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Look at that screenshot: Ivarr alongside all the other non-nominative forms (including Ivar!), plus Ivarrsson, Gudrodrsson, Beinlaussi, the inconsistency between d and th for ð...  And that's just for the Norse stuff, which is easy to research.
People, people.


We're trailing from the topic, okay, we're not here to discuss the consistency and professionality of the Viking Conquest developement team, or how and with which characters old Norse names of the period should be spelled.

Right now, Harkon needs our support the most. He has just come clean, and not on his own accord or his own terms. Don't you realise what you're doing to him by suddenly changing the topic and brushing the most pressing matter under the table, as everyone has always done whenever Harkon hinted at this? I think this is very inconsiderate of you people, this won't do, not at all, okay.

Please. Let's just stop the argument and do whatever we can to ease Harkon's pain and help him-- HER, through this time of distress. Stop the hating and start the loving, okay.

Thank you.
Imma post like a derp and break the conversation! The fruits of today's labor. I still have to do a distal taper/grind near the tip, but the preliminary forging and grinding is done, and it's heat treated. Forged it with a Seax in mind, but meh. I need to get a cold chizel to put some runes into it after I'm done. I'm thinking of forcing a patina with some vinegar before I go on to making a handle. Keep in mind this was done with less tools than even the first metalsmiths probably had, and done by hand w/o power tools. That's why it's ugly, and totally not from my lack of skill, and my ash laden arms.


What is Skyr? Some kind of yogurt or something? I'm not german nor icelander, so I don't have the lucky chance of buying it.
Oh, nice find, Thanks! I like them. Very 'genuine' performances. They have a distinctly Icelandic pronunciation of the Old Norse verses, but I'd rather have that than some failed attempt at a reconstruction like we see elsewhere.
Staying in the hospital with an inflammated knee since over a week now. So no vikingr and no chatting for me, but at least plenty of time to read (woven into the earth, malazan book of the fallen, neuromancer). Never thought I could get weary of reading, alas.
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