Fleshing out Mount & Blade Lore

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Septa Scarabae

Knight at Arms
The idea of this thread is to compile any information we know about Mount & Blade lore, without creating anything new. Anything from party trees, troops, geography and factions to town members, kings and history would be a good addition.


-: Map of Calradia (unlabeled)
-: Map of Calradia (all labeled)
-: Map of Calradia (towns labeled)
-: Map of Calradia (castles labeled)
-: Map of Calradia (kingdoms labeled)

More Legible Text:
-: Map of Calradia (all labeled)
-: Map of Calradia (towns labeled)
-: Map of Calradia (castles labeled)

-: Khergit
-: Nordis
-: Rhodoks
-: Swadians
-: Vaegirs

Chaotic Independant:
-: Outlaws
-: Dark Knights
-: Swadian Deserters
-: Vaegir Deserters

Lawful Independant:
-: Manhunters
-: Slavers
-: Commoners

Swadian Hierarchy
-: King Harlaus

-: Lord Beranz
-: Lord Klargus
-: Lord Meltor
-: Lord Mirchaud
-: Lord Pelagnar
-: Lord Plais
-: Lord Prescan
-: Lord Regos
-: Lord Ryis
-: Lord Stamar

-: Praven (capital)
-: Suno
-: Uxkhal

-: Amashke
-: Amera
-: Burglen
-: Ehlerdag
-: Emirin
-: Epeshe
-: Glunmar
-: Nomar
-: Reveran
-: Tahlberil
-: Tosdhar
-: Veidar
-: Yaragar

-: Alburq
-: Almerra
-: Maras
-: Sungetche

Vaegir Hierarchy
-: King Yaroglek

-: Lord Belagaru
-: Lord Doru
-: Lord Khavel
-: Lord Naldera
-: Lord Nelag
-: Lord Meriga
-: Lord Mleza
-: Lord Ralcha
-: Lord Vlan
-: Lord Vuldrat

-: Khudan
-: Reyvadin (capital)
-: Rivacheg

-: Azgad
-: Balanli
-: Chide
-: Hanun
-: Ilbiran
-: Karindi
-: Nemeja
-: Sumbuja
-: Tadsamesh
-: Ulburban
-: Ushkuru
-: Vezin

-: Bulugha
-: Ismirala
-: Malayurg
-: Tilbaut
-: Vincoud

Nord Hierarchy
-: King Ragnar

-: Lord Aedin
-: Lord Gundur
-: Lord Haeda
-: Lord Harald
-: Lord Irya
-: Lord Knudarr
-: Lord Reamald
-: Lord Olaf
-: Lord Turegor
-: Lord Turya

-: Sargoth (capital)
-: Tihr
-: Wercheg

-: Ambean
-: Buillin
-: Fearichen
-: Fenada
-: Haen
-: Jayek
-: Jelbege
-: Kulum
-: Mazen
-: Mechin
-: Ruluns
-: Ruvar
-: Shapeshte
-: Yalibe

-: Chalbek
-: Curin
-: Distar
-: Keldredan
-: Tehlrog

Rhodok Hierarchy
-: King Graveth

-: Lord Belanz
-: Lord Falsevor
-: Lord Gharmall
-: Lord Gutlans
-: Lord Laruqen
-: Lord Matheas
-: Lord Raichs
-: Lord Rimusk
-: Lord Talbar
-: Lord Tarchias

-: Veluca
-: Jelkala (capital)

-: Buvran
-: Dumar
-: Emer
-: Fedner
-: Ilvia
-: Pagundur
-: Rudi
-: Saren
-: Tulbuk

-: Culmarr
-: Ergellon
-: Jamiche

Khergit Khanate
-: Sanjar Khan

-: Lord Asugan
-: Lord Alagur
-: Lord Belir
-: Lord Brula
-: Lord Chaurka
-: Lord Imirza
-: Lord Kramuk
-: Lord Sebula
-: Lord Tonju
-: Lord Urumuda

-: Curaw
-: Halmar
-: Tulga (capital)

-: Bazeck
-: Bulugur
-: Dugan
-: Dusturil
-: Peshmi
-: Rebache
-: Rizi
-: Shulus
-: Tismirr
-: Tshibtin
-: Uslum
-: Zagush

