
  • Bribing a lord as part of a "convince" dialog (used in "convince a lord to make peace" quest)
  • Ransoming a companion

(To address a misconception I've seen people sometimes repeat elsewhere, it isn't true that lords don't need gold.  Lords use gold to raise armies and to maintain armies.  At the beginning of a war, gold might not seem important, but once losses begin to occur the side with less gold won't be able to recover its losses at the same rate, and will be increasingly at a disadvantage.)

(Experimental) Optional Feature: Pardoning Exiled Lords
You can change this option off or on in the Diplomacy settings menu (accessed through the camp menu).  By default it is OFF.  If you turn it on, from time to time NPC kings will issue pardons to lords who have gone into exile outside of Calradia, and (if the player is a king) from time to time exiled lords may come to his court petitioning him to be pardoned.  I have not tested this fully, so it might not work as hoped.

Bug fixes:
  • (My bug) I fixed a bug in one of the features I added, and now the option to ask the travellers where to find ransom brokers or book merchants now works as it was intended to.  Merchants and ransom brokers can be located if the player has met them.
  • Fixed a longstanding bug that prevents players from receiving Right to Rule when they marry.
  • Fixed a longstanding bug with fief quarrel dialogs that was causing lords to say things like "It is well known that King Harlaus received the fief of Peasant Woman, which I believe should have gone to me."
  • Fixed a bug in fief assigning dialogs, that prevented the game from properly displaying which lords have been promised fiefs.  (The code was there, but was checking the wrong troop.)

Trivial changes:
  • Stripped leading spaces from some relationship strings (relation_plus_90, etc.) in module_strings.py, because they  made something otherwise-useful useless for many purposes.
  • Noticed that str_s15 has two definitions, one of them with mismatched brackets.  Left the duplicate in, but fixed its formatting.
  • Added support to script_troop_get_family_relation_to_troop non-coded family relations of certain faction leaders and pretenders.  (Prince Valdym is the cousin of King Yaroglek.  Dustum Khan Sanjar Dustum Khan are (half-)brothers. Also,  Lady Isolla and King Harlaus are first cousins once removed, but relationships this distant are not given any mention by default.)
  • Fixed grammatical error: changed "Whom do you think should receive the fief of {s4}?" to "Who do you think should receive the fief of {s4}?"

Also made minor changes to the calculations in script_dplmc_get_truce_pay_amount.  You are unlikely to notice anything different, but it is slightly more consistent now in the way it assigns values to fiefs.
Update: 2011-03-27 Release

Mount&Blade Repository Download - Diplomacy_332_modified_2011_03_27.7z

Download merged with PBOD 0.88
Mount&Blade Repository Download - Diplomacy_332_modified_2011_03_27_+PBOD_088.7z

Diplomacy 3.3.2 bug fixes (since 2011-03-17):
  • Disabled "send your spouse to buy bread" in some circumstances that could result in them existing in duplicate parties.  A fuller solution is planned but not yet ready.
  • Fixed bug when the player moves her/his household and is married to an NPC lord, that would cause the spouse to exist in two places (and possibly cause the AI to behave weirdly).
  • Fixed a random number bug in the "send your companion to recruit a lord" calculation that caused rejection far more often than intended.
  • Fixed dialogue reference from "companion_truce_pay" to "dplmc_companion_truce_pay", which could make the game uncontinuable in a certain situation.

Fief trading bug fixes and improvements (since 2011-03-17):
  • Transfer prisoners with garrisons
  • If the player is trading a castle or town for a village, the player's old garrison stays with his old fief
  • Fixed bug that caused error messages when the lord demands gold
  • Lords will now refuse to trade for fiefs that are currently under siege or being raided.
  • Changed calculation for the maximum prosperity difference lords are willing to accept (even with compensation), to take into account a number of factors instead of always being the same.

Other bug fixes and improvements (since 2011-03-17):
  • Do not display the "pay X denars or pay Y denars and give a fief" truce option if "X denars" is negative.

Diplomacy feature changes (since 2011-03-17):
  • Unlike most lords, Custodian lords (i.e. merchants and similarly-minded companions like Marnid and Artimenner) like a kingdom culture that is biased towards Plutocracy rather than Aristocracy.
  • Unlike most lords, Benefactor lords (i.e. benevolent companions such as Bunduk and Jeremus) are pleased by freedom and displeased by serfdom.

