Law Guide for SoD 5.0

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Knight at Arms
Laws have a significant impact on your kingdom and both enacting and dismissing a law will have negative consequences so choose carefully.

There are total of 36 laws to select from but only 10 can be active at any one time.  The ten pictures on the top of the screen show laws which have been enacted.  Click the Next/Back buttons to navigate between the four law categories:  Villagers, Townspeople, Clergy, and Nobility.  Select one of the nine pictures on the right to choose a law to display.

Edict's modifiers are for the most part applied weekly.  The exceptions are obvious, such as army size, Lord's army size, etc.  Some laws make specific buildings better (i.e. +1 mill prosperity modifier means that all mills will grant +1 additional weekly prosperity to villages when the law is active.") or worse (i.e. +1 Watchtower demesne penalty means all watchtowers constructed will now only grant a +0 bonus to demesne)

Different faiths can build structures in villages, castles, and cities that have the same effect but different names.  The law descriptions below reference the headers in the table based on what each faith calls that particular building:

The One:  Local Church Monastery Chapel Cathedral
Old Gods:  Minor Shrine Temple Temple Grand Temple
The Void:  Sacrificial Altar Unholy Temple War Temple Temple Of Pain
Enlightenment:  Meditation Grounds Meditation Retreat Meditation Garden Zen Monastery
Philosophy: Lykeion Provincial School Library Regional Library

Green = Would be a nice feature to implement. 


Village Fairs:
- By your edict all villages can hold trade fairs. This will have beneficial influence on their prosperity, but will also break the town merchant's monopoly and cut into their profits.  The city's merchants will be angry.
- +10% Weekly village income
- +1 Weekly village prosperity modifier
- +1 Weekly relations with villages
- +1 Weekly Mill prosperity modifier (per Mill built)
- (-10%) Weekly town income
- (-1) Weekly relations with towns
- Enact:  -5 Relations with towns
- Dismiss:  -5 Relations with villages

Hunting Privileges: 
- By your edict peasants will be allowed to hunt in the royal woods.  This privilege was previously reserved solely for the nobility.  This edict will not be taken kindly by the high born.  However, it will lessen the effects of a bad harvest and have a positive effect on your villages population.
- +20% Village growth
- +1 Weekly relations with villages
- (-1) Weekly relations with nobles
- Enact:  -10 Relations with nobles *No game log message  
- Dismiss:  -5 Relations with villages

Access to Woods: 
- By your edict, peasants will be allowed to chop wood from the royal woods.  This will have a positive effect on your village's prosperity but you will lose profit from woodcutting allowances.
- +1 Weekly village prosperity modifier
- (-1) Manor demesne bonus (per manor built)
- (-10%) Weekly village income
- Enact:  (-1,000) Denars
- Dismiss:  (-5,000) Denars

Brewing Privileges: 
- By your edict, peasants are allowed to brew alcoholic beverages and open inns.  They will drink to your good health your Majesty... Instead of working.
- +2 Weekly relations with villages
- +1 Weekly Inn relations modifier (per inn built)
- (-1) Weekly village prosperity modifier
- Enact:  -1,000 Denars
- Dismiss:  -5 Relations with villages

Fair Trail: 
- By your edict, peasants will now be tried by a jury of their peers.  This will assure a fair trial for common folks but will cut your income from fees.  Your voice will still have the last word, increasing your prestige with the royal judges.
- +1 Weekly relations with villages
- +1 Manor renown modifier (per Manor built)
- (-10%) Weekly village income
- Enact:  -1,000 Denars
- Dismiss:  -5 Relations with villages

- By your edict, all peasants are now the owners of the land they work on.  This will provide a huge boost to the economy, but it will destroy your relations with the nobility and at times their lands can be harder to manage and protect.
-  Excludes the Nobility Edict 'Serfdom'
- +2 Weekly village prosperity modifier
- +20% Weekly village income
- +30% Village growth
- +2 Weekly relations with villages
- +20 Party size
- +1 Watchtower demesne penalty (per Watchtower built)
- (-10) Weekly renown
- (-3) Weekly relations with nobles
- Enact:  (-20) Relations with nobles *No game log message  
- Dismiss:  (-30) Relations with villages

High Capitation: 
- By your edict, peasants will now pay high taxes.  This will boost your income from villages but in long term, it will hurt prosperity and will certainly not make you popular among the commoners.
- Excludes the Villager Edict 'Low Capitation'
- +20% Weekly village income
- +10% Weekly Mill income modifier (per Mill built)
- (-1) Weekly relations with villages
- (-1) Weekly village prosperity modifier
- Enact:  -5 Relations with villages
- Dismiss:  -2,000 Denars

