The Tales of Camarilla Zen

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The Tales of Camarilla Zen

So, this will be my contribution to the AAR library, and I hope those of you who enjoy reading these as much as I do will find it to your liking. Comments and critique (constructive) is encouraged and appreciated.

These are the tales of the young miss Camarilla Zen. The tales are of course based on the actual game play, but loosely retold in the shape of the journals kept by Camarilla during her journeys. The detail will be kept focused on Camarilla's experiences and interpretations of the situations she finds herself in, and not on an exact regurgitation of the in-game events. The main focus will be on Camarilla's interaction with the people she encounters along the way and specifically her companions.

The beginning of Camarilla's journeys have been loosely planned ahead of actually playing them in order to establish a starting point and a backbone for these tales. As the tales progress the game play will become  more random and things will go their natural course, however, still with a final goal in mind, which shan't be revealed here.

Of the game settings I shall say only that I have used TweakMB to be able to hang deserters. The settings have no relevance to the tales and are set to my personal skill level at playing Warband to keep it interesting, but not impossible.

I am playing with the following mods for increased kickassness:
Arena Overhaul
Better Banners
More Horses
More War Horses
Historic Castles Project
Reworked Armors

Journal Entries
March 22, 1257 – Remembering
April 10, 1257 - Times of Change
May 5, 1257 - Quests for Glory, Part I
March 22, 1257 – Remembering

I just purchased this journal from one of the merchants in this caravan. It has been a long and tedious journey so far, and I need something to occupy my mind, take it off all those horrible nightmares I have been having recently. I am Camarilla Zen, daughter of Daimyo Jinq Zen and his wife Fao Zen. Or the late Daimyo and Mrs., I should say. I suppose I should start at the beginning and get my thoughts straight before I reach this new land, this…Calradia.

About a year ago my life was bliss. I was the only child of the noble Zen family, and grew up in a beautiful palace in Nippon without a concern in my life. I rode horses and played in the fields with the kids in the nearby village and my best friend Ginx, the oldest boy of the Tez family. Ginx and I used to play-fight, and as we grew older we were tutored in the use of the traditional weapons of our land. When I turned 18 and Ginx 20 our families announced our betrothal to the nobles of the land. Our families had always been close and our marriage was going to seal an alliance which would last for generations. I didn’t care about the politics; I was marrying for love, marrying my best friend since childhood and the only man I would ever love. If it helped my family politically as well I had no objections to that.

Unfortunately my father’s ancient rival, Daimyo Kamih, did. The alliance would have crippled his position with the Emperor and left his family exiled in the outskirts of the lower nobility. From my father’s meetings, which I used to listen to through a hole in the floor of the attic, I learned that Kamih was a man of high ambition and much cunning. I was soon to learn that he was also a cruel, cold and calculating man, and his ambitions drove him to commit the mortal sin: Murder. On the day of our wedding, in the beautiful gardens of the Zen palace, he committed his crime. Over 200 members of the Tez and Zen families were assembled in the gardens to witness our vows on that day. Over the walls they came, crashing through the gates, wielding weapons of death. No words were spoken, no begging for mercy was heard. I locked eyes with my father for one last time, and with my beloved husband of a mere 10 minutes. The look in both their eyes said the same: Save yourself my love! Run for your life precious girl! And I did. Like a scared little girl, I ran and left my loved ones to their fate. I slipped away through the hole in the wall which had led me to my adventures since I was a child. I heard the screams from the gardens as I ran. I ran until I heard a loud whistling sound and all went black.

When I woke up it was days later. My head bandaged and throbbing from the bolt which had struck me from behind. My first thought was how well that suited Daimyo Kamih: Striking a woman down from behind, from a distance. And then I cried. For days, weeks it seemed. I was comforted by my saviors, one of my father’s Captains and his wife who lived in the nearby village. They had found me, left for dead, after the massacre of my family. I was the sole survivor and the Zen family was no more. Captain Borz told me that Daimyo Kamih had accepted responsibility for his actions, but was pleading his case, claiming it was a battle which my father had had long coming and since he had not had the honor to meet him in duel, Kamih had taken matters to my father. A battle?! It was a massacre, plain and simple! Weeks went by and politics took their due course before finally the Emperor ordered Kamih arrested and tried for treason and murder on 213 counts. 213. That meant I was dead as well for that was the total number of people at the wedding, I had written the invitations myself.

