Mount and Blade absurity . . . accidently became hostile and now I can't get bac

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    I just finished helping Lady Isallo of Suno take the kingdom of Swadia. The Swadian faction relations resets to zero, then I'm voted as Marshall of Swadia. Okay, strange that it would reset to zero, but whatever. Then I help some Swadian farmers fight off some bandits, I talk to the farmers and accidentally click on the threaten option. Now suddenly, even though I'm the Marshall, my Swadian relations is at -4. I suddenly cannot enter my own castles anymore because they are hostile towards me, everyone runs away from me like I'm at war with them, yet, when I catch them, I still have the option of starting a campaign or giving them orders to follow me or whatever. However, I cannot improve my relations back to zero because now the game won't even allow me to help the Swadians in battle.

    I've spent the better part of the last three hours trying to figure out how to get my relations back to at least zero with Swadia so that I can enter my own castles. Geez, if anyone tries to siege a Swadian castle, I'm sunk, I won't be able to do anything.

    Is there anyway to cheat myself back to zero, or get myself back to zero with Swadia, or am I done? Because I'm not going to go through all that all over again just because I accidentally clicked threaten.

    Oh, by the way, to all you out there, DO NOT SELECT THE FORCED SAVE ON EXIT OPTION as I did. The other option allows for proper saving of the game so you won't be in the mess I'm in.
If you haven't already, talk to Lady Isano while she is in a town or castle. You'll need to get in disguise though. Talk to her and there should be a option where you can pay some money to repair the relation. Try not to further worsen your relationship or this may not work or you'll have to pay a hell lot of money.

This worked for me... but it was on a king and not a claimant... and I didn't belong to any faction.

Hope that helped
Alternatively you could try and help out as many Swadian parties as possible. e.g. Lords, caravans, peasants. That should raise it a bit. Or you could try and rescue a Swadian lord, in prison or by defeating the party that is holding him prisoner.
Yeah this happened to me, too.  I just bought my way back in.  It was frustrating, because I have the save before exit option on.  Regardless, I still reall like the auto-save feature.  Makes me feel like the events occurring are more realistic.  If unfortunate events occur, they occur.
Venitius said:
Or you could try and rescue a Swadian lord, in prison or by defeating the party that is holding him prisoner.

I hadn't thought of that, but the Lords and the lady don't even give me the option of asking where someone is, but I guess I can roam around looking to see if any prisoners are any lords from Swadia. But will that actually improve my relations with Swadia or just the one particular Lord I rescue?

Because a lot of the suggestions I've read as I look for an answer is only good for improving relations with an individual Lord, but does nothing, that I know of, to improve relations with a faction. Unless, by improving relations with a Lord does in fact improve by a fraction of a point my relations with their faction, but I doubt it.
Lemon45 said:
If you haven't already, talk to Lady Isano [sic] while she is in a town or castle.

Actually, I own two of the three towns we had left, so she ended up in a small castle in the area of Suno, and I did speak with her. She didn't give me any options that would allow me to improve my relations with her Kingdom that I single handedly gave to her on a silver platter.

Amroth said:
I just bought my way back in.

I can't find anyone willing to give me the option of buying my way back in. I assume it's because it was designed for when you're not part of a faction, but when you are part of a faction, the option isn't even given for you to buy your way back into neutrality with a faction because your relations with them is always supposed to be what your faction's relations with them are, i.e. at war or not at war. I mean, as far as I can tell, it's probably impossible to improve relations with any faction that you are at war with other than them offering your faction peace. It was probably designed to be this way so that you couldn't be neutral with a faction that your faction was at war with.

And there in must lie the glitch. They really should have thought of this, especially when designing that the faction reset to zero after helping them gain the throne from the former king. Then at least they could have created the ability to pay your way back to nuetral.

But then there must be a way, they must have realized the possibility of someone joining a faction and then raiding some towns within there own kingdom and losing favor with their faction. Maybe they thought the person could just leave the faction and start all over again with them.

I own two towns and a castle, but then Lady Isollo doesn't even give me the option to break away from her faction either. Maybe because I'm the Marshall right now.

If anyone has any other ideas please do not hesitate to throw them at me.
Thanks to a suggestion by Venitius, I figured out what to do. There is a way, but it's a long tedious process. Fortunately, I was only at -4. After I rescued 1 Swadian Lord from captivity and then let him go, I improved my relation with him as well as my relation with Swadia. My relation with Swadia only went up by 2 points for each Swadian Lord that I rescued and let go. Now I'm back at zero finally, and can do everything I'm supposed to be able to do, as far as I can tell, that is.

If there are other ways of improving relations with factions you're at war with other than helping them in battles/Sieges, as helping them in battles/sieges are impossible when they are at war with you, please let me know, the more we know, the less tedious it will be if anyone else, or myself, gets into that situation again.
Yeah you know what, this is a much more detailed description of my issue.

Is there any sane way of improving faction relation in this situation, or is the "threaten peasant" option secretly a "RUIN GAME" button?
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