Low Capitation: 
- By your edict, peasants will now pay low taxes.  This will cut your income from villages but in long term, it will increase prosperity and your popularity among the commoners.
- Excludes the Villager Edict 'High Capitation'
- +1 Weekly village prosperity modifier
- +1 Weekly relations with villages
- +1 Inn relation modifier (per inn built)
- (-20%) Weekly village income
- Enact:  -1,000 Denars
- Dismiss:  -5 Relations with villages

- By your edict, peasants will now have representation in Parliament.  You may be sure of their support for your cause.  But sharing your power with commoners will not be taken kindly by nobility.
- +1 Weekly relations with villages
- +20% Village growth
- +10 Army size
- +10 Lord's party size
- +1 Messenger post demesne penalty (per messenger post built)
- (-3) Weekly relations with nobles
- (-5) Weekly renown
- Enact:  -10 Relations with nobles
- Dismiss:  -10 Relations with villages


Town's Mint: 
- By your edict, towns can now mint coin.  This privilege will increase the town's prosperity, but it will break the royal monopoly, cutting into your income.
- +1 Weekly town prosperity modifier
- +1 Guild prosperity modifier (per Guild built)
- (-15%) Weekly town income
- Enact:  -1,000 Denars
- Dismiss:  -2,000 Denars

Tool Collecting: 
- By your edict towns can now purchase tools from traders and travelers.  It will be now be less profitable for villagers to sell their goods, but town income will increase.
- +10% Weekly town income
- +1 Weekly town prosperity modifier
-  +10% Weekly Guild income modifier (per Guild built)
- (-10%) Weekly village income
- (-1) Weekly village prosperity modifier
- Enact:  -5 Relations with villages
- Dismiss:  -5 Relations with towns

Sale of Offices: 
- By your edict, townspeople will be allowed to buy and hold offices formerly reserved for the nobility.  This should fill our treasury with gold but it will upset the nobles.
- +10% Weekly town income
- +1 Weekly relations with towns
- +1 Weekly University relation modifier (per University built)
- (-1) Weekly relations with nobles
- Enact:  -10 Relations with nobles
- Dismiss:  -5 Relations with towns

Free Cities: 
- By your edict, towns are now free from noble and royal jurisdiction.  Cities will flourish and become easier to maintain.  They gain a series of immunities which will result in less control over city taxes and cut into our profit.  The nobility will not appreciate the merchants gaining so much power.
- +2 Weekly town prosperity modifier
- +2 Weekly relations with towns
- +20% Town growth
- +20 Party size
- +20 Demesne points
- +1 Guild demesne bonus (per Guild built)
- (-30%) Weekly town income
- (-2) Weekly relations with nobles
- Enact:  -2,000 Denars and -10 Relations with nobles
- Dismiss:  -20 Relations with towns

Salt Mining: 
- By your edict, you release your monopoly on salt mining.  This will cut your profits but will allow your towns to prosper.
- +1 Weekly town prosperity modifier
- +1 Weekly relations with towns
- (-10%) Weekly town income
- Enact:  -1,000 Denars
- Dismiss:  -3,000 Denars

- By your edict, local guilds will be protected from overboard competition.  Trade income may dwindle but the local guilds will prosper having a privileged position.
- +1 Town prosperity modifier
- +1 Weekly relations with towns
- +1 Guild relation modifier (per Guild built)
- +10% Weekly Guild income modifier (per Guild built)
- (-15%) Weekly town income
- Enact:  -2,000 Denars
- Dismiss:  -3,000 Denars

- By your edict, all healthy men must serve in the military.  Your army will increase in size, yet the town's population and your reputation among them will suffer.
- +15 Army size
- +15 Lord's party size
- +1 Barracks (in castle or city) demesne penalty (per barracks built)
- (-1) Weekly relations with towns
- (-20%) Town growth
- Enact:  -5 Relations with towns
- Dismiss:  -3,000 Denars

Low Taxes: 
- By your edict, townspeople will pay low taxes.  This will cut into your profits, but allow the townspeople to prosper.
- Excludes Town edict 'High Taxes'
- +1 Town prosperity modifier
- +1 Weekly relations with towns
- +1 University relations modifier (per University built)
- (-20%) Weekly town income
- Enact:  -1,000 Denars
- Dismiss:  -5 Relations with towns