-: Derchios
-: Radoghir
-: Yruma


-: Map of Calradia

-: Swadians
-: Vaegirs

Chaotic Independant:
-: Outlaws
-: Khergits
-: Dark Knights
-: Swadian Deserters
-: Vaegir Deserters

Lawful Independant:
-: Manhunters
-: Slavers
-: Commoners

Swadian Hierarchy
-: King Harlaus

-: Duke Taugard
-: Count Grimar
-: Count Haxalye
-: Count Belicha
-: Count Nourbis
-: Count Rhudolg

Vaegir Hierarchy
-: King Yaroglek

-: Count Aolbrug
-: Count Rasevas
-: Count Leomir
-: Count Haelbrad
-: Count Mira
-: Count Camechaw
Any information that isn't listed, please let me know. I'd also be interested in knowing if there are currently any names given to geographic areas, i.e. the desert, mountains, etc. Possible time period, unique to Calradia?
Highelfwarrior said:
why is this in the mod discusion? it seems like its about vanilla only. nothing to do with mods ..

Because it will be used as the basis of expanding Native, which I do.
Well I guess everyone knows this, but based on troop dialogs in Native, the Swadians are the aggressors. Vaegirs are on the defense.
dhorak keep used to be a castle that you could go to. there was a dude inside and that was it, you could only say "tell me about yourself" and "goodbye" to him. it would be cool to expand his story, maybe make him joinable like what's been done in the past, only better.
New map, compliments of Thorgrim:
-: http://img95.imageshack.us/img95/6246/fullmap2gm3.jpg

Will edit the main post tomorrow, heading to bed.

(This post should be in Module Development, not Mods)
KON_Air said:
Kill people will I hurt must.

I cringe at the thought of the entire settlement of Calradia taking place over the course of twenty years. And this post is intended for what we know, not what could be.
Then post with better suggestions at that thread, nobody suggested better "numbers" for years so I didn't change them.
KON_Air said:
Then post with better suggestions at that thread, nobody suggested better "numbers" for years so I didn't change them.

We're trying to accomplish two different things. I'm looking to collect information and lore we know to be fact. While I'm all for fan fiction, that isn't what I'm interested in here.

arcka said:
Um hello we are on M&B .903 not .808 OK's?.

Read the dates. I'm hoping to update today.
In Way of the Sword, you play an adventurer who arrives at the land of Calardia. Once home to a great kingdom, Calardia has fallen after decades of internal strife and is now under the threat of invasion by two powerful forces: On the west, the warlike nordsmen have occupied the border town of veluga, whereas on the east, Khergits, a nomad people from the steppes pillage the land with their incessant raids. But nowadays people talk of a new, darker threat. It is said that in many villages, common men turn into monsters and even that the dead rise from their graves to punish the living.

I don't want to lean on old versions too much, because the storyline has changed many times, but the differences between v.0.6.0 - v.0.9.0 tell a story of their own.

Rolf was once Baron Rolf of Dhorak Keep.

Marnid Rhaleis was once a merchant and traveller. While travelling from Geroia to Harlaushia, his caravan was ambushed by Khergit raiders.

Borcha was a horse thief, drunkard and tracker, imprisoned in Rivacheg.

Ymira was a peasant woman, running from soldiers.

Old Ranks:
-: Recruit
-: Regular
-: Veteran
-: Sergeant
-: Sergeant-at-Arms
-: Squire
-: Knight
-: Knight-at-Arms
-: Sergeant Knight
-: Sergeant Knight-at-Arms
-: Master Knight
-: Grandmaster Knight

The Training Ground, Four Ways Inn, Salt Mine and Dhorak Keep are gone.

Sargoth's tavern was known as the Thirsty Lion Tavern. Of the original seven Swadian towns of Tihr, Sargoth, Praven, Suno, Uxkhal, Jelkala and Veluca, only three remain in Swadian control. Praven, Suno and Uxkhal. Sargoth was once the Swadian capital. Culmarr Castle is also no longer under Swadian control.

Of the original seven Vaegir towns of Wercheg, Khudan, Rivacheg, Curaw, Reyvadin, Halmar and Tulga, only three remain in Vaegir control. Khudan, Rivacheg and Reyvadin. Reyvadin has remained the Vaegir capital. Radoghir Castle is no longer under Vaegir control.

Zendar's tavern was known as the Happy Boar.

The Inquisition, Antler Knights, Tagars and Ghouls are also no longer factions. Although, Undeads still are.
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