AAR ~Sa-alaac'mcburg no Weinstein: Adventures and Shenanigans~

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Wam Knight

I'm new at this AAR-thing, but it sure sounds a lot like RPing, 'cept that it's just me and the NPCs.

Battle Size: I forgot
Combat Speed: Faster
Damage to Player: Normal
Damage to Friends: Normal
Combat AI: Good
Campaign AI: Good

Background: Sa-alaac'mcburg no Weinstein doesn't not know of his origin. However, right before his step-father's death, he was told that his step-father found him as an orphaned child in the land of Calradia. So, Sa-alaac'mcburg no Weinstein decides to embark on an epic journey to learn about his origins, even if it means risking everything to venture into the war-torn land of Calradia.

Starting stuff:

It was getting dark when Sa-alaac'mcburg no Weinstein finally arrived to Jelkala. The man was relieved to fall right to sleep once in the inn. Afterall, he had to be the one to hold the ship's mast after it broke; it was strange that the sailors didn't repair it while they were sailing. Probably they made him stuck up there with the mast because that clumsy oaf dumped all the apples into the sea.

So, during the last three days, Sa-alaac'mcburg no Weinstein had to keep the mast intact, and in the end, his limbs were wobbly and aching; it's like they're full of... some kind of gelatinous - they feel like they're full of burning porridge. Anyway, the unlucky man was getting his well-deserved rest.

The next morning, Sa-alaac'mcburg no Weinstein wobbled his weary body out of the inn when he noticed something strange. "It's quiet... Toooooooooooooooooo quiet," he whispered to himself, knocking his thumb against his teeth. Suddenly, an arrow zipped past his ear. Spinning around, he saw the archer, then reached for his blade. Ack, my arms are too numb to carry a sword, he realized. He sidestepped to dodge another arrow, and dashed for the bandit as he was full of adrenaline.

He tackled the surprised archer with his wobbly body, following up with a kick. Then, he proceeded to give him another when the archer took out his mace. Still, the kick gave him a good thud and now the archer was against a wall. Sa-alaac'mcburg no Weinstein was going to give him a good pummeling, but his arms were numb. So, he just repeatedly slung his arms at the man and put in a few kicks. The wimpy bandit collapsed to the ground after the last few swings to the face.

At the corner of his eye, Sa-alaac'mcburg no Weinstein noticed a funny-looking man waving to him from a house's front door. He was gesturing for him to come in. He shrugged and followed; his parents never taught about dangerous strangers.
Apparently, that googly-eyed man was the Merchant of Jelkala. He informed Sa-alaac'mcburg no Weinstein that crime is plaguing the city, and that his brother was kidnapped by a group of looters. When the merchant asked him if he could help him out, Sa-alaac'mcburg no Weinstein replied, "Of course I will... well, unless you don't pay me." After receiving some pocket money to hire some peasants, the man prepared to leave Jelkala.
Expecting a quiet travel to the village in the west, Sa-alaac'mcburg no Weinstein was stopped halfway to his destination. Materializing from out of nowhere, nine hostile looters halted the rider, yelling and demanding for his belongings. Four of the outlaws ripped the hide coats from their bodies, exposing seemingly well-toned muscles. One of them spun his bag of throwing stones in the air while another clenched a stone in his fist, flexing his arm back. The rest were charging, breaking their long hatchets into more handle-able small hatchets and clubbing their battle-torn caps with their cudgels, emitting disgustingly loud thuds that Sa-alaac'mcburg no Weinstein can surprisingly hear clearly; though, one of them was wildly swinging his knife around as if the blade was quicksilver. The rider's stomached churned as he muttered, "Sheeeeeeeeeit..."

EDIT : ((I forgot to say that I was going to be on a week-long vacation. I will get this going again after that, which should be three days from now.))
((I can double-post in AAR's, right?))

Note: After the week long vacation, I kinda forgot what happened ingame after my first post. Ah well, here we go.

Chapter 1

Despite the looters' intimidating approach, Sa-alaac'mcburg no Weinstein's mighty saddle horse trotted circles around the bandits while the rider continuously rained bolts on them. Try as they might, they could never get close to the mount, so it was up to the stone-slingers to do the job. However, the only injuries that rider got was two bruises on his nipple and big toe. Not too long after taking out about six of the men, the last ones begun to flee to the hills in the distant, though they were already tired out from all the yelling they've been doing. The fleeing men were mercilessly run-overed by the horseman.
Looking through the loot, Sa-alaac'mcburg no Weinstein found some nice looking nomad armor and a cap to go with it. Eager to make money, he turned around and rode to Jelkala. There, he sold the loot for some denars and turned in the prisoners for a good sum. But after speaking with the ransom broker, Sa-alaac'mcburg no Weinstein noticed the big-eyed merchant somewhat glaring at him. His face wore a look that said, So, where's your recruits? The adventurer almost forgot and blasted through the tavern door, while the merchant gave himself a palm to the face. Jumping on his steed, he then sped to the village he was heading to before.

At the village, the looter look-alike rode around the place, looking for the village elder. When Sa-alaac'mcburg no Weinstein finally found the old man, he asked, "Old man! Does this village have any lads fit for a man such as me?" But, the elder responded with a shocked/awkward expression. Then, the would-be leader corrected himself, "What I mean is, are any men here who can fight for me?"

"Ah, so that's what you meant," the elder whispered to himself. Clearing his throat, he called out to two men leaning on a wall, "Jeph! Korwen! Are you two still wanting to leave this 'dump-of-a-village'?" The men looked at him, then each other, then at him again, and waved to him. As they walked over, the elder muttered to Sa-alaac'mcburg no Weinstein, "Those two are er.... reliable." Sa-alaac'mcburg no Weinstein just nodded and payed the man. Now, he has two recruits, but it's still not enough to take on the bandits. He decided to head to the village in the west, next.
However, when he asked if the village had recruits, the elder there instead asked if Sa-alaac'mcburg no Weinstein can train them peasants. He replied bluntly, "You peasants have no business taking up arms. Just pay the bandits and be off with it." Of course, the man would have said something nicer, but he felt he had no choice. Then, he decided to head south.
After a few hours of travel, Jeph and Korwen begun to ask Sa-alaac'mcburg no Weinstein questions about how much will they be payed and when payday will come. He got them to shut up after paying them a denar each. Recruits are annoying, he muttered to himself.
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