High Taxes: 
- By your edict, townspeople will pay high taxes.  This will increase your income, but it will hurt the town's prosperity.
- Excludes Town edict 'Low Taxes'
- +20% Weekly town income
- +10% Weekly guild income modifier (per Guild built)
- (-1) Weekly town prosperity modifier
- (-1) Weekly relations with towns
- Enact:  -5 Relations with towns
- Dismiss:  -2,000 Denars


- By your edict, the clergy will inherit all goods and lands of priests excluding their relatives.
- +5% Faith troop random event occurrence
- +5% Monastery income modifier (per monastery built)
- +1 Weekly relations with clergy
- +5 Weekly Global faith
- (-10%) Weekly village income
- Enact:  -1,000 Denars
- Dismiss:  -10 Relations with clergy *No game log message  

Tithe from Villages: 
- By your edict, all peasants are obliged to pay a 10% tithe to The Temple.
- +5% Faith troop random event occurrence
- +5 Weekly global faith
- +1 Weekly village faith
- +1 Weekly relations with clergy
- +5% Weekly monastery income modifier (per monastery built)
- +1 Shrine local faith modifier (per shrine built)
- +1 Shrine global faith modifier (per shrine built)
- +1 Shrine relations modifier (per shrine built)
- (-1) Weekly relations with villages
- (-10%) Weekly village income
- Enact:  -5 Relations with villages
- Dismiss:  -2,000 Denars and -10 relations with clergy *No game log message  

Tithe from Towns: 
- By your edict, all townspeople are obliged to pay a 10% tithe to The Temple.
- +5 Weekly Global faith
- +1 Weekly town local faith
- +5% Faith troop random event occurrence
- +1 Weekly relations with clergy
- +2 Temple local faith modifier (per temple built)
- +3 Temple global faith modifier (per temple built)
- +1 Temple relations modifier (per temple built)
- (-10%) Weekly town income
- (-1) Weekly relations with towns
- Enact:  -5 Relations with towns
- Dismiss:  -2,000 Denars and -10 relations with clergy *No game log message  

- By your edict, clergy is removed from your jurisdiction and may only stand before Temple Courts.
- +1 Weekly relations with clergy
- +5% Faith troop random event occurrence
- (-1) Weekly relations with nobles
- (-5) Weekly renown
- Enact:  -50 Renown
- Dismiss:  -10 Relations with clergy *No game log message  

Temple Supremacy: 
- You agree that there is higher authority than yours and The Temple is the voice of this authority.
- Excludes Clergy Edict 'Royal Supremacy'
- +10% Faith troop random event occurrence
- +20 Weekly Global faith
- +1 Weekly village local faith
- +1 Weekly town local faith
- +1 Weekly relations with clergy
- (-20) Weekly renown
- Enact:  -200 Renown
- Dismiss:  -20 Relations with clergy *No game log message  

Royal Supremacy: 
- You declare you power comes from a higher source and announce yourself as the head of The Temple.
- Excludes Clergy Edict 'Temple Supremacy'
- +20 Weekly renown
- +10% Faith troop random event occurrence
- (-3) Weekly relations with clergy
- (-1) Weekly town local faith
- (-1) Weekly village local faith
- (-20) Weekly Global faith
- Enact:  -20 Relations with clergy
- Dismiss:  -200 Renown

- By your edict, all non believers are considered criminals.  The Temple may erect proper tribunals and prosecute those who oppose your faith.
- +2 Weekly town local faith
- +2 Weekly village local faith
- +30 Weekly Global faith
- +10% Faith troop random event occurrence
- +1 Weekly relations with clergy
- (-2) Weekly relations with towns
- Enact:  -5 Relations with towns
- Dismiss:  -20 relations with clergy and -100 Global faith

Holy War: 
- By your edict, all those who will not accept your faith willingly must be converted forcefully.  If words of truth don't speak to them perhaps fire and sword will.
- Requires Clergy Edict 'Theocracy'
- +20% Faith troop random event occurrence
- +20 Weekly renown
- +30 Weekly Global faith
- +1 Weekly relations with clergy
- +15% Weekly monastery income modifier (per monastery built)
- Enact:  Starts war with all kingdoms!
- Dismiss:  -30 Relations with clergy *No game log message  

