[AAR] Phoenix Rising

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The fire cracked radiating waves of warmth onto the scared old face of the man sitting before the glorious blaze.  He rested his eyes shortly baking in the heat the fire provided a sure cure for his brittle limbs.

Suddenly a feeling came over him, hairs standing on the back of his neck. Even in his old age he had never lost that canny awareness that had so served him in his golden years.

He was being watched, he could almost feel the eyes on him as he forced himself to remain still, calm and natural as to not give away the knowledge of his vigilance to the watcher. Instead he focused on listening, filtering out the ambient noise of the fire and concentrated on any new unnatural sounds behind him.

There! He thought to himself a slight sound of movement on the wood panelled floor just over his right shoulder. His attacker was quiet but not silent enough to fool this wise old man. The old man closed his eyes slowly imitating that of sleep to turn the tide in this assault.

He adjusted his breathing to a soft breath the better to fall into his pretend asleep facade as the attacker moved around his right as quiet as a mouse. He felt something brush past his right knee gently. Did the assailant know of his mistakes? The old man contemplated as he prepared himself for what was coming next.

With a swiftness that defied his age the old man’s hands shot out from his sides and enveloped his attacker. The man opened his eyes to the sound of a... Giggling young boy no more than the age of five.

The old man pulled the boy onto his lap in a large affectionate hug as he began to laugh along with his grandson.

“Leave your Grandfather alone” The mothers voice came from across the room.

“Will you read me the story of the Phoenix again Granddad?” The young boy said looking up from the hug into the old man’s eyes.

“Ah but that is such a long story and the hour is getting late” The man replied with a gentle smile looking over to the mother.

“It’s alright I don’t have lessons tomorrow” The boy replied sitting up in his grandfathers lap looking over to his mother.

She simply nodded her reply to the old man.

“Well in that case my young adventurer perhaps I could be persuaded” The man replied in jest.

“Thank you Granddad” The boy gave the old man another squeezing hug.

“Alright alright” The old man said getting up.

“Go get ready for bed and I shall grab the book less I forget the story” The young boy quickly moved off down the panelled halls as the old man straightened his clothes and headed over to the bookcase.

He looked up and down the rows of aged books, new dust settling after every clean the old things seemed to attract dust with gusto he thought to himself as his scanned for the book in question looking for the frayed leather spine with the golden word “Memoirs” stamped on it.

“There it is” He mumbled to himself as he reached up to the top shelf.


“Ah curse it” He yelped as his old silver ring of the Phoenix caught on the shelves edge pulling on his aged fingers. He shook away the slight pain and picked up the fallen book gazing down at it deeply as he turned heading for the bedrooms.

“You can deal with him if he’s grumpy in the morning” The mother said with a slight laugh at the knowledge of how long this particular story was and therefore how late the young child would be awake.

“My dear I have nothing better to do in my old age than spend time with that blessed child” The old man replied before moving off down the halls.

He could see the glow of candles emitting from the boys door, the old man remembered back to the many nights spent sleeping on the cold earth and marvelled as he always did at the wealth he saw now in his life. But he smiled the thought away as he entered the room his grandson was already in bed sitting patiently waiting.


“Now let’s tuck you in” The old man said as he pulled up a chair to sit on and pressed the heavy blankets around the child.

He placed the book on his lap and gently opened to the first page. Phoenix Rising it said in clear bold letters reading the words the old man looked up with almost a tear in his eye and gazed out the manor window seeing the dim lights of Dhirim, this old city he thought to himself must know this story almost as well as I do, a tale of desperation, of revolution, of peace and war, and most certainly of love and loss.

“Granddad?” The boy’s voice startled the old man from his thoughts.

“Ah yes, shall we begin?” The boy nodded in reply as the old man moved his eyes back to the words on the page finding the first few words.

Haha the movie of Google image search... Just random stuff I find and edit to suit... There will be warband screenshots but I find that aar more interesting if they have some non game shots just setting the scene/atmosphere...

Well that was the prologue the real story will start in the next chapter...

Question: Did I have you tricked when you first read it? Did you think the old man was going to be attacked?

Also any idea on the url posting bit?

The main part of the story will be in black... The red is just to help tell what is real and what is story... In the story lol.
*Off topic*
MGStewart said:
Can u put the writing in black - red is a really gay colour to read

Red is homosexual all of the sudden? :neutral:

*On topic*
I like it so far, just curious, how do you plan on writing your AAR. With lots of dialog, or more of a journal sort of thing. Or a mix of both I guess. Just wondering how you think you'll make it.
Thanks for the positive reply.... I was worried that the whole fairy tale type approach would be too cheesey for this forum lol.
Looks like a nice AAR.

Though, if you write each chapter as long as the prologue or even longer and make several chapters per day, it might get hard to follow you story.
Asgarden said:
Seem promising - keep writing beyond prologue!

Will do Ive got material for the first chapter now. Just need to formulate it into a post :smile:

King of Scotland said:
Looks like a nice AAR.

Though, if you write each chapter as long as the prologue or even longer and make several chapters per day, it might get hard to follow you story.

Care to explain lol you have me worried? Was it too long? Chapters could be even longer but I doubt Ill be able to do one a day.

Lord Brutus said:
Stildawn said:
Thanks for the positive reply.... I was worried that the whole fairy tale type approach would be too cheesey for this forum lol.
Not to worry. A large portion of this forum believes in fairy tales. I'm on board.

Haha good glad you like it so far...

On that note those who want basically a play by play game AAR, better tune off now this will be told like a story with drama and plot etc
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