New features (since 2011-03-17):
  • When assigning fiefs through your minister, the number of fiefs already owned by each lord is displayed next to his name.
  • Added Arch3r's terrain advantage code as an option that can be toggled in the Camp menu (defaults to "on").  This mostly affects AutoCalc battles, but also will have a slight effect on the AI when it is enabled (if it's enabled, the AI lords will also use it in certain circumstances to estimate which of two groups is stronger).
  • The way your wife/husband addresses you will change based on their relation with you.  (This may seem like a silly feature, but someone mentioned that they wanted it on the forums, and it seemed harmless.)
I made some modifications to Diplomacy 3.3.2 to implement some features from the suggestions thread.  The primary one was adding support for trading fiefs with other lords of the same faction.

I realized that if I waited until I was done tinkering, I'd never release my changes, and since it was my intention from the start to do so (for people to use themselves, or for Wahti to take if he wants -- I'd be totally pleased if he took any of this) I'm uploading what I have.

The major features are somewhat tested.  From what I understand about save compatibility, it should be compatible with Native.  It *probably* can be copied over vanilla Diplomacy and used with the same savegames; I performed most of my testing that way, but there could be subtle problems.

Download (source and .txt files)
MediaFire Download - Diplomacy_332_modified_2011_03_17a.rar
Mount&Blade Repository Download - Diplomacy_332_modified_2011_03_17.rar

Download merged with PBOD 0.88
Mount&Blade Repository Download (added 2011-03-1:cool:

Source code notes
My additions are started with #diplomacy start+ and end with #diplomacy end+.  When I was editing an existing Diplomacy script, I usually used #nested diplomacy start+ for some reason that probably made sense at the time but now seems stupid to me.

Later I intend to write a list of what specific items I altered in each file, but WinMerge can reveal that in the mean time, and if you only care about what it does you can read below.

Major features
  • Lords in halls are sorted by the time you last spoke to them, so you can speak to every lord in your feast by repeatedly leaving and entering the hall.
  • Enabled exchanging fiefs with other lords of the same faction.
  • Allowed male PCs to marry female lords (such as promoted companions in Native).

Diplomacy features altered
  • Fixed bug in Diplomacy truce cost calculations (there was a sign error that was making the computer almost always agree to truces when it shouldn't).  Made enemy kingdoms slightly less easy to take advantage of.
  • For paying to escape in sieges, increased the cost to be similar to ransom (since the player is effectively ransoming himself).  Removed the bonus reputation this gives with the enemy.  Also, before castles conquered this way didn't get initial garrisons; changed the code to give them some.
  • Found and fixed the part of Diplomacy that (I think) was causing the fake war declarations.

Lady features
  • Ladies now can be asked about their relatives if you are on speaking terms with them, and will give similar information to that available from the chancellor, plus location (for lords) or recent rumors (for unmarried ladies).
  • Ladies now charge less for improving relations with their relatives.  Distant relatives receive less of a discount than close relatives.
  • Ladies can be asked about ongoing feasts.
  • Players can continue to dedicate tournaments to other ladies after marriage, although it may annoy their wife.
  • Fixed bug where daughters were assigned to their own "mother" slots.  This happens at the start of the game, but troop_get_family_relation_to_troop has been modified to work correctly on saved games with this bug.

Companion features
  • Players can now assign the skill points of former companions who became lords (including pretenders).
  • Bunduk's title is "Tribune", since he insists on that in his acceptance dialogue.
  • Niz'ar is not considered a commoner for the purpose of fife promotion, as that contradicts his backstory.  (Regardless of the veracity of his origin, other characters with hard-to-verify claims of being distant nobility are treated seriously.)

Other features/changes
  • In a rebellion, added the option to defer the assignment of newly-captured fiefs.
  • Added Cabra'din's code that allows players to set a custom title for their kingdom's lords and ladies.  (Bunduk remains a Tribune, however.)
  • In npc_decision_checklist_marry_female_pc, added behavior for non-noble personality types.
  • Travelers in taverns can now be asked about book merchants and ransom brokers (as in rubik's Custom Commander), but only gives locations of brokers/merchants that the player has encountered before.
  • Copied rubik's code from Custom Commander that lets you view (but not alter) the equipment of ordinary troops in your party.
  • Various minor improvements to Chancellor's lord descriptions.  Made the Chancellor's descriptions use the correct pronouns for the lord's gender.  Altered love interest display script to stop printing things like "knight_lady_1_1", but it still sometimes gives garbage.  Suppressed information about rivalries with characters who are in exile or retirement, and added descriptions for marriage.  (Partially tested.)