- By your edict, all human rights are worthless compared to the wisdom of The Temple.
  Requires either the Clergy Edict 'Royal Supremacy' or 'Temple Supremacy'
- +10% Faith troop random event occurrence
- +30 Weekly Global faith
- +2 Weekly relations with clergy
- +10% Weekly monastery income modifier (per monastery built)
- (-20%) Weekly village income
- (-20%) Weekly town income
- Enact:  -5,000 Denars
- Dismiss:  -30 Relations with clergy *No game log message  


- By your edict, peasants cannot own land, leave their village without their lord's permission, and are obliged to work on their lord's lands.
- Excludes Villager Edict 'Enfranchisement'
- +4 Weekly relations with nobles
-  +25% Weekly royal tribute
- +10 Lord's party size
- (-3) Weekly relations with villages
- (-1) Weekly village prosperity modifier
- (-20%) Weekly village growth
- (-20%) Weekly village income
- Enact:  -20 Relations with all current villages
- Dismiss:  -30 Relations with nobles *No game log message  

Noble Ransoms: 
- By your edict, you agree to pay the ransom of any noble lord captured while in your service.
- +2 Weekly relations with nobles
- (-20%) Weekly royal tribute
- Enact:  -1,000 Denars
- Dismiss:  -10 Relations with nobles *No game log message  

Military Reimbursement: 
- By your edict, you agree to refund part of the military expenses of noble lords while in your service.
-  +2 Weekly relations with nobles
- (-20%) Weekly royal tribute
- Enact:  -1,000 Denars
- Dismiss:  -10 Relations with nobles *No game log message  

Noble's Domain: 
- By your edict, nobles in their lands can nominate village elders.
- +2 Weekly relations with nobles
- (-1) Weekly relations with villages
- Enact:  -1,000 Denars
- Dismiss:  -10 Relations with nobles

Economic Regulations: 
- By your edict, nobles can issue the maximum and minimum prices on goods.
- +30% Weekly royal tribute
- +2 Weekly relations with nobles
- (-1) Weekly prosperity with towns
- Enact:  -1,000 Denars
- Dismiss:  -10 Relations with nobles *No game log message  

Arbitrary Edicts: 
- By your edict, nobles can arbitrarily pass local edicts which define the clothing, jewelry, food, etc. wealthy commoners in their lands can or cannot own.
- +2 Weekly relations with nobles
- +5% Weekly royal tribute
- (-10%) Weekly village income
- Enact:  -1,000 Denars
- Dismiss:  -10 Relations with nobles *No game log message  

- By your edict, you submit power to nobles from the most respected families to have influence ruling our great kingdom.
- Excludes Nobility Edict 'Absolute Monarchy'
-  Cannot select Field Marshall directly (Lords vote)
- +3 Weekly relations with nobles
- +5% Weekly royal tribute
- (-20) Weekly renown
- Enact:  -1,000 Denars and -20 Renown
- Dismiss:  -20 Relations with nobles *No game log message  

Absolute Monarchy: 
- By your edict, you and you alone are responsible for all affairs of the Kingdom.
- Excludes Nobility Edicts 'Senate' and 'Elective Monarchy'
-  Always select Field Marshall directly (no option for Lords to vote)
- +20 Weekly renown
- +20 Army size
- +20% Weekly royal tribute
- (-20) Lord's party size
- (-5) Weekly relations with nobles
- Enact:  -2,000 Denars and -20 Relations with nobles
- Dismiss:  -5,000 Denars and -200 Renown

Elective Monarchy: 
- By your edict, upon your death all of the nobles of the land will vote to choose a new king.
- Excludes Nobility Edict 'Absolute Monarchy'
- +2 Weekly relations with nobles
- +20 Lord's party size
- (-20) Weekly renown
- (-20) Army size
- Enact:  -100 Renown
- Dismiss:  -20 Relations with nobles *No game log message  
* Changed report name from “View weekly bonuses report” to “View weekly law bonuses report” in  (building effects will not show up on this report but still very useful report for viewing global law effects)

* Changed all text references of “prestige” to “renown” (in (x1), (x2), and (x1))

* Updated all description law effects in  (i.e. where description and effects did not match but it was possible to change description to match the effect)

* Fair Trail:  Does not lower relations with villages when dismiss

* Enfranchisement:  Currently a (-1) Watchtower demesne bonus but it should be a penalty (i.e +1 and not -1)

* Low Capitation:  no effect on Inn relations

* Representation:  Currently a (-1) Messenger post demesne bonus, but should be a penalty (i.e. +1 like description and not -1 like effect)

* Sale of Offices:  Seems to have no effect.  With this law, get +2 total relations when have a University, instead of +3 total

* Draft:  Actually provides a -1 demesne bonus (i.e. should be +1 like description and not -1 like effect)

* Low Taxes:  Seems to have no effect.  With this law, get +2 total relations when have a University, instead of +3 total

* Tithe from Villages:  Total relations increased +2 with shrine built (+1) and law (-1 relation with villages and additional +1 relation with shrine).

