AAR: Veshin De' Vous

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The story so far...

Prologue: The Coming of Veshin De' Vous
Chapter 1: From Plundering to Sieging
Chapter 2: The Omen

Prologue: The Coming of Veshin De' Vous
May 30, 1257

As not to bore you with the frivolities of my humble beginnings, I shall tell you of my recent enrollment with the Swadians.  Even though forced, I serve my King with honor, I did not wish to damage my relations with a kingdom ruler.  At least, not this early on in my conquest for peace in Calradia.
So far nothing in particular has happened, besides my being thrust into a war between the fierce Khergit riders and Swadia's valiant knights.  After watching half of Swadia fall to the Nords, I believe this is a bad move on King Harlaus's part.  A king, indeed, a general, perhaps not.  I see that the marshall makes better decisions then 'thy highness', he has managed to ward off the Khergits with frequent assaults on their lords.  To no avail of course, just a very bitter stalemate that will decimate the Swadian economy over time.

Me being stationed near Uhhun Castle currently, I'm hoping to pillage the nearby Uhhun and take some loot for myself.  Hopefully I'm not challenged by any particularly strong Khergit lords, as my force, a mere 60 troops, would not be enough to take on a blunt attack of a Khergit...

Just before the plunder.
Sounds interesting, you have good potential. Keep writing, I'll watch, I hope you can write about your character's background, how he could become a vassal... Etc..
Just a tip - put the prologue in a post, and remove it from the first post, the first post is useful for SO much else :razz:
Been there, done that.
Chapter 1: From Plundering to Sieging
June 6, 1257

Ahh, the plunder you ask?  Not so well, soon after starting two groups of about 70 attacked me, I fended them off thanks to my knights, but that was a short won victory.  About two hours later another large group of Khergits attacked me about 160 in total.  At first, I thought we could do it, but after being knocked off my horse in the thick of then, I knew it was all lost.  Plus that, we couldn't fight the bastards hiding in the hay!  Our swords couldn't cut through such a thick and shifty material!!

We managed to get away for a good run, but one of my knights who had taken up the back yelled to my, "Sir, they're coming up on us fast!" Damn those Khergits, I thought before sending about twelve of my men to try to hold them off while we ran.  They fell quickly to the arrows and my men just started at me blankly as I commanded more to hold them off.

"Bah this'll never work...boys, you'd better move if you don't wanna get left behind!"  Luckily my men picked up the pace and we managed to make it back to Dhirim, 35 of my soldiers surviving.  This was my most horrible defeat, and my men all stared at me with hatred as we went into Dhirim for supplies.

Ha, I guess I got my skills from my father, ehh?  He was quite the valiant lord until the day he became a coward.  My mother...well, let's just say she wasn't a particularly 'honorable' woman.  My father, he was a lord of the Sarranid Sultanate.  He was a very honourable man, fighting his battles to the last of his men, including himself.  The day when his castle was taken he...changed, he didn't ever want his men to die, so he fleed from every battle, avoiding the smallest bandit groups, and paying others to leave his men alone...

Heh, enough of that sadness.  Soon after we picked up the supplies we needed, I headed to Tosdhar and Tshibiten to get some troops.  My men walked slowly and weighed down after our recent encounter, I didn't bother them.  When we finished our new meat harvesting, my men lightened up a bit.  Watching the new recruits stumble around during training and fumbling with a bow, how could you be sad?

A little to soon for me, we were called by our marshall, Count Plais, for a siege on Narra.  My men, with renewed vigor charged to Praven where Plais was waiting.  We met halfway and thundered our way to Narra.  Once we got there, we began setting our siege equipment up and prepping the men.  Ha, if we'd known that Sanjar Khan and half his men were in there, we would have never even gone, alas, we fleed.  Most of us made it away.  Only about two lords were foolish enough to turn and help those lords who couldn't escape.  I don't know what became of them.