Captain Borz had kept me hidden in fear of another attempt on my life. I stayed with the Borz family while the trial was taking place, training my weapon skills with the Captain and helping his wife with the daily duties. My father had always raised me to be able to take care of myself and at 19 years of age I was already a match for the Captain. On April 12, 1256, Daimyo Kamih was found guilty, stripped of his noble title and sentenced to death for his deeds. I was happy to see justice done, but the feeling was short lived and empty. It didn’t get any better when some of Kamih’s allies freed him from the dungeons the night before his execution and sent him away into hiding. No one has seen him since.

Almost a year to the day, and I am still looking. Finally I have found something. I learned that Kamih had fled to a distant land, this Calradia where I am now headed to finally see justice done at my own hands. Captain Borz tried to talk me out of it, but he was the one who prepared me for this journey, honing my fighting skills, teaching me everyday skills I needed to survive on my own, which I never learned in the palace. I think he knew I was going all along. He had even prepared a present for me: A beautiful set of swords and a traditional set of ornamented armor. It is magnificent workmanship and shall serve me well in this new country. I must beware not to wear it around people whom I expect to survive our encounter as the merchant I bought this journal from says it’s Strange to these lands and will attract much unwanted attention. So to be able to move unnoticed about I purchased an outfit more common to these regions. Brown fur and leather, not exactly what I’m used to, but it will have to do for now. I have only a few hundred denars left so my first actions here, although I hate wasting time in my search, must be to establish some sort of base from which I can generate some money to cover my expenses.

Well, I see people and livestock on the road next to us, and the rooftops of a city ahead, so it’s time to put the pen away and prepare for the unknown. The City of Praven in the Kingdom of Swadia, ruled by the just and honorable King Harlaus I’m told. It sounds like a good place for me to find a room for the next few weeks while I settle in. I hear there’s a feast going on at the King’s court. I must be in luck, a Royal feast on my day of my arrival! Those can’t be happening too often…

Camarilla Zen

My room at the tavern and the sparse equipment with which I travel

My gifts from Captain Borz

My skills

Very interesting story! I look forward to reading it through. Quick question though, how did you get the samurai armor in the beginning? I thought you couldn't get it in-game anymore... :neutral:
For the sake of the story she started with the gear, but I spent the first 3 or 4 days in-game traveling to the 3 cities where it can be found in the hidden chests. I had to add them via the cheat menu, which I think is the only way you can get them now.
much better than my story.
i wish there was a co-op mode for this game so i can tag along in your journey as a companion and be part of your story.
Heh, yeah, and a lot of breaks during playing to take notes too =/

I've reserved an hour to read yours tonight. Looks like a very interesting style.
It's different than most, as i don't really have to take notes. It doesn't matter which boyar i defeated, or which quests i did. The storyline is more important, so sometimes i can make little changes xD .
[url='link']'the text you want'[/url]

the parts between ' ' you have to fill in yourself.

i think you need this:
[url=]The Tales of Camarilla Zen[/url]
Hmm nice story :razz:
This resembles me my own story which started as similarly as main character(also lady)  betrothed got killed and she was lusted after vengeance.

You have nice style I must say and it's good idea to illustrate your story with pictures.
April 10, 1257 – Times of Change

I can’t believe it’s been almost three weeks already. I’ve been so busy I’ve had no time to write, but I must keep writing. I want to be able to look back, years from now, and know that I did the right thing.

I’m back in Praven after quite a bit of traveling. I’m sitting here in my tiny room enjoying some of the local treats. This is not the comfort level I’m used to and my body aches from the poor mattress. Mixed feelings are overwhelming me at the moment. Feelings of immense frustration after realizing how it will take me to find Kamih, but also feelings of relief at how well things have been going lately. There is no trace of Kamih, but adjusting and settling in has gone well.