* Noble's Domain:  After dismiss law, you keep +2 relation bonus

* Economic Regulations:  After dismiss law, royal tribute is decreased 2% instead of -30% (i.e. still get 28% increase after dismiss)
*After dismiss law, you keep +2 relation bonus
*Actual effect is -1 to town prosperity (change description to -1 Weekly town prosperity modifier or (preferably) remove this effect and change to -1 town relationship penalty instead)

* Arbitrary Edicts:  *After dismiss law, you keep +1 relation bonus, should subtract 2
*Should be 1000 denars, 2,000 is too much for effects when compared to other laws 

* Senate:  *After dismiss law, you keep +2 relation bonus but should be 0
*Currently no bonus to Royal Tribute at all = 0%.  This law used to have other disadvantages so +50% is way too generous.  This should be 5% at most

* Absolute Monarchy:  *After dismiss law, you keep a +15% bonus to royal tribute, should remove the entire 20% bonus back to 0% 
*After dismiss law, a -2 penalty to weekly noble relations remains.  Should go to 0.

* Elective Monarchy:  *Actually get +20 renown (a bonus, not a penalty).  After dismiss law, you get +20 weekly renown to make a total of +40 per week (in other words, the dismiss feature is correct to make total 0 (-20 +20 = 0), but missing a negative sign when enacted.

* Greatly expanded Kuba’s Law effect report in report menu (Inn relations, Manor demesne, Manor renown, Messenger post demesne, Mill income, Mill prosperity, Watchtower demesne, etc. etc.)
True about all laws

- If you have 0 denars and enact or dismiss a law that costs money to enact or dismiss, you get it for free!  The enact/dismiss fee is free if you don’t have money. 

- There is no ingame dialog message that pops up in game log when you dismiss any law (and some missing on enact).  Lots of effects are not recorded in game log but really should be since laws are not passed or removed regulary.

NOBILITY LAW:  "Military Reimbursement"

- Enact fee of 2500 denars in description but when pay for the law, it costs 1000 denars

- Correctly lowers royal tribute 20% (show in kingdom management / fief management) but no message is given in the game log. 

- When you dismiss this law, it correctly decreases relations with nobles by -10 (show in kingdom management / fief management) but once again, no message is given in the game log.  

- The relationship bonus was tested by looking at the date and waiting on map (in camp mode so faster) to ensure nobility relations increased by +2 weekly (in same fief management window).  This does work.  I also dismissed law and then made sure the relation bonus does not continue.  It does not. 
Villager Laws has been Tested and Approved!

I checked each description through laws after enacting/dismissing that kind of laws, and all worked very well.(I waited a week after enacting a law)

More Details?
Updated with bugs, useful features, etc. 

My plan is to make all the changes to descriptions and text that I can and then get an updated list to Kuba to fix all the rest of the laws. 

As a side note, Kuba has already fixed a ton of laws and rewrote the code to make this easier to see and more logical.  As you can see, there is still a bit more work before we move onto open beta testing. 

EDIT:  Descriptions are fixed!  Now it is time for Kuba to work his magic...
- Tested +1 Manor renown modifier on VILLAGER LAWS - Fair Trail

It is working as intended and the cant test note was removed above. 

- Determined what the “Weekly monastery income modifier” is.  I still do not know how to test, but I understand what is it now and changed the note.  Changed other notes in general to make bug correcting easier to follow. 

- Just noticed that the Senate law calls out for a +50% bonus to Royal Tribute.  If I remember correctly, this law had some serious disadvantages before.  It looks like those were removed so adding in that bonus is to generous.  It should be a +5% bonus (or if you like, nothing at all). 
Some major progress on SoD 5.0 this week.  I decided to try my hand out in fixing these laws myself and due to the excellent notes Kuba made in the code and organized structure, I managed to fix every single law related bug (easily over 20) and create a cool report in reports meny that is very descriptive and shows law effects when enacted. 

I still have some law decriptions to update, work on Legion personalities, and look for pathfinding code errors, and we are good to go.  After this weekend is over, I will have time to dedicate to just do it myself.  Perhaps another month, maybe sooner if Kuba comes out of hiding...

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