We retreated to Dhirim again and waited for our orders there, I took the few denars I had and bought me and my men some ale.  Afterwards, retiring to our beds for a good nights rest.  Wow, what a week...

The seige of Narra...

My equipment and...

...my troops.
Thanks!  I hope to add more screenies in the later chapters, so hopefully they will be more detailed.  I should have another out tomorrow gonna try to get one a day if I can.

I'm also gonna read yours to see how I can improve my own.  Hope you don't mind!  :grin:
Angaku said:
Thanks!  I hope to add more screenies in the later chapters, so hopefully they will be more detailed.  I should have another out tomorrow gonna try to get one a day if I can.

I'm also gonna read yours to see how I can improve my own.  Hope you don't mind!  :grin:

I am definitely not the best writer around, you should get your inspiration from either "Me, Floris" or "Phoenix Rising". They are perhaps the most advanced writers here. Remember that my AAR is very in game based, perhaps restricting me to write as I would like :razz:
Ahh, I see, but you shouldn't cut yourself short.  You have quite a good AAR there!  But yea, I've read through 'Me, Floris' a bit, it's a very nice one.

To be a bit more on topic I've got quite a lengthy chapter I'm building up.  Played for like two weeks in game, lots of screen shots.  Should be ready tomorrow!
Bump for the new chapter, a failure chapter though...

Chapter 2: The Omen
June 20, 1257

Bah, I should have just waited in Dhirim...we left at dawn to try and break the seige of Rindyar Castle.  I supplemented my recent loss with mercenaries from Dhirim, and I had successfully recruited some Cavalry and Horsemen.  We rode fast and hard, the siege wasn't supposed to be all that large, but halfway there it began to pour, and my leading knight trotted his horse up next to me for a word.

"Sir, I don't believe it would be good idea to fight in such weather, the horses may get mucked down."
I turned to him with a smile, "I think we can manage we have at least a few hundred soldiers backing us up."
He looked ahead into the rain, "I don't know sir, it just seems...wrong..."
"I'll have no more of it!"  I ended with a bellow, and he fell back into line. 

When we arrived to Rindyar we saw veteran knights turning tail and running full speed at us, the rain making it hard for us to see what they were running from.  We made a full stop and listened for noise.  A low rumble.  My men looked at me worryingly, and I yelled for the men to charge foolishly towards our failure.  I don't remember why I did it, I thought we could hold them off, but I was wrong.  With horror I looked to see the enemy force.

What have I done...

We managed to retreat with a majority of my force surviving.  About two hours later, as we trekked through the mud, we heard that foreboding rumble again, but too late did we turn to run, they flanked us.  We tried our best to hold them off, me and my men holding ground against our inevitable failure.  We took out about 10 men before we ourselves began to fall before them like a scythe to wheat.  So many men, dead.  I watched in horror as we fled the horror behind us evolve into a massacre.

The flank...

Soon after we retreated, how many men did we loose?  I lost count, all I know is that we had to escape or we would surely die.  After two days of fleeing an army we could not see, we had made it Senuzgda Castle, what a sight.  Many of my men, having lost faith in me, deserted along the way. How could you blame them?  Your commander has just lost and fled three times consecutively.  I would have deserted too!!  My men let out a sigh of relief as we approached Senuzgda, perhaps we would get some rest there.

Just finished reading this... Im liking it so far lol.

Mixedpotatoes said:
Angaku said:
Thanks!  I hope to add more screenies in the later chapters, so hopefully they will be more detailed.  I should have another out tomorrow gonna try to get one a day if I can.

I'm also gonna read yours to see how I can improve my own.  Hope you don't mind!  :grin:

I am definitely not the best writer around, you should get your inspiration from either "Me, Floris" or "Phoenix Rising". They are perhaps the most advanced writers here. Remember that my AAR is very in game based, perhaps restricting me to write as I would like :razz:

Aww shucks mate lol... Im blushing now... But yeah Me, Floris is excellent lol.
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