After a surprise welcome by a local hoodlum, who clubbed me unconscious in a dark alley, I was saved by a local merchant who happened to see the incident. He tended to my wound and asked me about my weapons, which he had found but which I had not had the time to draw in the alley. He told me of some troubles with his missing brother, and with the kindness he had shown me I could not refuse him my help. Not exactly what I had in mind, but my honor bound me to this merchantman for a while. The merchant’s problems forced me to interact with the local villages, an experience which will serve me well in the future. I had to recruit some fighting men in order to deal with some bandits holding the merchant’s brother ransom. I kept those men under my command and paid them with the denars the merchant rewarded me with after freeing his brother.

I spent the first week in and around Praven, mostly here at my now permanent room and home at The Keg, as my tavern is appropriately named. Praven is famed for their beer, and I must admit it’s quite good. On my second night here I met a nice gentleman named Marnid. Turned out he was down on his luck after some unfortunate business adventures, and was looking to get back on his feet. I started talking to Marnid, and after a couple of days we had become quite friendly with each other and Marnid proposed a partnership. I had demonstrated some of my weapon skills at the local arena, and Marnid was impressed and thinks I will do well as a caravan leader. I suppose that’s one way to make money. At the arena we met a tribesman of the Khergit tribe, I think they were called. His name is Baheshtur and claims to be of noble origins. He had run into some trouble with the tribes of the steppe and is spending some time traveling until things cool down at home. I immediately noticed that he’s an intelligent man and I do believe he is of noble heritage. I persuaded him to join our growing business adventure and I think his knowledge of the Calradian nobility could come in handy in my search.

I think this is the right thing for me to do right now. I spoke to a traveler and also to a bard at The Keg, and they both told me of the turmoil in which this country finds itself. It seems to be an eternal struggle for power, and war is constantly raging in one region or the other. The strongest survive, and even commoners with the right ambitions can become kings. I have no doubt Kamih would do well for himself in a place like this, and he has got almost a year head start. I keep up with the news of the land through rumors and the daily announcements at the city square. Alliances formed and broken, trade agreements established and demolished, wars breaking out and peace treaties signed. There appear to be six dominant factions fighting for complete control of Calradia, but they are balanced so evenly that no one faction can gain the ground needed for superiority. All this warring will make my travels harder, and I need to raise some denars in order to hire more men to join me. I am well trained, but I cannot do this on my own.

Oh! I was fortunate enough to run into King Harlaus and his hunting party on our way out of Praven when we left with the first caravan of our little business! I announced myself leader of our party and he granted me permission to speak to him. After some pleasantries he asked me if I would deliver a letter for one of his vassals for him, since I was leaving in the direction of Thilbaut castle anyway. Needless to say I was speechless. The man is King and yet he doesn’t have a proper postal system? As to not cause insult, I accepted and he seemed happy and wished me well and said he hoped we would meet again. The twinkle in his eye, though, made me believe the assignment was not only for practical reasons. I find myself performing many such little tasks in the immediate area now. I have encountered more of the Counts of Swadia and they all seem happy enough to take advantage of my services.

We have also helped some villagers fight off bandits. That was my first real battle and it was exhilarating! I was so scared and nervous at first, but as the battle progressed I followed Baheshtur’s lead and we emerged victories, although I suffered a serious wound to my right side. It shall serve me as a reminder of what the future holds, and also as a reminder to keep my cursed elbow low when blocking! We helped train some peasants in another village so they could defend themselves against the constant raiding parties and later I hunted down a hot headed villain by the name Calradan for one of the other local Counts I had met hunting in the forest. Perhaps building a reputation for myself through battle will get me in with the nobles here, which should ease my search considerately. They seem very traditional and honorable and being victorious in battle is looked upon as one of the greatest achievements.