Trivial changes
  • Replaced the mod's and native's use of "resentful against" and "suspicious against" with "resentful towards" and "suspicious towards."
  • Changed the Chancellor default description from "It's nothing known about {s46}." to "{s46}'s motivations are a closed book."
Caba`drin said:
Excellent initiative...looks great!

Thanks.  I was trying to keep it in the spirit of the Diplomacy mod, rather than include every type of change that I want to play with, in hopes that it could continue to serve the same role.

Mind if I ask what this was?

The change is in script_change_player_relation_with_faction_ex.  Here's the fragment of the script that I altered.  I've put Diplomacy 3.3.2 stuff in blue, and stuff I added in red:

 [b]...skipped beginning of script...[/b]
      (try_for_range, ":other_faction", kingdoms_begin, kingdoms_end),
        (faction_slot_eq, ":other_faction", slot_faction_state, sfs_active),
        (neq, ":faction_no", ":other_faction"),
        (store_relation, ":other_faction_relation", ":faction_no", ":other_faction"),
        (store_relation, ":player_relation", ":other_faction", "fac_player_supporters_faction"),
        (store_mul, ":relation_change", ":difference", ":other_faction_relation"),
        (val_div, ":relation_change", 100),
        (val_add, ":player_relation", ":relation_change"),
        [color=blue]##diplomacy start
            (store_add, ":truce_slot", "fac_player_supporters_faction", slot_faction_truce_days_with_factions_begin),
  		    (val_sub, ":truce_slot", kingdoms_begin),
  		    (faction_get_slot, ":truce_days", ":other_faction", ":truce_slot"),
            (this_or_next|eq, ":truce_days", 0), #other faction only affected if no truce
            (gt, ":difference", 0), #or change > 0
            (store_relation, ":cur_relation", ":other_faction", "fac_player_supporters_faction"),

            #display relation change message
            (store_sub,  ":relation_change", ":player_relation", ":cur_relation"),
            (str_store_faction_name_link, s1, ":other_faction"),
            (assign, reg1, ":cur_relation"),
            (assign, reg2, ":player_relation"),
              (gt, ":relation_change", 0),
              (display_message, "str_faction_relation_increased"),
              (lt, ":relation_change", 0),
              (display_message, "str_faction_relation_detoriated"),

            #display war declaration
                (ge, ":cur_relation", 0), #old relation > 0 -> peace
                (lt, ":player_relation", 0), #new relation < 0 -> war[/color]
                [color=red]##nested diplomacy start+
                #This is the source of the "fake war" bug.  I think this should get rid of it:
                    (this_or_next|eq, "$players_kingdom", "fac_player_faction"),
                    (eq, "$players_kingdom", "fac_player_supporters_faction"),
                ##nested diplomacy end+[/color]
                [color=blue](call_script, "script_add_notification_menu", "mnu_notification_war_declared", ":other_faction", "$players_kingdom"),[/color]
                [color=red]##nested diplomacy start+
                ##nested diplomacy end+[/color]
        ##diplomacy end[/color]
        (set_relation, ":other_faction", "fac_player_faction", ":player_relation"),
        (set_relation, ":other_faction", "fac_player_supporters_faction", ":player_relation"),
        [color=blue]##diplomacy begin
        ##diplomacy end[/color]
[b]...skipped end of script...[/b]

You'll notice that it changes the relations to fac_player_supporters_faction and fac_player_supporters_faction, which may work when you are the lord of your own kingdom, but won't work when you're a vassal (since your king and fellow lords are not a member of either of those factions).
Have you made any changes to the Troops.txt?
Wondering if Rallix's Troop Tree would be compatible with this
Deval4u said:
Have you made any changes to the Troops.txt?
Wondering if Rallix's Troop Tree would be compatible with this

I haven't made any modifications to the troops.  Diplomacy does add three new troop templates (chamberlain, constable, and chancellor), but if your troops.txt worked with Diplomacy 3.3.2 it will still work with this version.
great work, since I dont know when Wahiti  is going to continue with mod development I have to ask you, will you be kind to see my or suggestions from other members from forum and announce what can you do.

hope you understand, sorry about english.
i dont know if the problem is with your mod only or not
but all my lords seem to recruit veagir soldiers while my town recruit swadian, wich i chose as kingdom culture
also could u add custom troop tree for player plox, if it isnt in yet xD didnt see it
Computica said:
I hope you don't mind but I might use some of your fixes to diplomacy in my mod. If that's OK with you?

Absolutely!  A link back to this thread would be appreciated, but is not required.

orome said:
great work, since I dont know when Wahiti  is going to continue with mod development I have to ask you, will you be kind to see my or suggestions from other members from forum and announce what can you do.

hope you understand, sorry about english.

