Introduction/Hello thread

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No, it's not mandatory to post here when you're new to the forum or Off-Topic, nor do you have to be new to say hi in this thread. I suppose, if you've never said hello, you can feel free to whenever you like. :smile:
Teofish said:
Hi, I'm Teo. I'm pretty new. But some of you might've seen me around. What's the deal with all this talk about soap?
Austupaio said:
Hello everyone, I'm Austupaio, I've been here over 5 years but I hope it's not too late to introduce myself~
Hey new guys, welcome! Please wear these for the following six months:


Lord Tim said:
Posting here as a recruit is actually mandatory. Appropriate measurements will be taken if you posted too late.
Oh crap i new it. Thats awful. What measures? Public flogging? Boiled in oil? Forced to live with the tranvestites from the rocky horror picture show?
Maybe i can get away if i just say it right now...

Hello, my name is Vraelomon, new to the forums (almost). Im posting from an android so theres a lot of typos in most of my posts, perhaps youve seen them.
Also, in starting to think im a bad person.  :sad:
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