Well, back to my journeys. We traveled towards the city of Curaw, with local Swadian peasants with a desire for adventure joining our caravan along the way. Marnid said there would be good business there in iron. I have learned to trust Marnid’s nose for business by now. I have almost 5,000 denars in my chest after only three weeks of traveling and trading! On our way we traveled through the lands of the Vaegirs and the Nords. They are an impressively sturdy people, the Nords. Fighters by nature they are, as we were soon to feel on our own bodies. Near Curaw we had to combat a group of villains of the Nord breed, sea raiders the locals call them, which regretfully claimed the lives of three of the local Swadians who had taken up arms in my name. We were victorious, but it doesn’t make me happy to be a killer and a looter, but this is the turn my life has taken. I must abide by it until justice can be done and I can return home to reclaim my father’s palace and live life in peace again. We managed to capture one of the Nordsmen alive, although he did fight until we had him pinned to the ground. I didn't understand everything he said, with his odd accent, but I gathered as much as he liked my head and wanted to drink from my skull! I was furious after the loss of my recruits, but still couldn't bring myself to take his life. I decided to tie him behind one of the pack horses and hold him captive until I decided what to do. In Curaw I met a very distasteful fellow. He called himself a 'ransom broker'. Slave trader is more like it. Still being furious with the Nordsman I decided to give him a bit of his own medicine and sold him to the man-trader. Maybe he'll think twice before raiding and drinking out of people's skulls again. It appears a very common part of the circle of life here in Calradia. Taking prisoners of war and ransoming them off. I need the money, and I must live by these new rules as I'm sure the same would have happened to me had we lost the battle to those raiders. On the positive side we salvaged some very sturdy weapons and armory, which Baheshtur and Marnid now carries.

A real tragedy occurred, which haunts my soul still, when we were once again attacked by bandits in the mountains near the Nord city of Tihr. During the battle one of the untrained recruits ran right through my line of fire as I released my arrow, and it took him straight in the head. I tried desperately to save his life, but it was too late. If this group of mine is to have any chance of success I cannot suffer to see the lives of boys younger than myself die every week. I need to locate a good surgeon and healer to join the party. I checked amongst my men, which now counts over 20, but none of them were skilled in healing.

I did become friendly with two of the older men, who otherwise mostly kept to themselves. Firentis and Borcha are their names. Firentis is a true warrior in body and mind. I have asked him to look after some of the younger men and see to it that they get some training so we can avoid further accidents. Borcha is by no means a fighter. He is a nature lover and well versed in finding his way around the lands. I’ve made him my personal guide and his tracking skills are impressive. He had to run for his life due to a misunderstanding between him and a merchant in Uxkhal. I trust Borcha now, and believe he did nothing wrong. He seems a good hearted man. Firentis’ story is tragic. He accidently slayed his brother in a drunken stupor and now tries to make amends. He seems happy to be in my service as it gives him some purpose in life at last.

In Tihr we rested for a day after our battle. While I was taking a stroll around the city (which by the way looks like something I wouldn’t ask my horse to live in) I was approached by a dark skinned man who introduced himself as Nizar. He claimed he had noticed that I was a warrior by the way I moved, and was interested in knowing more about my trade. After knowing Nizar for about a week I suspect he noticed my walk for other things than my fighting skills. He seems a real ladies man and I must admit he can be quite charming…but I can’t allow myself to think like that. I did agree to let him travel with us until he reached his destination. Which by the way he never told me where was? He bought me some wine and somehow got me to talking about how I keep in such good shape. Ha ha, I suppose I’ll have to watch my step with this one, but he is a good warrior and I need his sword arm. He does have a strange habit of always appearing next to me without his shirt on when we camp, though.

On our way back to Praven we stopped in Suno, where I encountered two very interesting gentlemen. They were both a little misplaced in the common room of the small tavern, but as soon as Alayen yelled at me to fetch him some beer I knew I was dealing with nobility. They’re the same everywhere it appears. His friend is called Rolf, and they are both in a somewhat similar situation: Nobles of heritage, but no one to recognize it yet. They both firmly believe that their time will come and has joined with us for the time being. They need the money as much as I do I gather. As it happens, Rolf knows a little about healing and wound treatment, so it seems my prayers may have been heard.

In the time to come I shall try to interact more with the local Counts to gain some knowledge of what’s going on in the courts of Calradia. I shall also have to find a way to make this group come together. I have noticed some quarrels between some of the guys. My father always said I had the potential to be a great leader and I guess I shall find out if he was right soon enough.
I must return downstairs now. I have promised to treat the men to dinner and drinks on my coin after a successful journey. We shall rest here for some days while I consider our next move.

Calradan Hot-Head brought to justice

Nizar showing off the goods

Me and the boys

I've learned so much lately
:lol: Nizar, I would have never seen him like that until you brought it up. XD Although he did drop hints like, " prowess in the bed chamber, which I must admit, is quite good." Nice chapter once again! I look forward to more in the near future! :grin:
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