Sure.  I might not implement them, but I'm open to suggestions.

terrorib said:
i dont know if the problem is with your mod only or not
but all my lords seem to recruit veagir soldiers while my town recruit swadian, wich i chose as kingdom culture
also could u add custom troop tree for player plox, if it isnt in yet xD didnt see it

I didn't change the "set kingdom culture" feature, but if you upload a saved game I'll look into it.  Mention if you're using any other changes in combination with this.

I probably won't be making any additions to troops.txt, since that would cause problems for adding Diplomacy to other mods.  (Or so I assume.  If people who've made other mods using Diplomacy tell me otherwise, I may reconsider.)
very nice of you to do this! Waihti is pretty busy in real life so can't really continue doing a lot.

and btw AWESOME! now alayen can mary ymira :grin:.
Will ymira be considered noble when she marries alayen? or will the other lords continue to call me a pig? Could you maybe make it so that alayen and ymira can court eachother before I make ymira vasal? That they ask my permision or something like that? (two options: Yes ofcourse you have my permission, you are free to go ymira, and then she becomes a vasal of you (increase of relation with alayen)and second option; I'd rather have ymira remain with me for a while, maybe in the future I will let her go (lose some relation with lord alayen))
manekemaan said:
very nice of you to do this! Waihti is pretty busy in real life so can't really continue doing a lot.

and btw AWESOME! now alayen can mary ymira :grin:.

Right now, NPC lords won't marry other NPC lords, regardless of gender.  I was planning to add this, but I didn't get that far: my focus was more on things that the player could do.

manekemaan said:
Could you maybe make it so that alayen and ymira can court eachother before I make ymira vasal? That they ask my permision or something like that? (two options: Yes ofcourse you have my permission, you are free to go ymira, and then she becomes a vasal of you (increase of relation with alayen)and second option; I'd rather have ymira remain with me for a while, maybe in the future I will let her go (lose some relation with lord alayen))

I also wanted to add "quests" for each companion or pair of companions, but this never got past the planning stage.  Since some mods using Diplomacy replace all the companions, I decided to give priority to things that more people would use.
  • For Alayen and Ymira, it would involve the two of them marrying.  (Possible obstacles to overcome in the quest: finding a way for Ymira to be considered "noble," probably requiring a letter from a king, who might want something in return.  If the player is the leader of his own faction, he could alternately grant Ymira a title if he has sufficient legitimacy.  Also, being traditional, Alayen might not be willing to marry Ymira without her father's permission, and Ymira and her father aren't on the best of terms...)
  • For Deshavi and Klethi, it would involve tracking down and killing a certain group of bandits (similar to the Troublesome Bandits quest or the Destroy Bandit Hideout quest).
  • For Matheld, it would involve helping her raise soldiers to fight her brother-in-law.  (The less-interesting way would be for it to just be like a "Raise 10 troops" quest; I'd want to add the option to travel with her to the battle.)

I didn't have any good ideas for quests for the other companions, and if I added "companion quests" I wanted to add them for everyone.  If someone out there has already coded quests like this, I would readily add them.
I noticed several problems, I play as male and my girlfriend adresses to me as male NPC character as like I play as female. she asked me do I want to marry her, and she says that she will organizes everything (that is conversation of male NPC when I play as female). also, when I exchange fief error happend, something like iddle troop... and, if you move my troops from castle to new one during exchange it will be smart thing to move prisioners also, becouse it can happend that new castle have 50 prisioners and I had in old 6. when I sold them it is easy way to get wealth, its something like bug or tweak.

my suggestions :

1. I would like some graphic report about relations with lords from my faction (as vassal and king) like you already have faction relation graphic view.
2. ability to pay village elder for border incident. (to provoke war, as vassal and king)
3. we already have possibility to give our land to other kingdom, but not to conclude peace with that donation, I would like to see that. (I think its small change, as king)
4. direct negotionations with other kingdom king and ability to say more than I want peace. for example give land to conclude peace. (when I met him in the field)
5. when I suppose to decide which lord I should give fief I want to see my relation with them and their current estates.
6. I think it would be nice to improve relations with King if I help some village about bandit infestion or looting, in fact I helping his kingdom safety, isn't it right? its close to reality, but you decide is it good for mod.

can you please answer which of these you can include in mod?
orome said:
I noticed several problems, I play as male and my girlfriend adresses to me as male NPC character as like I play as female. she asked me do I want to marry her, and she says that she will organizes everything (that is conversation of male NPC when I play as female).

Yes, it should be a gender-swapped version of the normal conversation (with a few other words also changed, to avoid saying something ridiculous).  An interesting thing I found was that, to me at least, some of the lines had a very different tone coming from a woman to a man than visa versa.

Anyway, do you think it would be better to change this, so the player holds the feast?

also, when I exchange fief error happend, something like iddle troop...

Hmm.  I'll look into this.  Thanks for letting me know.

and, if you move my troops from castle to new one during exchange it will be smart thing to move prisioners also, becouse it can happend that new castle have 50 prisioners and I had in old 6. when I sold them it is easy way to get wealth, its something like bug or tweak.

This is a major oversight on my part -- thanks, I'll fix it.

(Originally, my plan was for the garrison to stay with the castle, but decided instead to avoid the question of how much troops are worth and instead transfer them.)

my suggestions :

1. I would like some graphic report about relations with lords from my faction (as vassal and king) like you already have faction relation graphic view.

This definitely is related to kingdom management.  I'll add it, but it might not be in the next release.

2. ability to pay village elder for border incident. (to provoke war, as vassal and king)

Seems reasonable.  Do you have any specific ideas on how it should work (what sorts of requirements it should have, how much it should cost, whether there should be any risk of discovery, etc.)?

3. we already have possibility to give our land to other kingdom, but not to conclude peace with that donation, I would like to see that. (I think its small change, as king)

I think you already can do this.  When you send a messenger to ask for peace, the other king can say:

1.  Yes, I agree.
2.  I will only agree if you surrender a specific fief and/or pay me.
3.  No, and nothing you say will change my mind.

Can you give me an example of a time when you would rather be able to offer him a specific fief, instead of first asking him and then hearing his terms?

4. direct negotionations with other kingdom king and ability to say more than I want peace. for example give land to conclude peace. (when I met him in the field)

This is a good idea.  I'll add it.

5. when I suppose to decide which lord I should give fief I want to see my relation with them and their current estates.

In the version that I am using myself, I have already added the number of estates to the list you see when you speak to the minister about assigning fiefs (just like during a claimant quest).  It would not be hard to also add relation.

6. I think it would be nice to improve relations with King if I help some village about bandit infestion or looting, in fact I helping his kingdom safety, isn't it right? its close to reality, but you decide is it good for mod.

I am not sure that this fits, since in Native lords usually get annoyed or angry at you when you help their villages.
I think about marriage that things should stay the way that is. So, I asked her father or brother and he asked me about money, I give him amount and he organize everything. so, prevent mixing of conversation.

about "graphic report about relations with lords" thanks, it will be of graet help!

about "pay village elder for border incident" its hard for player when his kingdom isn't in war, becouse of that I asked about this feature. Player should have relation bigger than 0 (or 7) with that village, after incident kingdom should declare war with possibility 1:3 or 1:5. my king will be angry with me and relation should go -10.

about "we already have possibility to give our land to other kingdom, but not to conclude peace with that donation, I would like to see that." I thought that player should have possibility to propose that directly, with strong chance to conclude peace with that donation. yes, other king can tell me that you wrote in your last post but I also want to have ability to propose that.

about "when I suppose to decide which lord I should give fief I want to see my relation with them and their current estates." it would be good to have report in camp meny or anywhere else before I enter to conversation with wife about giving fief to lords, with our relation with lords. but I think you understand what I'm saying and make it in way you can.

about "improve relations with King if I help some village about bandit infestion or looting" king should care for all his lands either he is lord of specific fief or not. lords are different and if they get annoyed or angry thats ok and its real.  but every king will be grateful if I make his lands safer.

sorry about english, hope you understand.
nah own player faction is not really an issue
does anyone know a good site to upload a save game
i dunno if it matters any, but i did some tweaking
but no big tweaks
so ye like i said castles recuit swadians(my culture) and lords vaegirs
but i had this problem with normal diplomacy also once
so anyone gimme a good upload site for my save game, that would be great
I found out why that bug appears (the one when exchanging fief). I reported him earlier on this page. error occur becouse I exchanging village, you are trying to move my garrison troops, but since that  the village doesn't have garrison, error happens.
6. I think it would be nice to improve relations with King if I help some village about bandit infestion or looting, in fact I helping his kingdom safety, isn't it right? its close to reality, but you decide is it good for mod.

I am not sure that this fits, since in Native lords usually get annoyed or angry at you when you help their villages.

indeed, the lords don't like it because it looks like they can't even manage their fiefs, but a king might have an other point of vieuw on it. You are helping the kingdom prosper and that is in every way beneficial for the kings.
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